Viganò: There is an alliance between the Deep State and the Deep Church

FromRome.Info is not in the habit of covering  news about Archbishop Viganò, but we make an exception, here, on account of the topic: Freemasonry in the Church.

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7 thoughts on “Viganò: There is an alliance between the Deep State and the Deep Church”

  1. Frei: spiegami perché continui a dare spazio al Vescovo emerito Viganó – che continua a chiamare Papa Francesco?
    O sei fedele a Benedetto XVI o no.
    Don Nutella non ti ha insegnato che non dovresti stare con gli eretici?
    A proposito, smettila di dare visibilità anche alla Nutella. Mentre sei stato arrestato in piazza San Pietro, lui camminava per Lourdes invece di stare con te.

    Frei: explain to me why you keep giving space to Bishop Emeritus Viganó – who keeps calling Francis Pope?
    You are either faithful to Benedict XVI or not.
    Didn’t Don Nutella teach you that you shouldn’t be with heretics?
    By the way, stop giving visibility to Nutella too. While you were arrested in St. Peter’s square he was walking around Lourdes instead of being with you.

    1. I exlained why in the footnote. FromRome.Info is a news journal. News sometimes includes the statements of those with whom one disagrees. I am a real Cathollic, not an ideologue, I so I know the difference. I am also a son of St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas Aquinas who quoted heretics, pagans, Jews and muslims. What you are proposing is simply not catholic and has never been.

  2. It’s not Catholic either when you don’t fight for the priests to return communion to the real dad. Or, worse, when you are content with communion or spiritual confession only. I pray to God that I don’t fall into this mistake.

  3. Brother Bugnolo
    Sanhedrin means a Council of Jews,I think. I have read much, and I distinctly remember that the Jesuits are crypto Jews. Spanish from Ignatius Loyola’s time, the founder. Bergoglio is a Jesuit. The pieces are beginning to fit together. The Jesuits are the supposed soldiers of the Catholic Church. What went wrong? These thoughts are confusing to my mind. Who is who?

    1. Some Jesuits of the 16/17th century were conversos and were involved in attempting to take over the Society of Jesus, but the Inquisition stopped them. After the Jesuits were suppressed in the 1780’s, the bad apples refused to go and fled to Russia where they became Masons, and when the Society was restored were allowed to rejoin the Order. Then it became quickly rotten to its core. It should now be definitively and forever suppressed, as the spiritual battles of modern times require a greater dedication to God that the rule of St. Ignantius Loyal provides.

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