6 thoughts on “A personal reason Why they had to get rid of Pope Benedict XVI”

  1. “Oremus pro Pontificace nostra Benedictus Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non trader eum in animam inimicorum eius. Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram adedificabo Ecclesiam Meam, et portae inferi non prevalebunt adversus eaum”

    I am Thine and all I have is Thine oh most Loving Jesus throu Mary Thy Holy and Immaculate Mother.

    Long Live Our Holy Father Christ’s Visible Head and may all come to recognize who Our Holy Father is and return to the Kingship of Christ and the Holder of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  2. In my heart, Pope Benedict was and still is our Holy Father.

    We must, however, pray for Francis – that he may be relieved of the evil influences he is under before he does too much harm to the church.

    1. It is pretty clear that Bergoglio is the False Prophet. If he is, then as the Apocalypse says, his name is NOT written in the book of life, and therefore, our prayers for him are in vain.

    1. Pope Benedict XVI on account of what was done to his cousin, would have never remained silent during the Plandemic which used murdered babies to provide a cure for a disease which was never proven to exist and which was promoted by the intentional murder of the weak and sickly to achieve dictatorial control of everyone and everything.

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