Faithful flocking to Our Lady

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The faithful of Rome and Italy are flocking to Our Lady at Her ancient Basilica at Rome in record numbers.

Last night 20 came to implore Her in the nightly Perpetual Supplica to Our Lady Salvation of the Roman People.

This nighlty devotion is the only public act of the Church at Rome in communion with Pope Benedict. Catholics have come from as far as the USA, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Lebanon, Poland and Eritrea to pray to Our Lady in this supplica or perpetual novena. Even Othodox from Russia and Romania have joined in.

I encourage all the faithful wheresoever you be to join us every night at midnight Rome time, praying for the collapse of the church of darkness, led by Bergoglio.


CREDITS: The featured image used with permission.



Italian Agency on Privacy blocks Draghi’s Vaccine Passport

Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In a stunning slap to the government of Mario Draghi, Rothschilds agent and unelected Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, the Italian Agency charged with protecting the privacy of each citizen, has blocked the implementation of the Vaccine Passport which he recently decreed by an executive order.

In the unsigned article by the Libero Quotidiano, there is reported:

First of all, the Guarantor noted that the new decree “does not guarantee a suitable regulatory basis for the introduction and use of green certificates on a national scale” and is also “seriously incomplete” with regard to data protection, being “devoid of an assessment of possible large-scale risks to personal rights and freedoms.” In addition, the decree is “contrary to the provisions of the European Regulation” because it “does not precisely define the purposes for the processing of data on the health of Italians”, leaving room for “multiple and unpredictable future uses”.

In addition, the Guarantor contests the fact that the rule provides for an “excessive” use of data on certificates to be produced in case of control, “in violation of the principle of minimization”. Finally, it is pointed out that the serious criticalities detected “could have been resolved in advance and in a very short time if the subjects involved in the definition of the decree-law had started the necessary dialogue with the Authority”. Which, however, is now available to collaborate with the government.


CREDITS: The featured image is a screenshot of the article linked to in this report.

The Globalists are losing their grip on Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The recent decree of Mario Draghi — former Goldman Sachs investment agent — is the straw which has broken the back of compliance in Italy. A decisive slice of Italian society has now opened their eyes to the Pandemic and seen it for what it is: an invented excuse for the enslavement of humanity.

The indications for this are found everywhere. As an anthropologist-journalist I will recount the variety of evidence which is mounting every day.

Four women are stopped by the Carabinieri for walking the streets without masks after midnight. They refuse to comply with orders and are each given 2 misdemeanors. The combined cost would be about 4000 euros. While they officers are writing up the complaints, one of the woman reasons with the police and explains that these controls are entirely unconstitutional, illegal and in humane.  —  In the end, the Carabinieri rip up their own police reports and let the woman go free and unmasked.

A group of youth, who have not been seen in a year, are found on the streets after midnight. One is wearing a mask. I greeted them the first time and told them all to stop wearing the mask since it is nothing but a sign of political submission to fraud. They greeted me with joy again last night, all without masks and at my urging promised to spread among the youth of the city the message of resistance to globalism. I told them that the globalists were trying to rob them of their youth. And they resoundingly agreed.

A woman is stopped at the train station for not wearing a mask. The two policemen threaten her with a massive fine. In the midst of her explanation why its all a big Scam, they decide to not fine her and one of the officers rips off his own mask in a sign of agreement!

I met another patriot a few days ago, and we got to talking about the horrible side effects of the vaccine.  She told me that 10 of her associates HAVE DIED days after taking it. Families are not taking the excuse that it is COVID related, and are suing the Government, the Hospitals, the Doctors and the Vaccine company: Pfizer.

After curfew more and more youth  can be found on the street. The Police see them and do nothing. Even businessmen are now letting patrons into their stores without masks.

Everyone is fed up the the fraud. And the new government decree which will mandate Vaccine passports has everyone talking about revolution. If Mario Draghi thinks he will escape Italy alive, I would urge him to board a plane for Goldman Sachs in New York City as soon as possible.

How I love Italians!

The U.S. State Department is clearly worried about the situation in Italy. So they just published on April 20, 2021 a level 4 warning to all U.S. Citizens telling them NOT to travel to Italy. They claim that it is because Covid-19 is endemic in Italy. But now you know the real reason.


CREDITS: The featured image is a screenshot of the official TV channel, Stv, of the Italian Senate in action. Paragone stands to denounce the borrowing of monies from the EU as a scam to destroy Italy.

Andrea Cionci: Let’s pause on blaming the Council and investigate the Renunciation!


at entitled,
“Il Dibattito sul Concilio è un Vicolo Cieco. Il Nodo sono le Dimissioni…”

by Andrea Cionci


It has been several months that, starting from a careful historical analysis of Monsignor Viganò – which I largely share – the criticism of the Second Vatican Council continues to be brought up as if it were the real Magna quaestio and the solution to the current impasse. I think this is a big blunder and as I will show, it leads to absolutely nothing but a claustrophobic dead end.

In the progression of modernism, someone wanted to see in Benedict XVI the step immediately preceding Francis: a bit ‘like comparing a bicycle to a freight train, in my opinion.

Moreover, Ratzinger himself, who, like everyone else, underwent the cultural moment and the influences of the Council period, publicly emended himself from those “sins of youth”. It is often contested that when he was pope he did not excommunicate modernist theologians on the spot, but the management “cum clava” of papal power is quite recent and we tend to forget that the pope, once, was a figure above all of the guarantor of the unity of the Church, even at the cost of tolerating some “red sheep”. No one is perfect and Ratzinger, too, must have had his weaknesses, but, at this point, why stop at the Council and not blame de Lammenais (1782-1854) and liberal Catholicism? Moreover, the erosive tendencies of Tradition began well before the Council, as Sergio Russo has well illustrated in Stilum curiae (Tosatti’s Editorial Series).

Continuously re-proposing the whine about Vatican II provides only two operational solutions.

The first is to get into a time machine, go back to 1962, drug and kidnap Karl Rahner.

The second is to use the criticism of the Council to refound the Catholic Church, leaving the “seat” to the de facto schismatics, at least regaining possession of the “faith”, with a speech such as: “Since, as we have abundantly demonstrated, from Pius XII onwards we have not been able to have a pope worthy of the name, we are tired: the time has come to take back a Roman Catholic Church with a true pope that we will appoint on our own. It is not as if we can remain without a pontiff for the next few centuries.”

I had mentioned that hypothesis here.

Since the solution of the time machine does not seem to be immediately feasible, only from the point of view of ratifying a schism, the paean on the Council would acquire a practical function, but apparently no one has the courage to continue on this path: “it cannot be done”, “it is a sin”, “it does not fit”, “it is uneconomic”, “they must leave”, “it would give scandal”, etc.

And so — excuse me — but to continue with recriminations about the Council is objectively useless and unproductive. It’s like a guy who one day finds himself with a bad office manager and starts complaining about the course of studies he undertook as a boy: either he uses that speech to find the strength to radically change his profession (“ok, I got it all wrong, now I’m going to open a chiringuito in the Bahamas”) or he keeps his office manager and learns to live with him. It’s not that complaining about his old choices solves anything.

What is more harmful, however, is that such speeches distract intellectual and moral energies from the REAL Magna quaestio: the validity of the resignation of Benedict XVI. We know that it is a complex matter, that it is necessary to apply oneself, document oneself and find the courage of lions. But steps forward have been made to clarify and disclose how the resignation was announced – both legally and formally – invalid and how it was never ratified. Even if only 10% of those alleged resignations were challenged, those who really wanted to could probably wipe the slate clean of the neo-church. Perhaps only canon 14 of the Code of Canon Law would suffice: “Laws, even irritating or incapacitating ones, in the doubt of law do not urge”. We have asked 20 canonists of the Rota for confirmation and no one has responded: an indicative sign.

It may displease many people, but objectively speaking, the only one who has gone on the counter-attack in full operation is Don Minutella, who, freed from any impediment thanks to two (!) excommunications (not justified by any canonical process) is in fact the only one to have taken the field with an army: he has founded a social channel, speaks on radio and broadcasts, administers sacraments una cum Papa Benedicto around Italy… in short, he really does “the devil tour de force”. You may or may not like him, but please, let’s stop pretending he doesn’t exist, it’s quite ridiculous. If he has been excommunicated, for anyone who doesn’t like Francis, this can only be a huge credit to him., if it is true, as many claim, that there is an “anti-Christic coup” underway? If you do not like what he says, attack him on the merits: from a loyal, fierce dialectical clash with Don Minutella can only remain on the ground something really useful.

The illusion of many traditionalists is that, once Bergoglio is dead or has resigned, the next conclave can put things back in place, perhaps – given the armored majority – through divine intercession. “You’d have to presuppose insanity”, an authoritative colleague told me, but it is a pious illusion: if Francis is not the pope, not even the next conclave will be valid, with the presence of about 80 invalid cardinals. It seems to me that we can agree on this.

Even Bergoglio’s successor, even if he were a hyper-traditionalist holy man, will find himself with a sword of Damocles over his head, the atrocious suspicion, of having been elected by an invalid conclave. That is why the main issue, upon which all Catholic observers should converge, is solely and only the validity of Benedict’s resignation. That is the only really important thing that should be at the heart of even the Bergoglians, since doubt delegitimizes their leader. They should be the first to ask for a “commission of inquiry”, if they have nothing to hide. (Why do they turn a deaf ear?).

Even the tight criticism of Francis and all matters of the neo-church, what is the point? If Bergoglio is not the legitimate pope, and was put there by the modernist Masons, as they say, what do you expect, that he restore the sedes gestatoria and the Noble Guard?

Besides the crux of the resignation issue, the only valid (sideways) topic of debate should be: Why is no one moving? Why aren’t the cardinals speaking out as they should? What are they waiting for? Why aren’t the clergy mutinying en masse? Is it better to ask for enlightenment directly from Benedict XVI, or to organize a synod?

These are the questions that matter: whether Ratzinger is a modernist or not is of no importance, and, in the end, it doesn’t even matter whether he himself has organized a more or less voluntary invalid resignation. That speech may be an encouragement to decide to challenge the resignation, but the point is to establish whether Benedict legally resigned or not, regardless of everything, of his intentions and even of whether Francis is, or is not, a good pope. Before judging him as a pontiff, one must verify that he really is.

Readers of FromRome.Info intervened in a timely manner to stop massive Cyber Attack

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

From the statistics you can see the magnitude of what has been going on, here at FromRome.Info.

The Cyber War declared on FromRome was about 20x greater in magnitude than the standard background hack attempts against the website.

FromRome.Info could not have defended against this massive attack without the help that its readers had given in the previous weeks to upgrade the server and increase its physical capabilities.

The bruteforce attacks and complex attacks have been totally repelled, and the cyber campaign against FromRome.Info is now nearing its end as our server has blacklisted nearly all the servers used in the attack.

The victory in this battle belongs to the Readers of FromRome.Info who were so generous, so promptly, that I was able to unwittingly make preparations for defense, before even knowing an attack was being planned. Without your help, FromRome.Info would have been taken down and perhaps even damaged.


TECHNICAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I expect to be able to revive Commenting and the Top 10 List in a day or so. I ask your continued patience.

Fr. Altman: Don’t be a guinea pig!


by Fr. James Altman

Reprinted from his Parish Bulletin

Dear family, The “covid-19” injection is NOT a vaccine, PERIOD. It is NOT an injection of a lesser version of the illness but rather an experimental use of a genetic altering substance that modifies YOUR BODY – YOUR Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is NOT a vaccine, and the use of that word bears False Witness to the Truth. Please READ the bulletin insert and the referenced LINKS to articles.

For the record, dear family, all three Injections currently authorized for use in the United States by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, ARE EXPERIMENTAL. There is no science of any kind that takes them out of the category “EXPERIMENTAL.”

Clinical trials are ongoing but, obviously, they are completely incomplete. My understanding is that normally it is at least a 2-year process of experimenting on a few – and then, and only then, might a medi- cine get approved as something other than merely


In short, there has been no satisfactory longitudinal studies on any “vaccine” for Covid- 19. None. Zero. Zip. THEREFORE. IT. IS. EXPERIMENTAL.

Thus, as has been the case since the first needle was shoved into someone’s arm injecting some- thing, these INJECTIONS have been granted ONLY, quote: Emergency Use Authorization a/k/a EUA status … ONLY.

EUA status is distinct from being “approved” or “licensed” vaccinations and as such, can NOT be mandated by public or private entities.

Therefore, it is diabolical for anyone to virtue-signal/shame/compel you to take such an experi- mental drug – making you nothing other than a GUINEA PIG. How does that make you feel? How does it make you feel to see the government, the media and even some in the Catholic Church shaming you into being a GUINEA PIG?

God damns bearing false witness against others that cause harm. The proponents of this Injection are bearing false witness. Unfortunately, that includes both laity and clergy alike. As to clergy, it particu- larly is egregious because clergy have one job to do: attend to your eternal salvation.

Understand this and think long and hard before YOU become a Guinea Pig:

1. If the Injection actually worked, there would be no need for any masking of any kind. 2. If the Injection actually worked, you would not get Covid-19, but people do.
3. If the Injection actually worked, the Godless powers would not have to mislead nor
4. If the Injection actually worked, no one who actually took it would have any cause for fearing anyone who did not. They would be “safe” even if you coughed in their face. Therefore, their use of peer pressure to force you into Godless conformity is damnable.
threaten you to take it.
5. If the Injection actually worked, there would be no need for the Godless media giants to “cancel” and shut down any opposing views and any contrary SCIENTIFIC STUDIES.
6. They are LYING to your FACE about “following the science.” The ONLY “sciiiiiience” they will allow is their own “science” which conveniently supports their whole agenda.





EDITOR’S NOTE:  Father Altman is a social media phenomena, ever since last spring when he publicly rebuked the clergy for not executing their divine duty to rebuke sinners in public. Father’s virtue is even more admirable in that he is a former banker and lawyer.