World News Today admits that Vatican Officials have forged letters from Pope Benedict

The admission was made in the above article (click to read):

In March 2018, Dario Vigano, the head of the Vatican’s communications department, resigned after evidence emerged that he had altered a letter from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to make the ex-sponsor appear more supportive of a series of books on the theology of Francisco. The photographs of the letter that the Vatican office released deliberately erased two lines in which Benedict acknowledged that he had not actually read the books. Despite this, Monsignor Vigano maintained his influence on Vatican communications.

And no, Dario Viganò is NOT the brother of Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò. Viganò is a common surname taken from a town in Northern Lombardy, which is the region of Milan. Dario Viganò is an Italian-Brazilian.

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this article headline, I have used forged in the formal sense, of creating an written piece which communicates an entirely invented signification or intent by the claimed author. Materially, what Viganò did was to remove passages from a letter which is claimed to have been written by Pope Benedict XVI.  It is difficult to imagine that Viganò did this, if he believed the claimed letter was actually written by Pope Benedict XVI and not someone close to him, who was widely known at the Vatican for crafting letters which bore the name and signature of the Holy Father, but were not written by him.  (Who this may be is unknown, but my sources at Rome indicate that it is most likely Archbishop Georg Ganswein. Recent events shed light on this possibility.)

Archbishop Ganswein confirms that Pope Benedict XVI has never called Bergoglio the Pope

Two days after the below report, Andrea Cionci reports the same, at greater length. Click above image for Italian original of his report.

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

July 7, 2021 A. D.: As Bergoglio recovers in the hospital from intestinal surgery, there comes the stunning news from the Vatican, that Archbishop George Ganswein admits that Pope Benedict, in saying, “There is only one pope”, has never identified Bergoglio as that man.

The shocking revelations were made on the FaceBook page of Father Enrico Bernasconi, in his citation of a personal letter of a Catholic Deacon of his own diocese, who spoke at length with the Archbishop on June 20th of this year, about the status of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, as a result of having written direction to the Holy Father in the spring, to have a definitive answer as to who is the real pope.

In consequence of that conversation, the Archbishop instructed the Deacon to tell Father Bernasconi three things.

You can read the entire post by Father Bernasconi, here, in the original Italian.

Here, I wish to comment only on this statement crafted by Archbishop Ganswein:

“Lo stesso papa Benedetto ha dichiarato più volte che vi è un solo papa ed è chiaro che è Francesco. Altre interpretazioni sono strumentali”.

Which in English is:

“The Pope HImself, Benedict, has declared several times that there is only one pope and it is clear that this is Francis.  Other interpretations are instrumentalizations.”

So let’s read that again:

  1. Benedict is the Pope, according to the testimony of Ganswein.
  2. Benedict has in fact declared many times, “There is only one pope”.
  3. To Ganswein it is clear that this refers to Bergoglio.

Why does Ganswein not say, that Benedict has declared that Bergoglio is the only one pope? Why does he add in his own name, “It is clear that this is Francis”?

There is only one conclusion.  The Archbishop knows well that Benedict, in saying, there is only one pope, has never identified Bergoglio as that man.

But even Ganswein identifies Benedict and Bergoglio as pope.

Therefore, if it is not Bergoglio, it must be Benedict.

This is explosive news. Ganswein is arguably the most reliable testimony to what Pope Benedict XVI has said on all topics. But even he cannot bring himself to assert in writing, that Benedict XVI has identified, this “one and only pope” with Bergoglio.

And that means only one thing. That Cionci’s reconstruction of Plan B is certainly the truth. Pope Benedict XVI knows what he is doing, and his discretion and reserve, point to the truth of it: He knows he is still the one and only Pope, and his Declaratio of Feb. 13, 2013 is a great ruse to bring about the downfall of Ecclesiastical Freemasonry.

CORRECTION of June 8, 2021, 6 AM (UTC +2): Having contacted Father Bernasconi directly, FromRome.Info corrected the original story posted here, which attributed the statements of the Archbishop to a Letter which he himself signed, whereas, acccording to Father Bernasconi, they are contained in three statements of a letter from a Deacon, who spoke with the Archbishop and which the Archbishop agreed to communicate to Father Bernasconi.

Thank you, Holy Father! for Summorum Pontificum!





The Apostolic Letter

“Motu Proprio data”

Summorum Pontificum

 of His Holiness Pope

Benedict XVI

Gloriously Reigning

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION — In this the present Holy Father, Benedict XVI, affirms the immemorial principle of interpreting Papal pronouncements:  what is not explicitly mentioned is not enacted, abrogated, derogated, or obrogated.  It also refutes the erroneous opinion published by the Congregation for Divine Worship (On 28 October 1974), which claimed that the Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI obrogated that of St. Pius V, and that the New Missal was obligatory for all clergy.

 English translation © 2007 Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Supreme Pontiffs’ care has been, now and ever, that Christ’s Church would offer a due worship of the Divine Majesty, « to the praise and glory of His Name » and « for the utility of His entire Holy Church ».

From time immemorial just as even unto the future, the principle to be kept is « in accord with this that each particular Church ought to concord with the Universal Church not only in regard to the doctrine of the Faith and the sacramental Signs, but even in regard to the uses universally accepted by Apostolic and continuous Tradition, which are to be observed not only to avoid errors, but even to hand down the integrity of the Faith, because the Church’s law of praying may respond to Her law of believing ».1

Among the Pontiffs, who employed such a due care, the name of Saint Gregory the Great stands out, who cared to transmit to the peoples of Europe as much the Catholic Faith as the treasures of the worship and culture accumulated by the Romans in the preceding ages.  He commanded that there be defined and conserved the form of the Sacred Liturgy as much of the Sacrifice of the Mass as of the Divine Office.  He fostered most of all the monks, who serving under the Rule of St. Benedict illustrated with their life everywhere that most salubrious sentence of the Rule together with the annunciation of the Gospel, « that nothing is to be placed before the work of God » (chapter 43).  In such a manner the sacred liturgy according to the Roman custom made fecund not only the faith and piety but even the culture of many nations.  It is established, indeed, that the Latin liturgy in its various forms stimulated very many of the Saints of the Church in the spiritual life in all the ages of Christian history and strengthened all peoples in the virtue of religion and fecundated their piety.

Moreover so that the Sacred Liturgy more efficaciously fulfill this duty, several other Roman Pontiffs during the course of the ages expended peculiar solicitude, among whom Saint Pius V stands out, who with great pastoral study, at the exhortation of the Council of Trent, innovated [innovavit] the whole worship of the Church, took care to emend the liturgical books and « restore [instauratorum] them to the norm of the Fathers » and granted to the Latin Church that they be used.

Among the liturgical books of the Roman Rite it is clear that the Missale Romanum stands forth, which grew up in the City of Rome, and assumed (its) forms gradually with the passing of ages, which (books) have a great similarity to that in force in more recent generations.

« Which same proposal with the progress of time the Roman Pontiffs have pursued, when they accommodated the liturgical books of the rite to, or determined them for, new times, and (when) they then at the beginning of our century embraced (their) now more ample restoration [redintegrationem] ».2  Thus, indeed, did Our Predecessors Clement VIII, Urban VIII, St. Pius X,3 Benedict XV, Pius XII and Bl. John XXII act.

Moreover, in more recent times, the Second Vatican Council expressed the desire, that due observance and reverence would again be restored [instauraretur] toward divine worship and that it would be adapted to the necessities of Our age.  Moved by which desire, Our Predecessor the Supreme Pontiff, Paul VI, approved for the Latin Church the restored and partially innovated liturgical books in the year 1970; which having been converted into the very many vulgar tongues of earth, were received by the Bishops and priests and faithful willingly.  John Paul II, recognized the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal.  Thus the Roman Pontiffs have worked so that « this liturgical edifice » might appear « again splendid in dignity and elegance ».4

But in some regions not a few of the faithful adhered and continued to adhere with great love and affection to the antecedent liturgical forms, which imbued their culture and spirit so profoundly, such that the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, moved by the pastoral care of these faithful, conceded in the year 1984, by the special Indult “Quattuor abhinc annos”, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship, the faculty of using the Missale Romanum of John XXIII, published in 1962; moreover in the year 1988 John Paul II again, with the Apostolic Letter “Ecclesia Dei”, given as a Motu Proprio, exhorted the Bishops to employ such a faculty broadly and generously in favor of all the faithful petitioning for it.

With the pressing prayers of these faithful pondered over for a long time by Our Predecessor John Paul II, (and) heard also in the Consistory held by Our Father Cardinals in the month of March of the year 2006, being all maturely pondered, having invoked the Holy Spirit and confiding in God’s help, we decree with the present Letters Apostolic those (things) which follow:

Article 1.  Let the Missale Romanum promulgated by Paul VI be held as the ordinary expression of the “Law of prayer” of the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite.  But let the Missale Romanum promulgated by St. Pius V and published anew by Bl. John XXIII be held as the extraordinary expression of the same “Law of prayer” of the Church and let it enjoy due honor on account of its venerable and ancient use.  Let these two expression of the Church’s “law of praying”, lead, least of all, to a division in the Church’s “law of believing”; for they are two uses of the unique roman rite.

Next, it is licit that one celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass, according to the typical edition of the Missale Romanum promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962 and never abrogated,* as the extraordinary form of the Liturgy of the Church.  However, the conditions established by the antecedent documents, “Quattuor abhinc annos” and “Ecclesia Dei” for the use of this Missale, are substituted as follows:

Article 2.  In Masses celebrated without the people, any catholic priest of the Latin rite, whether secular or religious, is able to use either the Missale Romanum published by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962, or the Missale Romanum promulgated by the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI in the year 1970, and indeed on any day, except the Sacred Triduum.  For such a celebrated according to one or the other Missal, the priest needs no permission [nulla licentia], neither from the Apostolic See nor from his own Ordinary.

Article. 3. If the communities of the Institutes of consecrated life and of the Societies of apostolic life of pontifical or diocesan right desire to have a celebration of the Holy Mass according to the edition of the Missale Romanum promulgated in the year 1962, in their own oratories, as a conventual or communal celebration, it is licit for them. If each community or the whole Institute and/or Society wants to perform very frequently and/or permanently such celebrations, let the matter be discerned by the major superiors according to the norm of law and their own particular laws and statutes.

Article 4.  The Christian faithful, who ask for this on their own initiative, can also be admitted to the celebrations of the Holy Mass which were (spoken of) above in Article 2, having observed what is to be observed according to the law

Article 5, §1.  In the parishes, where a gathering [coetus] of the faithful exists adhering as a group [continenter]1 to the antecedent liturgical tradition, let the pastor freely [libenter] take up their petitions to celebrate the Holy Mass according to the rite of the Missale Romanum published in the year 1962.  Let him see that good of these faithful be harmonized  with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the rule of the bishop according to the norms of canon 392, by avoiding discord and by fostering the unity of the whole Church.

  • 2. The celebration of the Missal of Bl. John XXIII can take place on ferial days; but on Sundays and Feasts there can also be one celebration of this kind.
  • 3. With the faithful or priests asking for this, let the pastor permit celebrations, in this extraordinary form even in additional particular (circumstances), such as are weddings, funerals and occasional celebrations, v. g. pilgrimages.
  • 4. Priest using the Missale of Bl. John XXIII, ought to be fit and (ought) not be impeded.
  • 5. In churches, which are neither parochial nor conventual, there is a conceding of permission concerning what was (mentioned) above to the Rector of the Church.

Article 6. In Masses according to the Missal of Bl. John XXIII, celebrated with the people, the Lectiones can be proclaimed also in the vernacular tongue, by using the editions (of the readings) recognized by the Apostolic See.

Article 7.  Where any gathering of the lay faithful, does not obtain from (their) pastor by a petition made in accord with Article 5, § 1, let the diocesan Bishop make certain of the matter.  The Bishop is eagerly asked to hear out their wish.  If he cannot provide for a celebration of this kind, le the matter be referred to the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”.

Article 8.  The Bishop, who wants to provide for petitions of this kind by the Christian lay faithful, but who is impeded on account of various causes, can commit the matter to the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, which will give him counsel and assistance.

Article 9, § 1.  The pastor, likewise, having considered all (things) well, (and) having been persuaded to it for the good of souls, can concede permission to use the more ancient ritual in the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony, Penance and the Anointing of the Infirm.

  • 2. Moreover the faculty is conceded to the Ordinaries, (who) have been persuaded to it for the good of souls, of celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation by using the ancient Roman Pontifical.
  • 3. It is allowed to clerics constituted in sacred (orders) to use also the Roman Breviary promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962.

Article 10.  It is allowed to the Ordinary of the place, if he would judge it opportune, to erect a personal parish according to the norm of canon 518 for celebrations according to the more ancient form of the roman rite or to nominate a rector and/or chaplain, having observed what is to be observed according to the law.

Article 11.  The Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, erected by John Paul II in the year 1988,5 continues to fulfill its duty.

Which Commission is to have the form, duties and norms of acting, which the Roman Pontiff willed to attribute to it.

Article 12. The same Commission, besides the faculties which it already enjoys, will exercise the authority of the Apostolic See, by being vigilant for the observance and application of these dispositions.

On the other hand, we command that all these, whatsoever has been decreed by Us in these Letters Apostolic, given as a Motu Proprio, be firm and ratified and (we command that they) be observed from the 14th day of September of this year, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, not withstanding any contrary things.

Given at Rome, at St. Peter’s, on the 7th day of the month of July, in the year of Our Lord 2007, in the third (year) or our Pontificate.

Pope Benedict XVI.

[1] Institutio generalis Missalis Romani, Editio tertia, 2002, 397

[2] Ioannes Paulus Pp. II, Litt. ap. Vicesimus quintus annus (4 Decembris 1988), 3: AAS 81 (1989), 899.


[4]S. Pius Pp. X, Litt. Ap. Motu proprio datae Abhinc duos annos (23 Octobris 1913): AAS 5 (1913), 449-450; cfr Ioannes Paulus II, Litt. ap. Vicesimus quintus annus (4 Decembris 1988), 3: AAS 81 (1989), 899.

[5] Cfr Ioannes Paulus Pp. II, Litt. ap. Motu proprio datae Ecclesia Dei (2 iulii 1988), 6: AAS 80 (1988), 1498.


*  Translator’s Note:  The Missale Romanum promulgated by Pope St. Pius V, by his Apostolic Constitution, Quo Primum, is only a liturgical book, as such it cannot be abrogated, because it is not a legal document.  In saying, therefore, that it was “never abrogated,” H. H. Benedict XVI testifies solemnly that the Apostolic Constitution by which it was promulgated remains in force with all its effects, thus clarifying the great confusion sown by the enemies of the Apostolic See and the partisans of discord, who falsely claimed and claim that the Apostolic Constitution, Missale Romanum of Pope Paul VI, touched the Apostolic Constitution of he saintly predecessor, and in some manner either totally or in part abrogated, derogated, or obrogated it.



1 – The Latin continenter is being variously rendered by unofficial English translation as continuously, stable, uninterruptedly; but these are all faulty because they contradict the historical and pastoral context of the document, which is to provide for the faithful who request the Ancient Rite, who do not have access to this Rite.  The more general notion of continenter is “as in a manner held together”, that is, “as a body”, “as a group”, “commonly”, “together”, and thus the sense is who petition for this as a group.

The National Hymn of Belarus, written by a Catholic Poet

In posting this video, FromRome.Info does not endorse the western efforts to topple the current anti-scamdemic government in Belarus. It has been posted only for the music.

But the video is a fine example of how the Masonic Lodges take Catholic songs and twist them in favor of globalist objectives.  And we should not forget this.

Psyop tactics being used by the Globalists to sustain their narrative

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Since FromRome.Info is an independent website not subject to globalist control, it can publish articles which criticize their project and dismantle their narrative. And since a recent video which I produced has gotten more than 130,000 views on alone, and many more on other platforms where it has now been copied, FromRome.Info has begun to be targeted by experts in psyop warfare.

Observing their tactics and taking the proper response, which is simply to erase their comment and never reply, I want however to share what I have learned with the general public, so that you too can learn how to counter their tactics.

Globalist Assets

First, it is a known fact that the UK Government has repurposed their anti-terrorist cyber warfare unit against those who attack the Globalist narrative. This is because the UK Govt is completely controlled by the Pilgrim Society, one of the leading Globalist Masonic groups. — The UK Govt is also responsible for creating global Islamic terrorism, by supporting Al Quaeda and ISIS, so that while we were looking the other way, they could promote a surveillance state to prepare for the Plandemic, something which was hatched nearly a century ago, if we are to believe Adolf Hitler, who said his party would return as a religion in 2019. And we must assume that the US, French and German Governments, which are controlled completed by the Masonic Lodges of New York City, Parish and Berlin, are doing the same thing.

Globalist objectives

Second, the goal of the Globalists, we must remember, is what Klaus Schwab announced in this book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution:

  1. Kill all but 1 billion people, leaving alive 500 million Chinese and Japanese who are peoples used to tyranny.
  2. Do this by a Vaccination program, organized famines, and wars “which we will incite”.

How they are achieving their objective with the Vaxx

For this reason, the mad rush to vaccinate everyone is not merely a panic, it’s planned and a central component.  Numerous reports have noted that the Vaxx will sterilize men and women, contains the deadly toxic spike protein, and is 99% graphene oxide which is so toxic, it would only be added to your body to kill you. Also vaccines for coronaviruses kill their patients by antibody priming, in which your body is excessively prepared to defend against another similar infection and when infected kills you by producing to many effects, such as fever mucous, etc., which would normally help fight an infection.

Added to this is the other deadly side-effect, that a mRNA therapy designed to program your immune system to defend against one pathogen or toxin, will cause an unnatural balance in your immune system and thus make it much more difficult for your system to defend against other pathogens.  This is already being seen in Israel, where in the heat of summer, thousands are getting sick from common colds which never before manifested in summer, since the human body can so easily defend against them in that season.

Agenda for Globalist Pysop program

So for all these reasons, the Globalist psyop has a lot to do to maintain the narrative.

  • Their first target is to attack the experts who are talking.
  • Their second target is to censor all social media.
  • Their third target is to pull the plug on the most influential websites if they can.
  • Their fourth target is to attack the credibility of websites which begin to have an influential role in disseminating any of the above information or sites.

And this is the only reason, I believe, that I have seen several new kinds of trolls here at FromRome.Info in just the last 2 weeks.

And these trolls, have exhibited the following tactical methods:

  1. Feigning an email of an expert and demanding a news story be removed from this website.
  2. Claiming a news story is unreliable or false and demanding it be removed.
  3. Claiming that part of a story is false or one of the speakers is unreliable.
  4. Claiming that a speaker does not have the credentials claimed.
  5. Praising part of a news story but calumniating another part of it.
  6. Demanding that a site like FromRome.Info which republishes information, respond to technical or expert questions which rightfully should be addressed to experts.
  7. Insisting that news stories contain exaggerations or misrepresentations.
  8. Denying 2+2=4 and other similar things, in any news story and insisting that those who can think are exaggerating or jumping to conclusions.
  9. Insulting the publisher by personal attacks, designed to prick vanity and pride and incite an excessive public response. The more outrageous the attack, the more they think it will succeed.

My counsel regarding these kinds of attacks is this:

The only way to respond to these is normally only by simply erasing their emails or comments.

Some of these who practice n. 8 merit a published strong rebuke, but do not waste your time with all of them. Do not change your approach to publishing news and reposting articles. Remember, if you repost or republish, you are not obliged to know all the facts, since you are only reporting that it is newsworthy that another site has published an article or video about this topic.

I highly recommend, taking pleasure in one thing: erasing comments by those engaged in one of the above 9 tactics. Acquire this habit and it will make your day, when you have to erase more comments than usual. Maintain a high quality of comment at your site by approving only the best ones or only those by well-behaved individuals, and definitely do not set your site to publish all comments, or else the pysops will high-jack your good work and use it for their goals.

Finally, do what you do for the truth, not for any egotistic goal, and you will remain free from such manipulation.

So beware of Globalist pysopers and gas lighters. They are out there, but you will not see their comments on FromRome.Info because I do not tolerate their kind of trash.

Here, at FromRome.Info, they have joust with a student of Scholastic Theology, and they cannot hope to win in that fight.