The US Govt started Developing the DeathVaxx in 2015

 Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The narrative that Glen Beck proposes in the above video is lacking some important information.

First of all, he states right at the beginning of the video that he believes in the efficacy of the vaccines. That should be a real warning sign to anyone watching this video, by now, since there is overflowing from every nation massive amounts of information on how dangerous, deadly and damaging these serums are.

And in fact, if you are to sell a vaccine for a virus, you first have to convince everyone that the virus exists. Even if you were to buy the Rockefeller funded century long lie that viruses do exist, you need to admit that there is no evidence that SarsCov19 exist as such. All we know is its genome. No laboratory in the world claims to have samples.

So what is the point of all the indirect evidence of a virus led from the Wuhan Lboratory in September / October 2019?  If it does not exist, you can only establish a narrative that it does by indirect evidence.

What we do know is that what is claimed to be the virus is nothing more than a genetic sequence read over the phone from China.

So what is the real point of the search for a Bat virus and the research into a coronavirus?

It all comes down to creating a plausible and seemingly rock solid narrative for the NECESSITY OF THE VACCINE.

With that understood you can understand that the real meat in the above documentary video is not the part about developing a virus, but the GENETIC EXPERIMENTATION in protein synthesis to find the spike protein which could be weaponized as an instrument of mass global genocide.

Remember, that the Globalists have worked for that goal for a century. With that understood you can see how much of what Glen Beck reveals is based on information created by the persons whom he is holding to be criminals for the same motive that they have always had: massive profits and global population reduction.

ITALY: Goldman Sachs Dictatorship orders Super Green Pass by Dec. 6

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Hours ago, the Mario Draghi creative-destructive Dictatorship announced it’s unconstitutional criminal decision to further destroy the Italian people and economy by establishing the super Green Pass, a sort of super DeathVaxx Passport, which goes into effect on December 6, 2021 A. D..

Below you can read the preliminary summary of the Dictate. Above, in my video, you can hear my personal reaction and analysis of Draghi’s Fatal Mistake.

The obligations of this new Dictatorial Decree are as follows:

Super Green Pass

The Super Green Pass will only be granted to those who have been DeathVaxxed or can prove they were cured from the Virus which was never proven to exist and which can be detected effectively by no test.

Those without the Super DeathVaxx Passport will NOT be allowed to atttend:

  • All public functions of the Catholic Church,
  • All spectacles
  • All sporting events
  • Inside Bars and Restaurants
  • Festivals, Parties and Disco-techs
  • All Hotels and Motels
  • All Dressing Rooms and Locker Rooms for sports
  • All Regional Trains
  • All Public Transport

Furthermore, in Zones which are not White or Yellow, no one will be allowed to attend these functions.

The Super DeathVaxx will NOT be granted to those who are DeathSwabbed.

Those who are DeathSwabbed however will still be allowed to work and travel at a distance.

The DeathVaxx Passport will NO longer be valid for 12 months, but will now be valid only for 9 months.

DeathVaxx Obligation Extended

In addition, the Navy, Army, Airforce, Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and the State Police as well as all municipal police are NOW obligated to take the DeathVaxx by December 15, 2021 or they will lose their jobs.

This obligation for the DeathVaxx also includes ALL teachers in all schools and ALL medical professionals.

Both Groups will now also have to take the THIRD DOSE.

DeathMask Obligation Extended

There will now be the obligation to wear the DeathMask — sign of submission — in the open air in all Yellow Zones, with NO exceptions, neither for the DeathVaxxed or the non DeathVaxxed.


Children under 12 years of age are exempt, even if they are DeathVaxxed.

+ + +


One of the first public reactions came from the National Secretary of the Union for State Police:

His argument is, that since the State Police do not deny that there is a Pandemic, and since their members have faithfully enforced all the Sanitary Regulations, and since the GreenPass has shown no effect in reducing cases of Covid-19, their members should not be obliged by Dec. 15 to be Vaccinated, especially since some of those who have been have already experienced bad reactions, even some deaths.

Citizens who have been fined, harassed and terrorized by the State Police would find this argument pathetic, as I am sure the readers of would agree.  Everyone, especially those who serve the Globalist Dictatorships, needs to know that you are not going to get a free pass from enslavement or death by serving their agenda. That is now evident.



Communicato Stampa della Lega Autisti Autotrasporatori Independenti Siciliani


Ente del Terzo Settore

Finalmente, ieri 20 NOV 2021, grazie ad un gruppo di persone molto fattive e altrettanto professionali è nata la “LEGA AUTISTI AUTOTRASPORTATORI INDIPENDENTI SICILIANI ENTE DEL TERZO SETTORE” (L.A.A.I.S.E.T.S.), una rivoluzione sociale, culturale e professionale che pone la Sicilia all’apice ed all’avanguardia di un settore da sempre dominato da altre organizzazioni che fanno parte della GDO, Grande Distribuzione.
La “LEGA AUTISTI AUTOTRASPORTATORI INDIPENDENTI SICILIANI ENTE DEL TERZO SETTORE” (L.A.A.I.S.E.T.S.) ha tra i principali obbiettivi quella di volere perseguire in generale finalità di utilità sociale, civiche, di tutela e solidaristiche a favore dei propri associati, dei loro nuclei familiari, dei terzi con cui interagiscono, attraverso azioni, presso le Istituzioni nazionali ed estere, atte a favorire migliori condizioni di lavoro, di salute nel rispetto dei principi sanciti dalla Carta costituzionale.
Ben presto l’operatività dell’associazione L.A.A.I.S.E.T.S. sarà manifestata con azioni di formazione professionale rivolte inizialmente principalmente al settore della Logistica e dell’Autotrasporto per poi concorrere allo sviluppo e preparazione dei settori ad essi pertinenti con una visione del tutto nuova e moderna manifestando anche una particolare attenzione alle generazioni future perché acquisiscano le conoscenze necessarie per riformare l’intero settore. Partneriati Internazionali sono stati sviluppati ed altri sono in itinere, l’Associazione ha un preciso impegno quello di stabilizzare il settore e di combattere il fenomeno dell’abusivismo così come quello del “social dumping”.
La “LEGA AUTISTI AUTOTRASPORTATORI INDIPENDENTI SICILIANI ENTE DEL TERZO SETTORE” (L.A.A.I.S.E.T.S.) persegue la propria missione sociale avvalendosi anche di attività istituzionali, di Associati ed Iscritti agli Enti ad essa associati o che aderiscono alla rete associativa proposta ed operativa.
Per ogni ulteriore informazione o per eventuale rapporto associativo di cooperazione e partecipazione avrete presto indicazioni in merito:
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National Police Union denounces the DeathVaxx to the Draghi Government

Introduction and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The National Council for Police Unions has issued its formal dissent to the plan by the Goldman Sachs Sanitary Dictatorship of Mario Draghi to DeathVaxx all the armed forces of Italy, including the State Police and the Carabinieri.

In their official press release, they cite the statistics published by the Italian national health institute (ISS) and findings by the Lancet which argue that the DeathVaxx is not effective. They demand that their members not be discriminated against or threatened in any way for refusing the experimental genetic serum.

For a PDF of their press release, see:

COSAP is a new Union  formed since the time of the Plandemic. It aims to recruit as members all the Police who are refusing to allow their constitutional rights to be trampled upon. Without the State Police and Carabinieri the Mario Draghi government will not be able to maintain law and order in Italy.

Their official website is:

If you want freedom, Start a “Citizens against Democide” Club

Previous Videos mentioned or referred to in this video:

What does the word “democide” mean?

From Wikipedia:

Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats.[1][2]

According to Rummel, genocide has three different meanings. The ordinary meaning is murder by government of people due to their national, ethnic, racial or religious group membership. The legal meaning of genocide refers to the international treaty on genocide, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This also includes nonlethal acts that in the end eliminate or greatly hinder the group. Looking back on history, one can see the different variations of democides that have occurred, but it still consists of acts of killing or mass murder. The generalized meaning of genocide is similar to the ordinary meaning but also includes government killings of political opponents or otherwise intentional murder. In order to avoid confusion over which meaning is intended, Rummel created the term democide for this third meaning.[5]

(Source: Here)

An explanation in How to do Citizens’ Arrests in the USA:
