The Two Neo-Nazi groups which Russia has called upon to assist its agrression in Ukraine
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One thought on “The Two Neo-Nazi groups which Russia has called upon to assist its agrression in Ukraine”

  1. Whatever…Nobody is going to change the ‘Nut Job’s’ believing Putin. The NEE-EE-EE-D for ANY KING OF HOPE; albeit ‘FALSE HOPE’ is so strong in a world gone mad having NO predictability, morals and ethics that even a KGB-Trained, Communist Thug specializing in Psychological Warfare oriented in Propaganda is the PREFERED OPTION to a country having a Jewish leader. ‘FALSE HOPE” is better than NO HOPE AT ALL and before this current time, I had NO CLUE there were so many people calling themselves Christian of the Catholic Relgion who HATED THE JEWS as there most certainly are…And, they claim they don’t hate Jews. People prefer this Satanist Putin OVER Ukraine and have NO CLUE the WEF/CCP Cabal is behind EVERYTHING AND PUTIN IS A MEMBER SINCE THE 1990’s. Might as well save your breath…The U.S. population has become weak, stupid and lazy and from that, it’s LOST ITS EDGE and is not willing to fight for the FREEDOM SPOILING IT to the point of forgetting what Communist Tyranny of Russia and China really is.

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