Londoners send Message to Globalist Police Forces worldwide

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One thought on “Londoners send Message to Globalist Police Forces worldwide”

  1. Soon the tear gas and water cannons will be used by the Police. Already in NZ a well known Pastor has spoken out about the Reset. The Executive Project Director of Counties Manukau Health Board aged 63, Pauline Hanna jumped on line after receiving her 2 vaccine shot on the day she died (5 April). My understanding is she spent the evening typing to the effect, had the jab all good. She did not wake up. The Aware took screen shots before the press then reported the situation after Police swarmed to her house. Here is the official wording “… Her death is being treated as “unexplained” – mention of her receiving the jab same day was not made. Hmm, Hanna’s hubby is an eye specialist. DURING lockdown Mother Jacinda organised NZ to be guinea pigs of the Fourth Revolution by signing us up with World Economic Forum to be the A.I. New Zealand Pilot Project. We will see driverless cars, use of AI in banking and the medical arena and of course surveillance. This small country will be used for “organic learning” on the part of the NAZi’s. Viva La Resistance and Power to the Freedom Fighters Everywhere. LOVE to LONDON.

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