Anti-Vaxxers have intuitively used the Nudge Theory to save themselves

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2 thoughts on “Anti-Vaxxers have intuitively used the Nudge Theory to save themselves”

  1. I was suspicious of a Info-manipulation since February 2020,
    because of the following reasons:
    1°) This virus appeared in Wuhan , a city with a bio-lab,
    that was blamed since 2015 in the Italian TV program “TG-3
    Leonardo” of channel RAI-3 for doing researches in virus,
    making them more dangerous. And NOBODY in the Italian
    MS-Media was remembering that…

    2°) The famous cover of the ECONOMIST for 2019…
    (the Leonardesque-Vitruvian man with a MASK , a
    PANGOLIN, and a Smartphone with a QR-CODE !!!)
    (Italy: country with the highest mortality per 100000 hab.)

    3) In CHINA even young people were dying while walking,
    working, etc. This cannot be caused by a problem of the lungs
    (not only of the lungs), but a heart infarction, a cerebral
    stroke, something involving blot cloths, altered coagulation, DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION…
    (and it is frequently due to disorders of the PHOSPHOLIPIDS).

    4) In february 2020 there was an HINDU publication in the
    ARXIV online medical journal, about the finding of a sequence
    similar to the glycoprotein GP-120 belonging to HIV-AIDS in
    After reading that article, I WAS 100% SURE* it was an
    (and in TV my former idiot or Freemason colleague Roberto
    Burioni was saying it was natural…)

    5) In February 26 of 2020 my father felt in home and broke
    his right homer bone, the 118 ambulance carried Him to the
    SANT’ANDREA Hospital in Grande Raccordo Anulare north
    of Rome. In the “Yellow Room” of “Pronto Soccorso”
    NOBODY CARRIED A FACE MASK, there were many doctors
    and nurses with long beards, and I talked with a neurologist
    friend of mine, that minimized the problem of Covid-19
    as a CORONAVIRUS, a virus that provoked the “COMMON
    COLD” and that usually people will be well in 3 days and only
    a small fraction of patients would have died, around 0,1%,
    even without specific therapy.
    THEY HAD 3 DEATHS because of Covid-19 (and were forced
    to close the “Yellow Room” until sanitary measures adopted)

    In March 3, I took my father again to the PS of an Hospital,
    and was the first person resulted positive to Covid-19
    in Villa San Pietro Hospital (via Cassia)…

    He was put in isolation for 4 days, and they were ready to
    take him to the Spallanzani infectious diseases hospital.
    gave him on of the most powerful antibiotics… VANCOMICIN!

    PS-> I know it was a process “conducting Him to God”, since
    26 is the number of TETRAGRAMMATON in the Kabbalah.

    (to be continued)

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