CIONCI: Q. & A in Italian, on the Great Question of our Day: Benedict XVI

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4 thoughts on “CIONCI: Q. & A in Italian, on the Great Question of our Day: Benedict XVI”

  1. Se ricordate che:
    1) Papa Ratzinger aveva una leucemia (o altra malattia del sangue)… forse da avvelenamento?;
    2) Al Vaticano avevano sospeso lo SWIFT dei pagamenti interbancari, come ad una qualsiasi “Rogue Nation”, e questo non l’hanno fatto attualmente ad esempio a GAZPROM-BANK; 3) Si rumoreggia che in quanto CAPO dello IOR, il Papa dovesse rispondere di riciclaggio dei fondi della Mafia, adirittura rischiando l’arresto (infatti SORVOLO’ il territorio italiano per recarsi a CASTELGANDOLFO);
    4) Gli resero la vita impossibile, con furti delle sue carte private dalla scrivania;
    5) Secondo me pensava gli rimanesse da vivere poco!

    1. 1 – B16 non ha luceuia.
      2 – vero…
      3 – IOR stava sotto controllo della CIA dal tempo di P12, e la CIA conservava la sua parte del guadagno della Mafia nel IOR.
      4 – Verissimo
      5 – Credo che il Signore ha rivelato a lui che vivra più lungo che il suo opponente.

  2. I think we all agree that the current satanist who took power in the Vatican, bergoglio, is neither the real Pope nor a Christian.

    Since 2013 when his pupetmasters removed Benedcit 16 the real Pope, bergoglio aka satan’s whore has been busy destroying the Catholic church from inside.

    From kissing stinking muslim invader’s feets to removing the mass in latin, to covering up pedophilia to promoting the devil’s lgbt ‘religion’, to being a drug dealer and a mass murderer for pushing Catholics to get injected withe pfizer poison, it is clear this vermin is the devil’s creature in fake Pope’s garment.

    How do we get rid of this scumbag?

    Shall we condone murder to eliminate an illuminati/satanist/mason from the heart of Christendom?

    We can’t really count on the wisdom of the so-called catholics as millions are too stupid and faithless to even notice the satanist and masonic cermonies taking place in the Vatican…

    One thing is for sure, the vermin bergoglio has already a place in hell, right under satan’s ass, ready to receive tons of burning shit on his evil face.

    1. We can not advocate his murder. But we could advocate the intervention of a government. This is why the failure of Catholics in Italy to form a strong political party is also a failure to defend the Church.

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