Is the U.S. Supreme Court Chief justice involved in a plot to intimidate his colleagues?

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3 thoughts on “Is the U.S. Supreme Court Chief justice involved in a plot to intimidate his colleagues?”

  1. It will be most interesting to watch whether the “investigation” Roberts launched in wake of the draft opinion’s having been leaked yields a credible discovery, or a facsimile of the Warren Commission.

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Roberts is involved in such a plot. He was quickly recognized as a turncoat wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing soon after he was appointed to SCOTUS, especially after he was the sole reason the unconstitutional Obamacare was foisted on the American public.

    Glenn Beck did a great schtick soon after the Obamacare decision, portraying him as the “Dread Pirate Roberts” (from the movie “Princess Bride”). That was spot on.

  3. According to Mike Adams ( Roberts is involved in pedo-activities.
    Unfortunately he is far from being the only more or less public person:
    see for more the information by brave US-lawyer Lin Wood about the international pedophile mafia who rules the world:

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