by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Marco Alonzo was my good friend at Rome. I met him at a rally against the Scamdemic in June of 2020. Following that he interviewed me several times for his YouTube Channel, Decimo Toro. He was a kind and gentle man, full of natural joy, camaraderie, and inspired by a great zeal for truth and friendship.
But, today, I have the very sad duty to inform you all that he passed away yesterday at Umberto I Hospital. I had advised you that he was intubated there after contracting an aggressive infection. He was treated for Covid-19, but the treatments at home and in hospital did not have an effect. Due to the Sanitary Fraud, no one was able to visit him, except some of his closest friends.
I do not know what he really had. And since all treatments for the alleged virus failed, I really think he was done in, for he was the ardent voice of truth, against which, what is about to happen, would have found an even more ardent warrior.
Marco Alonzo was a baptized Catholic. He was the producer and publisher of the YouTube Channels Decimo Toro and Decimo Toro 2. He was famous throughout Italy among all classes for his sustained honest criticism of current events. He was especially an ardent critic of the Scamdemic and of Bergoglio.
He was wont to appear on Youtube, showing only the lower part of his face.
He at times gave voice to those who hold that Benedict XVI is the Pope and at times to those who thought he was not. He defended the Catholic Faith strongly on several topics, though he was not a practicing Catholic himself, by his own definition. His moral influence led to the production of the famous documentary, A Message in a Bottle, in which he also appeared, though he did not produce that documentary.
Here are some videos he made with me during the last year or so:
He did confirm years ago he suffered from multiple illness. May he rest in peace!🙏
I am very sad to learn about the death of a friend like Marco “Cosmo” Alonso. Sometimes he was very critic, but his criticism was always well motivated and brilliantly to the point.
He was a genuine Christian and voice of freedom and truth.
We are going to miss him, I miss him already.
Rest In Peace Marco, that video of him just showing part of himself that you used for the photo, was the first video I saw after our video against the Scamdemic with the guide stones; that YouTube kept recommending.
Con dolore e speranza:
Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine
Et lux perpetua luceat ei:
Requiescat in pace.
Dear Brother Alexis Bugnolo:
I am sincerely sorry and sad for the loss of your good friend. I agree with your viewpoint that he was likely done in.
May His Soul find His Eternal Reward in the Beatific Presence.Immagine the joy as he is told “Well done Good and faithful Servant” Condolences to all his friends.I hope his work continues. May his soul and the souls of the Faithful departed rest in Peace
Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine
Et lux perpetua luceat ei:
Requiescat in pace.
Grazie di tutto e per il tuo ineccepibile lavoro Marco
Purtroppo nella comunicazione pubblica che Marco “Cosmo” Alonzo per alcuni anni fece attraverso il canale YouTube “Il Decimo Toro” c’è invece (dal punto di vista cattolico) molto da eccepire, a cominciare dalla ripetuta pubblica dichiarazione del Sig. Alonzo, un battezzato cattolico, di non essere cattolico (il che rendeva… bizzarro, diciamo così, il suo asserito interesse per la difesa della tradizionale Dottrina cattolica).
Una pubblica dichiarazione di abiura della Fede cattolica è, in fòro esterno, certamente materia grave di peccato.
L’abiura del Sig. Alfonso sembrava nella prassi confermata da un suo sincretismo spiritualista che presentava senza condannarle , come da certo magistero cattolico, pratiche di “meditazione” orientale che, quando anche non sono espliciti atti idolatrici, tolgono l’unico Dio SS. Trinità, tramite la Sua Seconda persona unico possibile Salvatore dalla dannazione eterna dell’uomo, dalla attenzione di chi le pratica e lo predispongono ai malefici influssi dei demoni.
Ciò ricordato, ricordiamo anche le numerose opere di carità compiute dal Sig. Alonzo, speriamo che nei giorni della sua agonia in ospedale si sia affidato pienamente a N.S. Gesù Cristo e lasciamo il giudizio all’Onnipotente, pregandolo intensamente perché anche per merito delle nostre preghiere trovi giusto concedere la salvezza al mio amico Sig. Marco Alfonso. R.I.P.
My heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your dear friend.
“Think where man’s glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.” — W.B. Yeats
Che triste notizia. Ho parlato spesso con Marco. Fra Alexis stia attento la prego.
May his immortal soul rest in peace with our Saviour. Br B. Maybe by your prayers and friendship with him you were a victim soul for his salvation.
The correct spelling is Marco Alonzo.
He was a primary school teacher in Roma.
Requiem aeternam dona Marco Domine.
Lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace.
Per me e per molte persone hai fatto un’ enorme differenza.
Maestro, ti voglio bene e ti ringrazio. Arrivederci. Prego per te, come tu hai sempre pregato per noi.
Mia esperienza personale..
Ho detto e spiegato mille volte queste cose nel gruppo e chat di cui faccio parte..
Io ho avuto una grave infezione polmonare nel maggio 2019 feci un mese di ospedale per BATTERIO!!!!! resistente a normali antibiotici contratto a Pisa zona abitativa e lavorativa di IMMIGRATI portatori sani di questi BATTERI resistenti!!! Ci sono voluti dieci giorni analisi, ripeto DIECI GIORNI di analisi sangue giornaliere, solo per capire che batterio era e solo dopo ho avuto ANTIBIOTICI!!! MIRATI contro quel tipo di, batterio, mentre infezione mi aveva preso il cuore (pericardite), ogni altro antibiotico NON funzionava..
Oggi, o anche un anno fa, se avessi avuto la stessa infezione sarei stato subito tamponato e uscito positivo e quindi CURATO per VIRUS INESISTENTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COVID cioè sarei stato intubato e…..
Ce ne sono diversi tipi e molto resistenti di questi BATTERI!ma per guarire devi sapere precisamente qual è il batterio, se pero’ come accade da due anni si fa solo tampone e il tampone dà positivo a qualunque infezione polmonare, allora.. sei MORTO INTUBATO!!!