Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
on article above (click image to read)
There comes a point when supporters become more ridiculous than the leader they support. And that moment arrives daily in the case of the followers of the Anti-Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
In his latest diabolic stunt, he has, “in the name of God”, called for the institution of universal salaries for all, whether they work or not, and the availability of the DeathVaxx for all — in an evident attempt to make sure that no one ever receives that salary for long.
It is a blasphemy of the living God to call in the name of God for that which kills His creatures and renders them indolent. It is a blasphemy because He is the God of Life and the God who ordained man to work in sweat as a punishment for the sin of Adam.
But it is a blasphemy, above, all, to invoke the Holy Name of God when calling for such things.
What those who name Bergoglio in the canon of the Mass, and who attend such masses do, however, is a greater blasphemy. They attend Mass to receive the Sacrament and to do so pay the price of regarding as insignificant that the Holy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is offered in communion with the most antichristic man who has ever lived: who prevented the Faithful from celebrating Easter for the first time in 2000 years, who by his orders has forced them to attend Mass blaspheming the Living God by wearing the mask and in sacrilege, by accepting that His Body be dropped in their hands like a cookie.
For the sake of not being called a schismatic from Globalism or from the regime, they have sold their souls for the deeds of sin and shamefulness.
Such is the sad lot of those who call the Anti-Pope, “the Pope”.
These are the Christians who have given power to the Beast, so that as pope, and now in the name of God, he could convince 1.2 Billion Catholics to take the DeathVaxx and die. These are the Catholics who have given power to the False Prophet, so that he could with impunity be obeyed when ordering priests and seminarians to be deathvaxxed as a condition for remaining in the ministry or being ordained.
These are the defiant and proud men who for the sake of a public external show presume of themselves to declare good evil and evil good.
These are the disciples, not of Jesus Christ, but of the Antichrist to come.
Finally, Bergoglio has shown that the vast majority of Catholics live not by the Catholic Faith, but live either by the spirit of the Pharisees of old, who want a religion of externals, or by the spirit of the Sadducees who are concerned with power and influence, but discount spiritual or eternal truths and goods. I for one, as a child, wondered why the Church in Her liturgy cited passages from scripture every Sunday in which Christ was railing against both groups. Now I see She knew exactly what was going on in the hearts of men.
this is the goal of the anti Church: A Virtual Reality life, where everything is simulated. Money isn’t real. (Hence neither is Basic Income), but more freightening neither work or life… It is the structuring of Hell on Earth…
Bergoglio’s statement simply has to be translated, just like all the gobbledegook coming out of modernists: his “god” is Lucifer, so I suppose his ardent desire for the death and enslavement of all humanity is quite in conformity with the nature of the “god” he worships… The problem lies with so many putative Christians not recognizing the nature of the god towards whom Bergoglio and his ilk render worship. But of course, I agree that calling on Lucifer for the destruction of humanity is an indescribable sacrilege and affront to the Most High, but as St Paul assures us, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.” Galatians 6:7
Yesterday I have been excluded from a Tradition minded Facebook group
(also on Twitter now : )
for having commented on the same line as your article. They censure all contradiction.
This is the link to their website:
Traduction française :
L’antipape blasphème le Dieu vivant en appelant à la mort pour tous par vaccination
And the Devil inpires your grotesque attack on catholics who do not share your opinion or believe they are qualified to make such judgments. You seem to despise them more than the man who claims to be pope which is saying a lot. Defiant and proud man indeed, he who condemns catholics for not adhering to your opinion. No need to publish this. Take it as a warning that you go too far as your passions will drag you to eternal fire along with he who blasphemes.
Men who call the truth of Canon Law, confirmed by Jesus in Heaven, according to His word, “Whatsoever you bind”, an opinion, rather than the truth, shall burn in Hell for all eternity. So ponder well your pharisaical rebuke of me, because between us two there lies an abyss and since you have rejected the Risen One and His word, you will find no mercy in the hour of your death, when Satan strips you soul from your body and drags it to eternal perdition. It is pride to reject the truth, it is humility to accept it and defend it. It is also charity that I warn you of your perdition and damnation, which in you is pertinacious. Upon your head will fall the punishment for all those murdered by the vax, all those who lost their faith from the scandals of Bergoglio, and before the Throne of Justice, Who gave you an intellect to understand, eyes to read, reason to judge, and a free will, your argument above shall melt away into dust before the blast of Divine Vengeance for having regarded your right NOT to think above your DUTY to hold fast to the words of the Incarnate Living God.
I’d never imagine in a million years a Pope referring to Christ’s crucifixion as a failure. There’s something seriously wrong with this man.