Take note of the Schizophrenic attitude of “Catholic Media” on Pope Benedict XVI

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The news broke nearly 21 hours  ago, but no Catholic news outlet in the English speaking world — to my knowledge — has picked up the story. There is universal studious silence.

Compare this to the totally discounted fabricated and alleged interview of Massimo Franco of the Italian Daily, La Stampa, which made claims that were entirely debunked days later by all the leading Vaticanista: Socci, Tosatti, Cionci etc.. That story, when first published, was reprinted immediately by ALL leading “Catholic” news outlets in the USA and the United Kingdom.

What is the difference?

The Massimo Franco story claimed that Bergoglio is the pope and that Benedict accepts that.

But the story which broke yesterday, quotes Pope Benedict XVI naming an Ambassador, in a nact which is strictly papal and monarchical and proves that Benedict considers himself the sole reigning pontiff.

Now ask yourselves if the “Catholic” media who ignored yesterday’s story are credible, impartial, honest or even in communion with the Church, of if they are rather bought and paid, narrative control, totally in league with Bergoglio’s gay, marxist, globalist, heretical apostate agenda.

By the way, for all you traddies out there, the story which broke yesterday is much more important than a nearly anonymous letter posted on the doors to St. Peter’s Basilica. So what’s with your silence about the former and your foaming at the mouth about the latter?

Here you have it. Take note. This is information suppression, disinformation promotion and narrative control. And it all has a satanic and globalist objective.

Also, to not put too fine a point upon it: if you refuse to recognize that Pope Benedict XVI did this because you refuse to recognize him as the Roman Pontiff, then you need to candidly admit that you are a SCHISMATIC formal and pertinacious, and in virtue of canon 1364, are excommunicated ipso facto for schism. Also in accord with the papa bull,  “Unam Sanctam” of Pope Boniface VIII, you cannot at all be saved, but shall be condemned to the eternal fires of Hell, with unbelievers and heretics of all kinds.

So maybe it is time you cut off all funding to these “Catholic” sites and talking heads who simple ignore the true facts as they come forth?

For myself, I for 6 years thought Bergoglio was the pope, and would have rejoiced to have a clear fact as this to snatch me from the errors I was in. To not have this sentiment is bizarre, and incomprehensible to me, if you are honestly in public disparaging and disapproving of what Bergoglio is doing daily, AND disapproving of it in your heart, why would you be silent in the last 21+ hours about this irrefutable evidencde that Benedict XVI never intended to resign, is the Pope, and is not ashamed to act as such?

Let us keep praying for Pope Benedict XVI. I believe the strong defense of his rights that we have seen in the Italian press in the last 2 weeks has encouraged him to speak out. With stronger moral and spiritual support, I believe his restoration to the Throne of Peter will be soon.

Now it is for us to militate with him! God wills it! Deus Vult!

Pope Benedict XVI names humanitarian Ambassador for Benin

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

March 16, 2021: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI totally demolished the claims of Massimo Franco of La Stampa, who at the beginning of this month claimed to have held an interview with Benedict which confirmed that Bergoglio is the pope.

In his own quite way, he did so by granting an audience, yesterday, to Lorenzo Festicini, who heads a non profit which aids the poor in west Africa and a photo op. — It is standard practice to grant a photo op to visitors of state and friends. No photo op, as with Massimo Franco of the Stampa means unwanted guest, at best.

From the photograph, it appears that the meeting took place at a little before 6 PM, Rome time. Pope Benedict XVI is seen wearing his Papal white soutain, his pectoral cross, his papal ring and stuchetto (hat) and the sandals of the Fisherman. He is also genuinely smiling.

In the course of which encounter, it is reported in the ReggioToday, that Pope Benedict XVI named him a humanitarian Ambassador:

Il Santo Padre emerito dopo aver ascoltato le parole del presidente Festicini ha voluto impartire la benedizione e la sua “nomina” ad “Ambasciatore di Pace in ogni parte del mondo, alla sequela degli insegnamenti del cardinale Bernardin Gantin di v.m.”

Due to the importance of this news, FromRome.Info publishes here an English translation:

The Holy Father emeritus having listened to the words of president Festinici, wished to impart his blessing and his nomination of him as “Ambassador of Peace in every part of the world, in the footsteps of the teaching of Cardinal Bernardin Gantin of recent memory.”

Francini is president of the Instituto Nazionale Azurro, a humanitarian aid organization. Cardinal Bernardin Gantin was an Archbishop from Benin, who was Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina, when he died on May 13, 2008.

As for the article, it is not clear if the editor used quotes in the Italian around the word “nomination” to conceal their shock or cite Pope Benedict XVI verbatim. I think it is obviously both.

For those who have not noticed. the naming of an Ambassador is an act of a monarch who still holds all his authority and office.

Now for those of you who think that Benedict believes that he is not the pope….slap yourselves in the face, please!



Who adopted YOU? God or the Boobtube?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Perhaps you have had the occasion to talk to someone wearing a mask about the Scamdemic. How many facts, arguments, court cases, experts have you cited to them, and concluded that you need not wear the mask, follow the controls or even believe Covid is a plague? And then despite agreeing with you, or not, they continue to wear the mask and change nothing of their behavior.

As a student of Anthropology, I have looked on in amazement at the events of the last 12 months, and tried to discern the cause for this patently illogical response, whereby a person prefers to be muzzled, imprisoned, unemployed, and isolated, and yet is happy about it.

And I have concluded, that for some reason or not, such persons do not see another human being as part of their reality. For them, what is reality is what is on the T.V..

Seeking a cause for this, I make the comparison to a faithful child, who listens to their parents and does not take counsel from strangers.

And I ask myself, how is it that they view everything said on the TV as coming from their parent, their most trusted source of information.

And I postulate that this may have to do with the boob tube.  Back in the 70’s, there was one last social push against watching television. It decried the excess of watching TV with the phrase, “the boob tube”, and compared the TV to the bosom of a mother, to which a baby is affixed while it is feeding.

Recently, a study has shown that children born in the last 12 months have not acquired the human ability to recognize emotions via the face, since they have grown up without seeing their Father or Mother unmasked.  They just stare blankly at everyone.

And I fear that both phenomena have to do with something similar. Namely, the deprivation suffered by a little child of human companionship.

Perhaps you have seen a movie about a child reared by wolves. He knows how to snarl and grate his teeth, like a wolf, because he had to communicate like a wolf.  In actual cases, which are extremely rare, such children have extreme difficulty socializing with human beings.

Now, perhaps this is what parents in the last 50 years have done: by putting their children in front of television sets, subconsicously their children have acquired a deep psychological dependence upon the TV, such that they regard the TV as the voice of their father and mother, that is, as the most trusted an intimately trustworthy voice in their world. They have also confused reality with the TV and the TV with reality, so that the world in which you or I speak to them is not their real world. For that reason, they ignore what we say if it runs counter to their Boob Tube Adopted Parent.

As Christians, we must regard God as our Father and follow His laws, counsels, decrees and judgements. We must live to merit to be taken into His Eternal Household and we must distain the friendship of all persons and things which prevent that pilgrimage and merit.

But for those who grew up in front of TV sets, I think they may not have yet realized who their parent is, and might be deeply psychologically and neurochemically attached to and governed by the TV screen.

This is my working hypothesis. I encourage you to test whether it be true or not with the persons you encounter each day as you continue to try to talk them back into reality.


Steve Bannon’s Masonic Institute expelled from Trisulti Monastery

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Council of State of the Italian Republic has heard the appeal of the Ministry of Fine Arts and has ordered out the Dignitatis Humanae institute of Steve Banon from the monumental Trisulti Monastery. — Click the image above to read the breaking news in Italian.

The Dignitatis Humanae institute had obtained a 100 year contract on the basis of numerous false claims regarding its ability to manage and restore the complex.

The Ministry of Fine Arts had previously attempted to expel the institute for hiding its purpose of establishing an international school of political leaders in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, a code word for Freemasonic American political control.  Bannon has in the past declared himself a christian-zionist, which is a particularly vicious form of heresy, which attempt to revise history by shifting the merits of Christianity, which come from the grace of Jesus Christ, to the categories of ethnicity or culture of a race which has rejected Jesus Christ explicitly, but which insists on a role in shaping the West to the detriment of Christendom and Christians. On the contrary, as the Catholic Church has always preached, the faith of Christ saves, not because Jesus was a jew, but because God became man to save all, Jew and Gentile, but only if they want salvation.

Bannon’s institute, however, wants to form a new generation of political leaders who in the name of nationalism, populism and sovereignty wish to impose this Masonic misrepresentation of history on Europe for the purpose or preventing a authentic restoration of Christendom, which only true Catholics can achieve.

Catholics throughout Italy are, therefore, rejoicing that this Monastery, made sacred by so many centuries of prayer and Catholic worship has been freed from a monstrous fate. Let us pray now that a truly Catholic institute applies to obtain the use of this place and restore it to its sacred character, as all the residents in the local towns, round about, want.

Cardinal Burke was previously associated with the Dignitatis Humanae institute, but broke with it after Bannon endorsed a book which exposed the rampant sexual immorality in the Roman Curia.

Steven Bannon is a former vice president of Goldman Sachs.

Italian Supreme Court strikes down Covid Controls

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

March 15, 2021 A. D. — ROME, Italy: The Highest Court in Italy has struck down the force of all Covid-reponse regulations emanating from the Italian government in a stunning blow to the Scamdemic mongers in the Italian Parliament, from the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella to the previous and current Prime Ministers (Presidenti del Consiglio dei Ministri), Giuseppe Conte and Mario Draghi, respectively.

In their decision of March 1, 2021, n. 7988, the Supreme Court of Cassazione has ruled that no citizen can be held to be criminally liable for the violation of any control imposed through the Decrees or the Decree-Laws approved by the Prime Ministers or the Parliament which, in the name of preventing or reducing the spread of Covid-19 have forbidden nationwide every single citizen from exercising his fundamental constitutional rights, such as the right to work, the right of liberty and the right of free movement.

The ruling from Italy’s Highest Court of Appeals establishes a binding precedent in all penal cases, and effectively bars the public prosecutors in all jurisdictions from proceeding against citizens for a violation of the lockdowns, social distancing, closure of stores, hotels etc.

To anyone who is not under total psychological control of the mass media, it means the Scamdemic excused Sanitary Dictatorship has ended. — Alas however, this news is being hidden from the public, and it was not until today that the ruling became known.

Indeed, as of today, the government has ordered a lockdown in 12 of the 20 regions of Italy.

Here is a link to a copy of the official ruling:

Click on the image below to read  the news in Italian at ByoBlu.com:

Bergoglio says only by embracing the NWO can injustice be healed!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

There is nothing more eloquent to condemn a man than the words from his own mouth: in this case, I speak of the anti-Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio in his interview published by the Italian newspaper, La Stampa, yesterday, March 14, 2021:

Here are his exact words, first in Italian, then in English translation:

Con quale atteggiamento la sprecheremmo?
«Chiudendoci in noi stessi. Invece, EDIFICANDO UN NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE  basato sulla solidarietà, studiando metodi innovativi per debellare prepotenze, povertà e corruzione, tutti insieme, ognuno per la propria parte, senza delegare e deresponsabilizzarci, potremo risanare le ingiustizie. Lavorare per offrire cure mediche a tutti. Così, praticando e manifestando coesione, potremo risorgere».
Now, in English translation:

With what mindset should we confront (the Pandemic)?

“What is happening can awaken everyone. It is time to remove social injustice and marginalization. If we seize the trial as an opportunity, we can prepare for tomorrow under the banner of human brotherhood, to which there is no alternative, because without an overall vision there will be no future for anyone. By putting this lesson to good use, the leaders of nations, together with those with social responsibilities, can guide the peoples of the Earth towards a more prosperous and fraternal future. The heads of state could talk to each other, confront each other more and agree on strategies. Let us all keep in mind that there is something worse than this crisis: the drama of wasting it. From a crisis one does not come out the same: either we come out better or we come out worse”.

With what attitude would we waste it?

“By closing in on ourselves. Instead, by building a new world order based on solidarity, studying innovative methods to eradicate arrogance, poverty and corruption, all together, each for his part, without delegating and deresponsibilization, we can heal injustice. Working to provide health care for all. Thus, by practicing and demonstrating cohesion, we can rise again.”

If you are a reader of FromRome.Info this discourse of Bergoglio should not surprise you, since you know that he was installed by the Freemasons in the USA, spouts chiefly the ideology of the Rockefeller Eugenic movement, and was installed in a coup d’etat which is ongoing. You also know that he is not the Pope but a NWO puppet, and that the real pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, has been imprisoned in the Vatican in broad daylight by careful censorship of all his mail and personal contacts.

Would to God that an army of crusaders arise to liberate the Holy Father! After 8 years, it is shameful that no Catholic prince has taken any action.

The Science the TV hides from you during the Scamdemic

Click to watch this video by Dr.  on Bitchute.


This video will end the Scamdemic compliance of the masses, if they only watch it.

There, the show notes read in part:

“The year 2020 brought COVID-19 to America and changed nearly everything. So many voices and conflicting information telling us what to do and how to protect ourselves, it has been hard to know who to trust.

“Now we can look back with 20/20 vision and see clearly for the first time. This film details the experiences of a group of doctors who have been censored for asking difficult questions and pushing against the prevailing narrative. It reveals the consequences they faced for speaking out and providing treatment for those afflicted or at risk.”