The New World Order has arrived, and they have taken over all social media. Now you will not even be allowed to find information on any political groups which oppose them. Click image to read the Article.
Monthly Archives: January 2021
Now that Twitter’s committed suicide, Christian platforms launch
Images speak a thousand words:
Here is Twitter’s new FrontPage
Here is the front page of a new Christian Social Media site:
FromRome.Info knows nothing about, so we cannot endorse it. But if any reader does, please leave a comment here below.
Italian Doctor takes Vaxx and drops dead from heart attack
Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, a gastroenterologist dropped dead from a heart attack while playing Tennis. He was in the prime of life, in perfect health. He had boasted on his FaceBook page that he had taken the Vaccine for Covid-19 and that it was perfectly safe.
He practiced medicine at the Umberto I Hospital in Nocera Inferiore. His friends openly discussed the relationship between the vaccine and his death on social media.
To read the original article, click the image above.
Texas Legislature to consider Secession
Palmara accusa la Magistratura Italiana
In October of last year there were published intercepted phone calls in which a leading Italian judge, in conversation with other peers of the Italian Judiciary, plotted to railroad Matteo Salvini in court.
The shock of the revelations caused the Italian Magistrates Association to ask for and obtain his resignation.
But now, in vendetta, Palmara has published a book, in which he has basically said, he did what all his peers have been doing for years.
In the above video, various experts comment on the explosive nature of Palmara’s book, and how it shows that the entire Italian Judiciary is a masonic farce to repress political opponents.
The Usurper in Chief is nearly brain dead
Joe Biden has lost the eye hand coordination necessary to put a pen into a jacket pocket. — Shows you how desperate the NWO was to find someone who would go alone with their frauds.
Bergoglian Archdiocese of New York to sell sacred masterpiece
“Our institutions are not meant to be museums or relics, kept simply because of their architecture or style,” says Joseph Zwilling, representative of the New York City Archdiocese.
Statements like this help you distinguish the parasites in the Church from the Church. Parasites eat and devour the work of past generations, and to such as these Churches have value only when sold. — The Church shown below, is All Saints Church. It was build by poor Irish immigrants in Harlem. It contains numerous masterpieces of stain glass and architecture. It was closed in 2015.
The Archdiocese of New York City holds that Bergoglio is the true Pope. This case about All Saints is a perfect example of what that means.
Click image to read the whole article, which appears in the New York Post.
German court declares Lockdown unconstitutional and inhuman
How the propaganda of the Enlightenment imprisons us from the Truth
Italian Banks discriminate against American Citizens
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
It has come to my attention, that American citizens are being denied bank accounts in Italy, without explanation. I have heard reports from potential clients of FINECO and the Banca Credito Cooperativo di Roma. I have heard similar reports from the Banca Posta Italiana.
The reason for this discrimination is not a legal one. In Italy American citizens can open bank accounts. I personally know 2 such citizens. But since 2016 it seems that many financial institutions in Italy have decided to turn political against potential clients from the United States of America.
As far as I know, the banks in question are all of the Left, and evidently the grab for power by Biden has not convinced them to trust American citizens any more than under Trump: another sign of the decline of influence of the United States overseas.
In Italy, 9 and 10 year olds hang themselves after watching TikTok challenge
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Summary in English of the article above (click to read in Italian)
The tragedy has shaken parents throughout Italy. A girl of 9 years, at Bari, in Apuglia, Italy, found hung in her own bedroom, with the mother’s cellphone along side.
This follows the similar tragedy of a young girl of 10 years old, at Palermo, in Sicily, under similar circumstances. She seems to have hung herself after watching a TicTok video challenge.
Authorities have taken possession of the cellphones to determine the precise reasons for the apparent suicides.
It should be obvious that children SHOULD NEVER BE GIVEN CELLPHONES. It is not infrequent that here at Rome, I see young boys of 12-14 using them to watch pornography together while they wait for the bus to take them to school or home.
Perhaps these tragedies will move parents to stop the practice.
6 Adverse side effects of the Vaxx, including Death
New York Times and the art of Doublethink
The True God hates pedophilia
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The world, today, is beplagued with pedophiles. Men and women who prey upon children and destroy them psychologically for life while raping them.
There are no mild words which can sufficiently express this horror. And thus it should not surprise us that the true God established no mild punishments for this sin.
The cause of this sin, it must be said, is sexual perversion. The use of the powers of procreation, not for the generation of children, but for the pure selfish self-gratification of lust unto the contempt of others and self.
God hates these sins so much that in the Old Testament, through his faithful servant Moses, He established one and only one severe punishment for them all: death.
Whether adultery, fornication, incest, rape, or bestiality.
God ordered that the perpetrators be put to death. In the case of consensual fornication, that both man and woman be put to death.
To the godless mind these seem harsh punishments, but they are in fact the expressions of God’s love, whereby He desires to protect the innocent from depravity and from those who through depravity would become depraved predators.
But when one considers the matter more exactly, God is by this punishment protecting children. Because the depraved predator will incline to seek victims who will not resist and who can be subdued. And such victims will always be children.
Thus it is in God’s perfection as a Father, a Father who loves children and who has ordered all to the generation of new generations of children, that He imposed such punishments upon the ungodly.
Contrariwise, it is godless men who denounce such punishments and who promote such perversions. And so malign are they that they try to advance their agenda by outlawing the preaching of truth on these matters, by flooding us with propaganda which attempts to persuade us that they are right and God is wrong. And with movies and media where perversion can be seen free at will. This is how sick and twisted the godless rulers of our age are.
It is not a coincidence, therefore, that godless Masonic states and depraved clergy want to abolish the death penalty and work to make legal pedophilia. Or why the Masonic Lodge puts pedophiles over us to rule us in Church and State.
When God’s faithful servants return to power, we shall know it for sure, when these sins — along with abortion, which is the greatest sin against children — are again punished as God decrees. God does not change and the depravity of man does not change. But God has not made this world for the depraved, and capital punishment for such crimes sends the depraved to the correct world which God made for them.
As for some of them, since public punishment serves to teach, I believe it would be both necessary and useful that those who promote these sins and who perpetrate them upon children be punished publicly. For when Catholics ruled the world there was a thing called burning at the stake. And there are sins which merit such an extreme punishment. To say otherwise is to close ones heart to the extreme and horrific suffering of the victims.
Br. Bugnolo: my monthly appeal for those who can
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I want to thank all who have and are supporting FromRome.Info, especially in this time of crisis, which has heavily impacted us all.
For that reason I have not made any particular request and am very thankful for all those who have continued to support FromRome.Info’s work nevertheless.
But for those who have not and who can, I would ask you to remember FromRome.Info, when you can.
As a Franciscan Brother, I live by begging, I do not have an income, retirement fund, savings account, insurance, or any other coverage. I only have you who read FromRome.Info.
Note: None of the support received goes to me as a salary.
Ogni mese chiedo i miei lettori che hanno la capacità per il loro aiuto. Come Frate vivo da elemosine e quindi devo mendicare tutto. Quelli di voi che non sono a Roma possono aiutarmi tramite una offerta. Per farlo, cliccare il pulsante qui sotto e sceglie 1, 2, 3 etc. secondo quanto di donare, $10, $20, $30 USD ecc.. La ringrazio in anticipo!
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How the Masons overthrew the Christian government of the USA in 1789
Twitter is a fake social media platform
The Declaration of Independence from the Swamp
How to refuse the Vaxx
Italian Prime Minister resigns
Here is summary of the comments of Raffaele Palermo, in the above video, on the resignation of the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte (His official title is President of the Council of Ministers).
Giuseppe Conte announced his resignation yesterday afternoon.
Today he will present his resignation to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.
If the political parties in the Parliament can forge a coalition which can represent a majority of both houses, they will present their proposal for a new government to Mattarella.
If they cannot, then there will have to be called new elections.
However, new elections seem unlikely, because nearly all the parties would lose seats: PD, M5S, Forza Nova and the Lega. Fratelli Italia would be the winner in election, and all the others would rather betray their ancient hatreds for one another than do that.
So what is likely is the formation of a new coalition with members of the Left and Right forming a technical alliance with a division of the Ministries and an agreement to pursue only a certain number of policies upon which they can agree without ripping one another apart.
New Governments in Italy, which is a parliamentary system, can arise through agreements among parties, with or without a vote of confidence in parliament. While the President of the Republic can force elections if he considers an alliance too week to effectively rule the government, Mattarella’s close collaboration with Giuseppe Conte’s hated government, makes it unlikely that even he would allow new elections.
Salvini and Meloni have shown themselves in the last 12 months to be a fake and faint opposition, which has done nothing of true opposition, other than diatribes in Parliament.
Italians are in political shock because in the last 18 months they have seen M5S — the Five Star Movement — turn against all its political promises during the last elections in 2018. Italians have lost confidence in all the parties in Parliament. But the political class in Italy has made the rise of new parties almost impossible, requiring that they obtain 70 thousand signatures in a majority of the 20 regions of Italy.
Palermo closes by saying the only hope for Italy is a new party which has no ties to the ruling class and existing political order.