The EU is planning to DeathVaxx you 6 times?

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2 thoughts on “The EU is planning to DeathVaxx you 6 times?”

  1. Distinguished Leadership Award? Hahahahahahahahaha
    These people are just to much!
    They give their close friends awards, and continue to deceive and lie to people, while they also profit on the award winners poison, that permanently injures many, so they can profit on them again, but also profit on the people they kill. If you don’t think that these people are pure evil, you are lost.
    In the near future, when things hopefully have calmed down a little, we will come for them all like a summer wind, and sweep them away for good. They always underestimate us, and that is a good thing. Keep on doing that, as we build ourselves stronger underneath. The time will come.
    There will be no mercy at all..

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