Why I think Paul VI and John Paul II are more likely damned, than Saints

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI struck down one of the biggest lies and frauds of the post-conciliar era.  A lie which stood for nearly 33 years, unopposed by Popes Paul VI and John Paul II.*

That lie was perpetrated by the Congregation for Divine Worship, on October 28, 1974, when it declared that the new Missal of Paul VI obrogated — that is legally replaced — the former Missale Romanum in force since the time of Saint Pius V in the 16th century.

And that lie, was no small lie.

It was used to persecuted millions of Catholics for 33 years, without one word or peep from the Vatican.

And that was not only a lie, it was a lie in written form to sustain a fraud, namely, that Paul VI had used papal power, and not nude force, to alter the worship of the Roman Church.

And that fraud was not only a fraud in itself, but a sacrilege against Holy Mother Church and the Faithful of Christ. Because that fraud was used to deprive them of the immemorial Mass and undermine the faith, devotion, spirituality and personal religious traditions and practices and sentiments and prayer life of 100s of millions of Catholics.

In sum, this lie, was no small sin, but one of cosmic, Satanic proportions.

And for that reason, those who knew of it, had a duty to strike it down, regardless of their political agenda.

But neither Paul VI nor John Paul II, both of whom had long enough pontificates to do this, did this.

And to tolerate injustice, when with a single word you could bring injustice to an end, is the most knavish and disgraceful behavior in any human person, more so in a man, who has the natural vocation to be a father, and even more so in a man of God who receives a solemn and divine obligation to shepherd the flock of Christ entrusted to him.

There can be no excuse for such negligence. And though we cannot judge the person of the pope, who has an office which places him above the judgement of all men, we can judge the acts of popes, when the deviate from the moral norm.

This being the case, such a negligence it totally incompatible with Sainthood, as every sane Catholic can see. Because if it is a mortal sin to rob $20 from another man, who is poor, as Saint Alphonsus dei Liguori teaches, how much more is it a sin to rob the Roman Mass from the Faithful of the Roman Catholic Church throughout all the word, and this for 33 years!

The battle against Benedict XVI, according to many commentators, began in earnest with the publication of Summorum Pontificum.  Since February 2013, those who benefited most from that decree are the most glaringly ungrateful for the Holy Father’s justice. They even go so far as to condemn him, who restored their rights.

But I believe the justice of God on the last day will totally vindicate Pope Benedict XVI for this great act of rectification.  For God is Truth and all the servants of Truth find merit before His throne.

Contrariwise, what are we to think of Paul VI and John Paul II for this sin of omission which cried out to heaven for 33 years.

I believe it is not improbable to conclude, that having never rectified it, and having had the time to do so, they could not possibly have died as friends of the God of Truth and Justice, Who is the Good Shepherd, Who gave His life for His sheep.

This consideration becomes more probable, when we reflect on the truth that the Mass comes from Christ, through the Hands of the Apostles and is protected and enriched through the working of the Holy Ghost and the Saints.  Therefore, the magnitude of pride and presumption and disdain that you have to muster in your heart to attack it and replace it with the mealy and distorted handiwork of a committee is extraordinary and monstrous, and cannot be reconciled with all that the Faith teaches us about how God regards those who attack His handiworks.

The above consideration is not invalidated by acts of canonization by someone who has no claim to the papacy himself.* Indeed, when the godless canonize anyone, we cannot be sure that they do it for honest motives, they may be merely revering the acts of other godless men.

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CREDITS: The Featured Image shows Pope Paul VI place the Cardinal’s hat upon Karol Wotyla.


*  Paul VI and John Paul II were “canonized” by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who claims to be Pope Francis, despite having no canonical argument that the renunciation of Benedict XVI was valid. (see more here)

World News Today admits that Vatican Officials have forged letters from Pope Benedict

The admission was made in the above article (click to read):

In March 2018, Dario Vigano, the head of the Vatican’s communications department, resigned after evidence emerged that he had altered a letter from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to make the ex-sponsor appear more supportive of a series of books on the theology of Francisco. The photographs of the letter that the Vatican office released deliberately erased two lines in which Benedict acknowledged that he had not actually read the books. Despite this, Monsignor Vigano maintained his influence on Vatican communications.

And no, Dario Viganò is NOT the brother of Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò. Viganò is a common surname taken from a town in Northern Lombardy, which is the region of Milan. Dario Viganò is an Italian-Brazilian.

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this article headline, I have used forged in the formal sense, of creating an written piece which communicates an entirely invented signification or intent by the claimed author. Materially, what Viganò did was to remove passages from a letter which is claimed to have been written by Pope Benedict XVI.  It is difficult to imagine that Viganò did this, if he believed the claimed letter was actually written by Pope Benedict XVI and not someone close to him, who was widely known at the Vatican for crafting letters which bore the name and signature of the Holy Father, but were not written by him.  (Who this may be is unknown, but my sources at Rome indicate that it is most likely Archbishop Georg Ganswein. Recent events shed light on this possibility.)