They are out to kill a third of humanity, and we do nothing?
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20 thoughts on “They are out to kill a third of humanity, and we do nothing?”

  1. As of this morning 2.5B have taken at least one shot. There are other bio-weapons planned, this one is the lesser of evils. We already have ten US states saying they can’t handle the healthcare fallout and it’s only beginning. To make matters worse almost no one is making the connection to the shots.

  2. What a straightforward & confident Priest. Lucky parishioners & those of us who were able to hear his homily. Thanks Brother B..

  3. Good reminder to pass on to other family and friends. Things we can do individually and as a group.

    1. I do not know. I only know that this is the Parish of St. Anthony of Padua, and it seems to be in Texas.

      1. I can’t find him on the internet, which is a good thing. If Heir Borg finds out about this he’ll be in the same situation as Fr. what’s his name from Wisconsin who was fired for speaking up.

  4. I really appreciated this sermon. I live in Texas and I wondered what part of Texas he was from.

  5. After a quico resesrch. Los Luke the father is Anthony Appiah pruedt for the Ghanian community. In the Church of St.Anthony of Padua in Fairfax Virginia.

  6. I shared this post on MeWe group called Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions and people are reposting and sharing it as well.
    Thank you for this. Truth is so beautiful and especially when a Priest says it.

  7. With 2.5 billion people taking a vaccination some-one or some-ones on this planet, do not have to grow food but makes easy money and I wonder what they do with it?How do they look after nature or nurture a child until they become grown or educate some-one who cannot read or write? I feel so sorry for them because they have even taken away the smile from a human face and covered it with a mask.They have taken love away from our world. please give it back!

  8. Our churches are shut here and we have not been to Mass for 8weeks. The Bishop is too afraid he and his priests will get the virus.What can the laity do? We pray the rosary and sing hymns and Psalms on the internet.Pray for us

    1. Praying especially for your Priest’s, and all Priest’s, Parishioners and all of you’s and your families to Kia Kaha, Stay Strong and keep the Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, Charity, Healing and Happiness. Pray, 🙏 Pray, 🙏🏽Pray 🙏 Amene Fiat ✝️☮️💜

  9. I just wanted to share some numbers, for those feeling alone and/or overwhelmed with what’s going on. Since 2008 I have attended three what I would call remnant meetings for the state of Florida, basically to share information among believers in the end times messages from heaven such as this brave priest mentions. At the first meeting about 35 showed up. Second meeting about 30. Third meeting about 35. If it feels like you’re alone, you are. Hang in there, there are a few of us who get it.

    1. Hullo Joan,It is a comfort to see you give us kindly advice!Today we had to deal with the news of a three year old boy ,not being allowed to return to his mum and dad.He had been staying with his grandparents in NSW ,when the Premier of Qld shut her borders 8 weeks ago and has not allowed him back home because he might infect other children. She does not want to open her borders until all chjldren are vaccinated.Children are below the age of consent. Both grandparents and mother has resorted to the radio to say how upset the little boy named Memphis is to be separated so long.As Christians we cannot comprehend such cruelty and it almost reminds us of those persecuted early Christians. Pray that some-one can get Memphis home where he belongs!

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