Fr. Janvier Gbenou fires back at Bergoglio
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6 thoughts on “Fr. Janvier Gbenou fires back at Bergoglio”

  1. Fr. JesusMary Messigbeto..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤩.

    God Bless his faithful, holy Priests with their courage in the Holy Spirit to STAND AND FIGHT against this current darkness.

    1. Yes, we have to respect priests, who thought they still be fooled on who is the pope, nevertheless are standing with Christ at the risk of everything that pro B16 priests are suffering and risking….

  2. More courageous fire in the belly of this priest than in the whole of the Sacred College. A touch more wisdom & he’ll recognize the Bergog for the imposter he is.

    1. We encourage fellow priests to dialogue with him. He has the makings of a Saint….now he just needs a little more light….

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