Cardinal Burke doubts the validity of Benedict XVI’s Renunciation

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Tuesday in the Novena of Pentecost, 2021 A. D. —  As the readers of FromRome.Info know, Cardinal Burke has expressed his doubts about the validity of the renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI during a visit to the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, USA, in 2016, according to the personal testimony of a monsignor of that Diocese, who heretofore has not wanted to come forward about the matter, but who spoke with a reader of FromRome.Info.

But now, I can confirm from my sources here at Rome, that Cardinal Burke does indeed doubt the validity of the renunciation and has done so from February, 2013!

In a matter so grave as the incomplete or dubious resignation of a Roman Pontiff, our duty as Catholics, who have received the gift of the Holy Ghost in the Sacrament of Confirmation, is that we do not conceal such doubts but speak openly of them. Indeed, it is a grave violation of the duty of a man of God, that in a matter which touches upon the salvation of billions of souls, that he be reticent or silent or conceive of a discretion that it be virtuous to do so.

This is particularly true because the very principles of right (ius) teach that one must not presume that the right of another has ceased: de iuris cessione non presumat! This principle is affirmed in Canon 21, which says, “In doubt the revocation of a preexisting law is not presumed” (In dubio revocatio legis praeexistentis non presumat). It is reinforced by Canon 124 §2, which says that juridical acts which are posited in a due manner according to the norms of law are to be presumed valid: wherefore, if there is a prima facie  discrepancy in the text of the act from the norm of the law, it is licit to presume that it is invalid.  This is confirmed again by the Code of 1983, in canons 40 and 41, which concede the right of a subject to doubt the validity of an administrative act which is, respectively, either nullus (which is not an administrative act), or contains some undue circumstance or detail. —  And this is a noteworthy and wide space for discretion. — Thus in the case of the man who is the Pope, in renouncing, if he objectively does not fulfill the terms of Canon 332 § 2, it can licitly and legitimately be doubted that he has renounced. — And this I speculate is the rationale in Burke’s position.

In fact, I can affirm that according to my sources, Cardinal Burke’s doubt is founded upon the fact that Joseph Ratzinger renounced the ministerium and not the munus of the Papal Office. — This makes him among the very first to do so, according to the historical record.

I can further affirm, that according to my sources, Cardinal Burke has spoke to many about his doubt no only in February 2013, but before and after the Conclave of 2013.

For this reason, I can with great probability surmise, now, that the reason the Vatican will not tolerate or enter into any discussion of the invalidity of the Renunciation is precisely because the Mafia of St. Gallen fears that such a discussion or investigation will find that Benedict XVI is the true pope and that the Conclave of 2013 is uncanonical by reason of the incomplete renunciation.

Therefore, out of my love for Christ and His Church, I now call upon all the members of the Sacred Hierarchy, upon all canonists and theologians, and upon all clergy, religious or laity, who know more of these matters to speak openly of what they know and stop with this vain and destructive pretension to discretion.

All the faithful have the grave solemn duty to remain in communion with the true pope, and submit to him, according to the magisterial teaching of Pope Boniface VIII in Unam Sanctam. Accordingly, each and every member of the Catholic Church HAS THE DIVINE RIGHT to know who the true pope is.  Silence or discretion which obstructs that right IS A HIGH CRIME AGAINST THE COMMUNION OF THE SAINTS!

Finally, I wish to publicly apologize to His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, for having publicly and privately spoken in criticism of him for his silence or unwillingness to recognize the invalidity of the renunciation. I was wrong to construe my lack of information about his position, as anything more than that.

For more about the precise canonical argument for the invalidity of the renunciation, see here.

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Here is the official French Translation of the above. Click to read.

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22 thoughts on “Cardinal Burke doubts the validity of Benedict XVI’s Renunciation”

    1. Amen! I have totally agreed with this thinking as our dear True Church has been infiltrated and MDM prophet of End Times Books of Truth foretold in Daniel says Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope. The Warning Grace of Mercy is soon. 🙏🙏🙏

  1. I don’t understand your apology. It sounds to me as if you’re saying it was wrong for you to have criticized Cardinal Burke for something that you just explained is a grave sin.

    Thank you for your patience with my questions.

    1. I apoligized to Burke not because I criticized him for his silence, even though he knew, but because I criticized him publicly and privately for refusing to recognize intellectually the renunciation as invalid. He does recognize. And I do not excuse his silence as I make quite clear in the article.

      1. Gods timing I feel. I met Cardinal Burke at the Shrine of Guadalupe in 2018-19 (?) ; he said to pray much in these serious times. Being careful to when God wants things said. Bishop Shnieder agreed it is end times at his Winnipeg award ceremony the same year who was seated with next to him at his table. Patience and pray much.

  2. I had a very recent discussion with a priest who is a close personal friend of Cardinal Sarah & also knows PBXVI very well. His view was that Francis has Alzheimers & hasn’t long to live & there is a lot going on in the background to call an election this year. However, if they don’t succeed in denouncing Francis as a heretic first then those he appointed as electing Cardinals will completely seize the Throne of Peter this time. The silence of Cardinal Burke & others has been extremely destructive & heaped coals upon the raging fire we have witnessed for the past eight years with little regard for the true followers of Christ & the Unity of the OHCA Church.

  3. In Cardinal Burke’s recent interview with Matt Fradd (May 7), he states that Benedict “abdicated the office” / “abdicated his office”.
    He used the word “abdicate” multiple times and even said: “Many people think that Benedict XVI is still in some way the pope, but this isn’t true.” He ended that segment by saying that he’d like the “emeritus” confusion to be clarified, but I’m not too confident he intends to do anything about it.
    Beginning @46:00

    1. See the article at the top of FromRome.Info, Benedict never said he abdicated. So as it is not our duty to explain Burke’s mind, we only reported what he has said in the past.

  4. There are too many clerical & lay Catholics who still hide behind the facade of Prayer & Patience because they don’t want to put their heads above the parapet for the love of God’s Church. They are glued to a false premise that obedience to God is always grounded in obedience to the Pope, but in these unfortunate times the answer to the question as to whom is the true Pope is denied us. Obedience to the False Prophet (which I believe Bergoglio to be) is obviously anathema to Christ Our Saviour, so why should we be told to follow him when the true Pope (which I believe PBXVI to be) is kept in the background staying mute about his coerced resignation even when it plainly doesn’t comply with Canon Law?

    While we are living through the end of an era we can still look forward to the consecration of Russia, the full revelation of the Third Secret of Fatima & Our Lady’s Triumph when the prelate Heaven has already chosen to release the Bride of Christ from Her captives & uplift the spirits of Her priests will be revealed. Given the lack of faith & incompetence within the prelature during this entire Apostasy it’s difficult to see how the College of Cardinals are worthy of their present role within the CC. Time will tell.

  5. Dear Brother Bugnolo,

    Here, our publication of your text in Portuguese. God and the Virgin, through the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi, bless and keep you. Peace and good!

    1. Dear Brother Bugnolo, yesterday, we do not know the reason, the link to the article did not appear in our comment. We resend it below. Best regards!

  6. Dear Brother Bugnolo, yesterday, we do not know the reason, the link () to the article did not appear in our comment. We resend it below. Best regards!

  7. I am not surprised Br. Bugnolo. It has happened before with our YouTube channel, and the tendency is to keep silent as far as they can. Anyway, our blog has the article published, and we just published Dr. Angelo Giornianni’s, not to mention many others from FromRome, which we will continue to publish.
    Once again, thank you. May God bless his apostolate and be together until the end.

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