Joseph Ratzinger nace en Baviera el 16 de abril de 1927. A los 16 años piensa hacerse sacerdote pero es reclutado como soldado en la II Guerra Mundial. Inclinado al estudio, será profesor de teología. Durante el Concilio Vaticano II alcanza fama como experto. Juan Pablo II le nombrado Arzobispo de Munich y más tarde le hace Cardenal y colaborador suyo en la Curia.
En 2005 es elegido Papa a los 78 años y se enfrenta a graves problemas de la Iglesia que acomete con firmeza, pero que ocho años después se reconoce incapaz de gestionar. Eso motiva su histórica dimisión de 2013 que llevará a la elección de Jorge Mario Bergoglio como Papa. Disponible a partir del 16 de abril de 2021 en
Joseph Ratzinger was born in Bavaria on April 16, 1927. At the age of 16 he planned to become a priest but was drafted as a soldier in World War II. He was inclined to study and became a professor of theology. During the Second Vatican Council he achieved fame as an expert. John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Munich and later made him a Cardinal and his collaborator in the Curia.
In 2005 he was elected Pope at the age of 78 and faced serious problems in the Church, which he tackled with firmness, but which eight years later he recognized he was incapable of managing. This led to his historic resignation in 2013, which led to the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope.
Available from April 16, 2021 at