The #TraitorTraddie: What is he and whom does he serve?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

At all levels, here in Italy, and abroad, the Masonic Lodges are involved zealously in creating opposition to the Great Reset.

Now, what I just said, might seem, at first, totally absurd, but actually it is not only the truth, but a devious stratagem. — You see, the Masons want nothing more than to have power, and that means, they seek first of all to obtain and maintain control.

And, as It is now obvious that the Great Reset is at risk: There is growing dissent and opposition from every quarter, and it is weekly increasing.

And thus the zeal of the Lodges is dedicated to putting a halt to that. But Masons are clever. Some of them will stand in the way and throw up obstacles. While others infiltrate and establish networks of control so that when they need to they can hit the brakes of every movement from within.

But this is not just their stratagem for the present, they have been doing this in regard to controlling the Catholic Church for 200 years.  It is, only now, that perhaps you recognize it: with Churches closed, and the Catholic religion replaced by the sanitary cult.

And most Catholic have been duped. Because instead of thinking that their most important and fundamental duty is to remain faithful to Christ and thus in communion with Christ, they have been mislead into thinking that communion with superiors EVEN WHEN THEY ARE HERETICS is the only way to have communion with Christ.

Thus, if you want to know if you are in a Church which is duping you, simply ask the minister if he would refuse communion to his superior, if his superior is a public heretic.  And if that question causes him to become upset in any way, I recommend you get out and never come back, because you have detected a servant of the Antichrist, even if he does not yet realize it.

And all this I say in preamble, so there is no misunderstanding about what I mean to say hereafter:


The Traitor Traddie is the Catholic who claims publicly to be a traditionalist, but in theory or practice is nothing of the kind.  You can recognize him by this, that he will never break off communion with a heretic, that he recognizes Bergoglio is the pope, and that he to some degree goes along with the Great Reset. He does not have to sustain all of these positions, any one of them will do.

I call him a traitor, because he has abandoned Jesus Christ as His King and point of absolute reference. He does this by putting some other criterion or principle before being faithful to Christ, howsoever secretly and subtly, hiding this principle under other terms, and holding out something as a carrot or stick to see that you accept it.

And the Traitor Traddie is well skilled at defending his sin. He will say you are uncharitable, rash or cruel to label others as unfaithful, when they are unfaithful in public. Yes, he wants you to agree with him that Biden should be refused communion, but at the same time he insist that you receive the sacraments in communion with Bergoglio.  He is a walking self contradiction, on purpose, because thus he can lead as many souls as possible into the Great Reset.

Many Traitor Traddies are simply duped Catholics. But not a few are former or current Deep State employees of operatives: the Military, the State Police, the Secret Services, etc..

Ask what their personal history is. Among their “leaders”, many are “converts” or “reverts”, very few are life long Catholics. Among their clergy, most only fear to lose their salary, and not their soul. Many are funded from eastern Switzerland, home of the St. Gallen Mafia and Nazi collaborators.  Some have studied at institutions which are known Masonic centers or were founded by CIA agents. Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia is only one example.

A good number of them are avowed admirers of Hitler, the creature of the Skull and Bones Lodges, or are pro-Gay. They complain, in public forums, that their sons are becoming gay, and wonder why.  They are all avowed clericalists, in the sense that they want you to sell your soul to clergy in communion with Globalism, but they are all avowed anticlericalists in that they want you to denigrate faithful clergy and religious who oppose Globalism.

Their doctrine is that the laity will save the Church, but their practice is always to undermine that Church. When laymen should rather be joining and forming true Catholic political parties, they do nothing or ignore such initiatives, thus displaying their true animus against Christ the King.  Their leaders will even admit that the Church is a sinner, and that infallible Councils do not apply or were wrong.

The Traitor Traddie needs to be named and shamed.  And if we are to free ourselves from the control of the Masonic Lodges and from all false opposition in the Church, we need to recognize who the Traitor Traddie is.

And if you want to know who these traitor traddies are, just use the term, Traitor Traddie, and its hashtag, #TraitorTraddie, frequently, and you will see them come out of the woodwork like termites, attacking you for it. There is no need to name them, they will name themselves.

I will be attacked for this article, I know. It will be said that I am being “divisive” or am acting like a “puritan” by causing division or throwing out grave assertions against the good name and reputation of others.  You see: they want you to judge them on the basis of their words about themselves and not on the  basis of their deeds.

I am not sorry, however, and I will tell them this to their faces. Because, Christ my King said, otherwise: “Judge them not by their words, but by their deeds”. And I have proposed nothing in the above, but that.

Globalist crackdown in Italy against Diego Fusaro & Armando Manocchia

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 15, 2021:  There are those who continue to be incredulous at the claims and warnings of those who opposed the Great Reset that much greater evil is being plotted and planned by the Globalists against the liberty of us all.

I for one have warned repeatedly that the Globalists will be silencing voices of opposition in 2021.

And now it has begun to happen.

Yesterday, one of the most popular political speakers in Italy, Diego Fusaro, had his YouTube channel demonetized.  He also appears regularly on Radio Radio, the most influential Marxist Radio station in Italy, which was founded decades ago. He has nearly 200K subscribers and more than 800 who pledged monthly. YouTube removed the adds and zapped his paying subscribers.  The reason?  His exposés of the agenda of the Globalists were considered “dangerous” to the public order! Here Diego Fusaro, who participated in the conference on the Great Reset, alongside me, on the Anniversary of Lepanto, last year, explains what happened to his channel, in Italian:
But that is nothing in comparison to what happened to Armando Manocchia, editor of one of the leading electronic newspapers of Italy, the Imola Oggio, which has been in existence for more than a decade.
On the Morning of May 12, last, at 6:30, more than a dozen Carabinieri knocked on his door and presented a search warrant. They searched his house in the presence of his wife and mother of 89 years, for evidence to determine whether, as accused, he has threatened the life of the President of the Republic:  a charge entirely unfounded, according to Manocchia, and entirely improbable according to all who know of his spotless character. In his interview on Canale Italia, where he hosts a Nightly Show every Sunday, criticizing the Government and Great Reset, he explained what happened.  He holds that he is guilty for being white, male, heterosexual, a faithful Catholic and a critic of injustice and illegality.

On the newspapers which upholds the regime, il Resto di Carlino published a story about the investigation, which includes not only Armando Manocchia but another 10 Italians accused of promoting hate against the President, Sergio Matarella.

I, myself, have certain information which makes me suspect that my arrest will follow shortly, for some trumped up charge. Indeed, many Italians are of the opinion that my encounter with the police on May 1 was politically motivated.  Please pray for us all, as we boldly speak out against the injustices you are all facing this year.

Dr. Biscardi confirms that Pfizer vaccine is magnetically charged

In the above video, a young man who just received the Pfizer vaccine that morning, has a 50 cent EU coin, which is NOT magnetic, placed upon his vaccination site. It sticks! It does not stick anywhere else. And a magnet placed on the same site sticks even more!

This confirms the “conspiracy theorists” who said the Vaxx was to make human beings into transhuman creatures, or detectable by 5G networks.

Alas, this may mean that all who have received the Pfizer vaccine have been TAGGED for capture or kill by the Globalists, just like cattle or wild animals.  This is a nightmare directly out of the Planet of the Apes or Hunger Games movies!

More videos pouring in from Italy confirm site of Pfizer vaccine contains electromagnetic conducive chemicals:

For those who do not believe their eyes, there is this report confirming that as early as 2014, supercharged magnetic nano particles were considered useful in the administration of mRNA vaccine:

2000x higher levels of toxin than allowable in drinking water, found in Breast Milk in USA

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Shocking if true. And very disturbing in any event., however, would caution mothers to have some skepticism about this report, since the sample was so small sample of only 50 Mothers. If true it would mean that mothers should stop breast feeding, which would be a result the Globalists want.

As anthropologist, I am very skeptical that chemicals which are found in home products would turn up in every mother’s breast milk, as not every mother has the same products in her home.

For safety however, mothers who expect to breast feed might want to have their breast milk tested for contaminants.  Also note, that if contaminants are in breast milk, they probably already were transmitted to the little one during his development in the womb.  But if true, the proper response would be to get rid of the consumer products in the home which contain these contaminants, rather than stopping the natural God given method of feeding.

Italy: Beginning this Fall, every student will be taught that he has no natural gender

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you want to know what the morality of Goldman Sachs and the Skull and Bones Lodge is, you have only to look at the curriculum for Italian public schools, beginning this fall, here in Italy, under the government of Mario Draghi.

Every study, in every grade, from elementary school to high-school will be indoctrinated with the LGBTQ gender theory:  he will be told day after day, year after year that his sexuality is not determined by his nature or biological reality or his genes, but is a free choice which he can make, including having his own flesh ripped to shreds by diabolic maniacs in order to change his sex.

This is an Abomination of Desolation.

The document above is entitled, “Service for the Adaptation of Physical and Pyschic Identity”, and bears the subtitles, “The diverse shades of gender identity and sexual orientation”, “A Webinar for the personnel of Scholastic Institutions in every grade and order in the Region of Lazio”, to be held on Sept. 9, 2021, from ( AM to 1 PM!

Alas Italy has no political defense, because the largest life and family Activist Organization, wants no political parties to participate in this struggle with them, because they fear alienating their own supporters from the political parties which voted in this abomination. And the only political party of size in Parliament has allied with the party which authorized the LGBT education bill to sponser their candidate for Mayor here  at Rome, this Fall, in exchange for their support to win the region of Lazio.

Horror in Sweden! — 30,000+ adverse reactions among Vaxxed

The original article can be reached by clicking the above image. Since Sweden has such a small population (10.18 Million), this statistic of more than 30,000 adverse reactions shows how much the true damage of the vaccine is being hidden in much more populous countries. — For example, if the rate of vaccine damage were equal in the USA, there could be as many as 9 Million in the USA) which has 30 times the population of Sweeden.

USA: Time to boycott USA Pharmacy chains involved in Monstrous “Vaccine” Deception

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here is just one candidate for such a boycot, which has no ethical principles whatsoever and acts with abandon against all known medical fact and science.  This image is being sent via email and thus there is no URL to link to.

CVS is a U. S. based national Pharmacy chain of stores, which offer in addition to medicines, other health and common products for sale.