Archbishop Lefebvre appointed Pedophiles to start favorite Mission in Gabon


One of the accused Pedophiles is now serving in Poland. Another is in Orlando, Florida. Another in France. Another in Africa.

The video is in English, but there is a version with subtitles in French, here.

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9 thoughts on “Archbishop Lefebvre appointed Pedophiles to start favorite Mission in Gabon”

  1. Once asked, “What is ‘clericalism’,” I replied: a false appeal to “authority” by clerics. These sad accounts illustrate a further nuance: that such “clerics” hold themselves beyond accountability to justice. That the Society has not learned anything, particularly in the face of the last twenty years, concerning offenders’ facing responsibility for criminal behavior lends credence to the accusation that the Society is little more than a cult holding within its bosom, notwithstanding & tragically, the charism of apostolic succession.

  2. 2010 –
    Obama administration backs Vatican in pedophile case



    2021 –

    2021 –

    2021 –

    Sabbatean SSPX –

    2014 ––t47307
    The usual suspects.

    1. Forgive my naivety; why would Messiah-deniers support the Sacraments of salvation in any way? Do you count the motivation as simply a means to flame the fires of division within the Mystical Body?

      1. Your question is besides the point. It is a public fact that an agent of the Rothschilds held an important post in the Financial circles of the SSPX. You need to ask them your question. — I think it is because the money backing the SSPX comes from St. Gallen.

  3. The DIVINE Institution of the Spotless Bride of the Spotless Lamb, Holy Mother the Church, is run by fallen human beings who like ALL of us suffer from temptations of the flesh, the world, and the devil. THUS…

    We are not surprised at the corruption.

    Rather, we give glory for the unveiling of the corruption in this time of Revelation, and with St Augustine we say, “But for the grace of God go I.”

    We praise Him for the infused virtue of Faith that we neither deserve nor can ever of ourselves earn. We beseech Our Lady to grant us perpetual gratitude for the Gift of Faith.

    1. The mother church is not an earthly institution made up of clerics… The Apostle Paul tells us It is the “Jerusalem above the mother of us all” believers in the redemptive work of Christ Gal 4:26

      Just as “Jesus is the Head of the church” Col 1:18,
      so are we co-operatively His body upon the Earth.

      1. The Church comprises the souls glorified in the Heavenly Jerusalem and those fighting still on earth the spiritual battle, as well as the souls which suffer. You cannot arrive at any other conception of Church if you read Saint Paul’s letters.

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