Glazov, the Russophile: Putin is evil, Russia awaits its promised conversion

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3 thoughts on “Glazov, the Russophile: Putin is evil, Russia awaits its promised conversion”

  1. Beautiful commentary on the spiritual battle going on and the hope for the conversion of Russia. Pray, fast, say the rosary, wear your scapula and do the 1st 5 Saturdays in honor of our lady of Fatima

  2. We should also pray for the conversion of a
    Big Nation where it is possible to commit the absurd
    crime of killing an unborn baby at the 9th Month,
    maybe a few days before birth.

    Otherwise there is the Asteroid announced by
    Saint HILDEGARD OF BINGEN… in front of
    the coasts of Puerto Rico and Virginia-Georgia.
    According to Mexican prof. Alberto Zecua…
    waves with a height of 40 meters.
    Also pope Saint John Paul the II talked about
    this to the magazine “Stimmes des Glaubens”.
    Pope Benedict XVI suppressed this information taken
    from the Third Secret of fatima, and since 2013
    is diminished to a “half pope”.

    “Non si muove foglia che Dio non voglia”.
    (No leaf moves if God does not want this)
    Giancarlo Rossi

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