Br. Bugnolo launches a social media platform for free speech

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

And its name is  You can even message me privately on the platform when you need to contact him. Members can all call each other by encrypted text, audio and video messaging.

To enroll you only need to chose a username and password. It’s free for all.

The headline of this article is a slight exaggeration. The idea of a platform was the project of AJ Baalmand and myself, and we launched it through Ordo Miltiaris Inc., a Montana corporation dedicated to the defense of Christians, which we both founded, and of which I am president. But I know I have a lot of fans here at FromRome.Info, I know that mentioning my own name will get you to read this notice.

Since the platform is backed by a U. S. Corporation, you can even invest in it by buying stock.

I personally invite you all to join.  Platforms such as Twitter and FB are not only attempting to manipulate you but are using your activity there to identify you and target you. On CrossAzure we gather no data and use no method for favoring one persons posts over another. The style of the site is microblogging, and we hope the site grows so we can add a market place and video publishing platform too.

Click the image below for more information.

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