3 thoughts on “At Vatican II, Time Inc. went to war with the Vatican Press Agency, and won”

  1. Finally.
    ..A voice or 2 crying out in the wilderness.. John23rd rescinded the edict of Pius 12th that no Communists could be a member or the Carholic Church. 6 mos after P12 died and J23 took over( in a very wierd election bt way) he allowed Com.munists to be members.of the CC. Then he called the Council V2
    In 1960 he read the 3rd Secret of Fatima, but wouldn’t release it.
    Hans Kung wrote a book called WHY PRIESTS..
    He was a heretic who openly stated there was no Hell
    The larger question looms.. Why were these plants in the Priesthood not ever excommunicated?

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