Pfizer not only killed and maimed, but lied and gaslighted DeathVaxx trial recipients

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One thought on “Pfizer not only killed and maimed, but lied and gaslighted DeathVaxx trial recipients”

  1. “The evidence of malpractice and possible fraud in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials is certainly stacking up now. But very few people are aware of it as it is mostly only being reported in alternative media. When will mainstream outlets start following up properly on this potentially massive story?”

    Is it correct to presume, the MSM will never follow up because they, above all, were ser ants of the system and weaponized it? This is another example of hoping for justice from a mafia racket, isn’t it?

    Br. I think every story you post should come with a big fat link to OMC’s red pill history series. They did their evil propaganda, From Rome can do it for good. Repetitio mater studiorum.

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