Archbishop Viganò is getting there, little by little

Little by little it seems that Archbishop Viganò is heading in the right direction. Though he still thinks Bergoglio was validly elected, he now declares him an arch heretic.  So he has moved from the hoodwinkined and submissive to Bergoglio camp, to the camp of the Sediprivationists, who hold that a man can be pope but lose the authority of a pope. — A theological non sequitur, because it presupposes that two contraries are true at the same time of the same person, which is illogical.

Here is the citation of the comments of the Archbishop:

Our obedience has nothing to do with either fearful servility or with insubordination; on the contrary, it permits us to suspend any judgment on who is or is not Pope, continuing to conduct ourselves as good Catholics even if the Pope derides us, despises us, or excommunicates us: because the paradox does not lie in the disobedience of the good against the authority of the Pope, but rather in the absurdity of having to disobey a person who is simultaneously Pope and heresiarch, Athanasius and Arius, one who is de iure light but de facto darkness. 

The paradox is that in order to remain in Communion with the Apostolic See we must separate ourselves from the one who should represent it, and see ourselves bureaucratically excommunicated by one who is an objective state of schism with himself

(Ironically the source of this quote is from this Letter to confused Priests)


Il Popolo non dimentica!

L’Italia per gli Italiani


Il popolo non dimentica!


Eregie forze dell’ordine:

Io, Fra Alexis Bugnolo, voglio cogliere quest’occasione per ricordarvi delle vostre responsabilità davanti a Dio e al popolo italiano.

Neanche un secolo fa, l’Italia ha visto sorgere un dittatore che ha portato la nazione in povertà e in declino totale. Ma non poteva farlo da solo. Doveva prima avere l’appoggio delle forze armate e del popolo. Pur tuttavia, il suo vero spirito si è manifestato quando iniziò ad opprimere con violenza gli oppositori con l’aiuto delle forze dell’ordine. Si chiamavano queste figure “camice nere”, tra di loro “camerati”. Ma il loro nome ufficiale era Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale.

“Benito” Mussolini giustificava le oppressioni con la scusa di proteggere questa sicurezza.

Ma sappiamo bene che fine ha fatto essa. Con queste milizie ha portato la nazione alla sua rovina e alla rovina della reputazione di queste particolari forze di sicurezza.

Oggi tutti quelli che hanno avuto un parente in queste speciali forze, provano una grande vergogna per le loro azioni passate. E tutto questo è vero, anche se molti storici affermano che Mussolini abbia fatto molte cose buone per il popolo.

Lui non era certo come i dittatori di oggi, che stanno portando il Paese verso un vicolo cieco, una strada senza via d’uscita, dove il popolo resterà l’unica vittima dei piani globalisti più alti.

Immaginiamo per un momento cosa dirà il popolo di Voi nel futuro, quando si ricorderanno del vostro operato durante questa attuale dittatura sanitaria, e dei vostri soprusi contro il popolo italiano, ormai messo in ginocchio.

Pensate per un attimo quanti suicidi non sarebbero avvenuti, quanti imprese non avrebbero chiuso, quante famiglie non si sarebbero divise, quanti anziani non sarebbero morti nelle loro case a cagione della terrificante paura di uscire fuori….tra tutte le altre nefandezze perpetrate personalmente da voi nel sanzionare i cittadini calpestandone i diritti fondamentali umani e civili.

Il vostro dovere come pubblica sicurezza non è come lo state intendendo voi. Voi pensate: “Dobbiamo eseguire gli ordini, e basta! Niente di più sbagliato.”

Questa fu la giustificazione dei gerarchi Nazisti durante il processo di Norimberga, che non gli è servita a salvarsi la pelle. Immaginate voi, forse, che quando tornerà la libertà, il Popolo si scorderà delle vostre azioni?

No, di certo! Il Popolo non si dimenticherà di voi! perché, ha in mano i Vostri nominativi sulle sanzioni che voi stessi gli avete imposto senza coscienza, senza umanità e senza pietà.

In 7 Minutes, the Italian President brings Democracy to an end in Italy

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has announced, last night, that the previous government of Giuseppe Conte has failed to offer any plan supported by a majority of both houses of Parliament.

But what he said following was shocking. That the only other solution, to have snap elections, cannot be had because the Scamdemic has to have a government with full powers and not a Parliament paralyzed with popular elections!

In other words, Democracy is no longer necessary. Only oppressing the people with more Scamdemic is necessary as a response to a pandemic which never existed.

Thus, as long as the Virus remains — and all commentators say it will remain forever — allowing the Italian people vote, would be a disaster!

Yes, a disaster to crooks who would be voted out, and replaced by political parties which would put them in jail for life!

Consequently, the President has acted outside of the constitution and entrusted Mario Draghi who is not an elected official, to form a new government.

Italians are outraged.  One YouTuber, seen below, said it succinctly.  In 7 minutes the President has brought democracy to an end in Italy, because, if you can stop elections for a pandemic which does not exist, you can always create new pandemics to prevent future elections.

Italy is in the hands now of the Lodge, no further elections are necessary, because that was the purpose of Democracy all along!

Draghi, to cancel Italian sovereignty before Italians take it back

English Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

You know the real values of a many by the values of those who praise him. The world was warned of the falsehood and wickedness of Bergoglio in the first days of his usurpation, when the journalists from east to west, north to south praised him for doing nothing.

Likewise, Italians are now stunned with the proposal of putting in the government Draghi, a market economist allied with Freemasonry and the investing houses of London.

The Left, knowing that it would be wiped out for decades in the next parliamentary elections in 2023, has chosen its final card trick. To chose a leader who will cede sovereignty to a United Europe in a last ditch effort to make parliamentary elections ineffective of any legal changes in the future.

The forces against Christ have spoke to us of Democracy for more than 200 years, but what they meant by it was only tyranny. They insisted on voting when they had an outcome they manipulated, and now that that capacity is at risk, they insist on ending any popular participation in government.

They think they can outsmart history. But tyranny never ends well for tyrants, and the people, not them, always survive it. By such a move they are pushing the people to violent uncontrollable revolution, as Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich foretold for those dark says of the future, which she saw in vision in 1822, in the time of two popes, a true one who was silent and lived in a small house, and an evil one who welcomed the idols of all pagans into a Church of Darkness.

Is Benedict still the Pope? — A Forensic Investigation, Part I

On Feb. 11, 2021, we will mark the 8th Anniversary of Benedict’s being forced from power. To understand what Pope Benedict did and did not do, FromRome.Info will publish each day one of the 7 parts of this Documentary, which definitively explains the entire controversy and all the points of canon law involved. — It was first published at Easter of Last year, and no theologian or canonist at Rome has yet refuted it.

Father James Blount claims mystical visions of Great Darkness

In the notes of this video, it says that this vision took place 2 years ago. — FromRome.Info does not endorse this video nor the book advertisement at the end, but simply posts Father’s testimony for the historical record.

But we should be cautious, because as the Saints say, one who has a vision is rarely given understanding of it.

Here is a video discussion between AJ Baalman and Br. Bugnolo of the rumors and prophecies about the Great Darkness, which explains how to discern between truth and falsehood among them.

Click this image below, to watch that video:

As regards the Prophecy about the Three Days of Darkness discussed in the above video, FromRome.Info has found this article which puts in doubt the authenticity of the text quoted by Baschera, a writer who seems to have made up a lot of things to sell his own books.

Le (presunte) profezie di Padre Pio