by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
July 9, 2021 A. D.: While things look darker and darker every day, the facts and events bear out an inexorable process which has manifested the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as a complete canonical fraud and his claim to the papacy not worth a shred of used toilet paper.
While seemingly irrefutable in his apparent claims to the Papacy, the doubts have ever been growing, from the indiscrete admissions of his own allies such as Cardinal Danneels and Austin Ivereigh to the persistent inquiries into the canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict XV’s Declaratio of February 2013.
The major waypoints in this process were Ann Barnhardt’s declaration of war against the substantial error implicit in the Declaratio, which she launched in June of 2016. Though many notable commentators had previously pointed out problems, Barnhardt was the first to unequivocally and notoriously call the act invalid to remove the Papal office (munus) from Pope Benedict.
When Msgr. Niccolo Bux in October 2018 publicly affirmed that it would be easier to demonstrate the Renunciation invalid that to canonical determine that Bergoglio was a heretic, a stormy and vivacious debate burst out in the English speaking world from November 2018 to February 2019.
That debate ended with a hands down victory for the party of Pope Benedict, when every possible canonical, logical, linguistic, philosophical and theological objection to the assertion of invalidity was refuted. I gathered up the arguments in my Scholastic Question, which so far has never been refuted by anyone anywhere with or without a degree in Canon Law, Theology or Philosophy.
Since February 2019, a series of objectors and journalists have rehashes these arguments in diluted form only to be slapped down again and again with facts, laws and the testimonies of public witnesses. Here at FromRome.Info, which has documented these feeble attempts at counter-attack, readers have the near weekly occasion to read critiques of all the major interlocutors on this issue, who hold that Bergoglio is the Pope.
Following this debate, in 2020 it became publicly known, world-wide, that Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Gracida held that Benedict XVI is the pope and that Bergoglio is a manifest pertinacious heretic. Yet, neither of these Bishops were canonically censured or suspended.
Finally, in this year of Our Lord 2021, in the weeks prior to the 70th Anniversary of the Holy Father’s ordination to the priesthood, the battle here at Rome was begun in earnest, with Andrea Cionci’s numerous articles appearing at the beginning of March and going uninterrupted until the present day: all of which have never been refuted by anyone in the Vatican or in Italy, Cardinal, Bishop, monsignor or canonist, theology or philosopher. All of which prove without a doubt that Benedict XVI is still the pope.
The crucial fact which came to fore in these articles and investigations by Cionci are these:
- That Benedict XVI has always said, “There is only one pope”, but has never identified Bergoglio as that man.
- That Benedict XVI has denied that he has abdicated.
- That Benedict XVI still comports himself as the Pope and that no one in the Vatican can dissuade him or dare to stop him.
- Benedict XVI has undertaken a very wise, clever and discreet plan of maneuver to save the Papacy from the St. Gallen Mafia: the Plan B.
In terms of Canonical precedence, these facts and arguments being published in newspapers here at Rome and receiving no rebuttal for the space of 90 days thereafter, constitute canonical prove of the facts and conclusions and canonical tacit consent of all opponents.
At the same time, voices which are willing to be quoted in print, are increasingly found who insist Bergoglio is not the pope and that Benedict XVI never renounced the papacy. This is a sea change. The momentum is now with the truth, not with the fake news hearsay.
Stunning were the revelations, too, that Cardinal Burke doubted the validity of the Renunciation from the first days following Feb. 11, 2013 and that he spoke openly of this to all his acquaintances at least until 2016.
Significant too was the independent film documentary, Il Messaggio nella Bottiglia, which explained in careful detail the historical fraud committed in Feb. 2013. It has now been published with subtitles in Italian, English, Spanish and French, and is being distributed throughout the entire world to the Sacred Hierarchy and on multiple platforms.
But the final coup de grace came just the other day, when it was reported that even Archbishop Ganswein, the personal secretary of the Holy Father, cannot bring himself to publicly declare that Benedict XVI has ever identified Bergoglio as “the one and only pope”, even while he himself, calls both popes, and insists that Bergoglio is the only true pope.
The narrative which has foisted Bergoglio into the Papacy and sustained his claim is now totally destroyed. Like the waning health of the Argentine upstart, there is now nothing standing in the way of the full restoration of Pope Benedict: God’s call to Bergoglio to leave this life, will put an end to his imposture and leave a void in which there can be no rational or canonical basis not to recognize that Benedict XVI has always been the only true pope.
It is important to note:
Jorge Bergoglio’s heresy was external and made public and notorious, when as a cardinal, he stated in his book, On Heaven and Earth, in regards to same-sex sexual relationships, and thus same-sex sexual acts, prior to his election as pope, on page 117, demonstrating that he does not hold, keep, or teach The Catholic Faith, and he continues to act accordingly:
“If there is a union of a private nature, there is neither a third party, nor is society affected. Now, if the union is given the category of marriage, there could be children affected. Every person needs a male father and a female mother that can help shape their identity.”- Jorge Bergoglio, denying The Sanctity of the marital act within The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and the fact that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, while denying sin done in private is sin.
From The Catechism Of The Catholic Church:
“1849 Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as “an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law.”121
1850 Sin is an offense against God: “Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in your sight.”122 Sin sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it is disobedience, a revolt against God through the will to become “like gods,”123 knowing and determining good and evil. Sin is thus “love of oneself even to contempt of God.”124 In this proud self- exaltation, sin is diametrically opposed to the obedience of Jesus, which achieves our salvation.125
1851 It is precisely in the Passion, when the mercy of Christ is about to vanquish it, that sin most clearly manifests its violence and its many forms: unbelief, murderous hatred, shunning and mockery by the leaders and the people, Pilate’s cowardice and the cruelty of the soldiers, Judas’ betrayal – so bitter to Jesus, Peter’s denial and the disciples’ flight. However, at the very hour of darkness, the hour of the prince of this world,126 the sacrifice of Christ secretly becomes the source from which the forgiveness of our sins will pour forth inexhaustibly.”
It is a sin to accomodate an occasion of sin, and thus cooperate with evils
To deny that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, and Of Marriage, while rendering onto Caesar or oneself, what has always and will always belong to God, is to deny The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, which is, in essence, Apostasy.
Traduction française:
La mafia de San Galo, está en todo su apogeo, lo mismo puede decirse de la “mafia lavanda”. Si Bergoglio muere, irán para cargarse a Benedicto XVI.
Dear Br. Alexis,
Another courageous, lucid and encouraging text in defense of God, the Church and the Papacy, and in this there is no need for further comment.
A single strange detail is the – incomprehensible – absence of the greatest work ever published in canon law on the subject, and of which the Brother has a notorious knowledge: “Benedict XVI: Pope “Emeritus”?”, by Estefanía Acosta, who deserves it every mention and acknowledgment. I think that this absence has somehow impoverished the force of the text, and I say this without any lessening of esteem and consideration for its person and work.
I recounted the events which were the most noteworthy for the common man. There is no doubt that among canonists, however, that her work must be cited as the most authoritative and important publication since 2013.