Tormented by sciatica, Bergoglio goes under surgery

English Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Sciatica is one of the most extreme non lethal pains that a person can experience. It is caused by a herniated disk or bone spur in the lower back which impinges upon the sciatic never. Anxiety can cause the inflammation to break into extreme sensations of pain.  — Perhaps, the fact that Conte will soon leave the government, and be subject to trial, in which all his business dealings with the Vatican get revealed, has something to do with it?

Ciclk the image to read the original Italian article in the Libero.

Council of Europe says no to the obligation of Vaccine, discrimination via Passports

UPDATED: Jan. 30, 2021 at 1:05 A.M. Rome Time

English Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In a stunning turn of events the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in Brussels has approved a measure forbidding the obligation of all Covid-19 Vaccines and any discrimination against citizens for not being vaccinated.

LInk to official resolution:

Flipping the entire narrative, of punishing negationists, the Parliament has legislated that vaccine certificates are to be used only to monitor efficacy of the vaccination and their potential negative collateral effects !

The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly also judged that the use of Vaccine Passports WOULD BE CONTRARY TO SCIENCE in absence of data regarding their efficacy in reducing contagion and the duration of immunity granted.

This news is being suppressed on search engines.

The above image, when clicked, takes you to the Ticino LIbero, a newspaper in Northern Italy which reported the new 2 days ago.

What is the Council of Europe?

According to Wikipedia:

The Council of Europe (CoE) (French: Conseil de l’Europe, CdE) is an international organisation founded in the wake of World War II to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe.[3] Founded in 1949, it has 47 member states, with a population of approximately 820 million, and operates with an annual budget of approximately 500 million euros.[4]

The organisation is distinct from the 27-nation European Union (EU), although it is sometimes confused with it, partly because the EU has adopted the original European Flag which was created by the Council of Europe in 1955,[5] as well as the European Anthem.[6] No country has ever joined the EU without first belonging to the Council of Europe.[7] The Council of Europe is an official United Nations Observer.[8]

The Council of Europe cannot make binding laws, but it does have the power to enforce select international agreements reached by European states on various topics. The best known body of the Council of Europe is the European Court of Human Rights, which enforces the European Convention on Human Rights.

The news is now also being reported here:


D.C. capitol Police blame leadership for intentionally disarming them

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I knew there would be a false flag event days before January 6th, at the Capital, because the Democrat Mayor loudly announced that she was disarming her police “to prevent violence”. — You see, the real police of the Deep State are not cops, but the agitators called BLM or Antifa. And the Deep State only cares for its own. (Click the image to read the article about how 140 policemen got injured)

Goya punishes its own CEO for being in schism from Biden

We say the same behavior by Bishops and Catholic Media outlets like Catholic Family News, LifeSite News, 1Pt5, EWTN and every diocesan or episcopal publication in the world following the putsch of Feb. 11, 2013, when Benedict was driven from power.

Hopefully now you understand who is on which side?

Click the image above to read the article.


Catholics in the USA: Our time has now come!

OUR TIME HAS COME! — The Democrat and Republican Parties have imploded. Trump has conceded and resigned from politics as a candidate. You are now put on notice.

No more need to serve the Masonic political theatre.

We need to strike out and fight for Christ!

This is where all the talk about the social Reign of Christ and all the prayers for the restoration of His Kingdom among men HIT THE ROAD!

Join the Catholic Party for America, and use this banner ad in email, social media, and on your blogs, to spread the word. Let’s recruit 30 Million Catholics this year.

We can do this, if we just stop putting ourselves at the center, and begin to truly serve Jesus Christ!

This holy work will oppose the Apostate government of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and the shameful godless politics of the good for nothing Episcopal Conference that has the shame to give lip service at best, and rarely, to Jesus Christ our Savior.


Make America Catholic Again!

Restore the Christian Republic!

Click the banner to learn more.

Deep State cancels WallStreetBets to send us a message

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

A group of amateur investors gathered together on Discord via a Reddit group for option buyers. The group quickly attracted 250,000 members and was instrumental in destroying the short positions of several Wall Street Firms who were betting on certain stocks falling in price. One of these was GameStop, the popular video game retailer in the USA.

A short sale is a stock position in which an investor agrees with a brokerage who holds the stock to buy the same number of shares back for the brokerage after a certain length of time, regardless of the price of the stock. It is a high risk investment strategy, which is calculated to bring huge profits if the stock price falls, but result in ruinous fees if the price increases.

The effort of the WallStreetBets in raising GameStop stock up by 1700% destroyed all investors who were betting it would go down.

In response, the real power in the USA, the Masonic Banks — aka the Deep State — took immediate revenge, and got Discord, the online social interaction site for live video and audio, to pull their chat room server, effectively erasing all the social media interaction and connection of 250000 individuals.

In this, the Deep State has sent us all a clear message, and Ian Miles Cheong put his finger on it.


Nick Sandmann dumps Lin Wood

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is my commentary on the news reported in the above article. (Click the image to read the article.)

Nick Sandman is the Catholic youth who was publicly ridiculed and calumniated by the MSM after appearing in a prolife rally in Washington D. C.. He was at that time a private figure, and so he had grounds to sue for defamation. Having won several cases and still being engaged in others, he is now a public figure.

He had retained one of the best defamation defense lawyers in the country, Lin Wood, from Georgia. Wood is an avid supporter of President Trump and being warned of the intended electoral count fraud, to be perpetrated by Pence on January 6, Wood in December tweeted out that firing squads should be formed and Pence should be first. It was obvious hyperbole.

But in the Masonic system of the U.S.A., indiscretions which are made by enemies of the Deep State are considered impardonable. Following their commission the entire political and economic apparatus shun the “perpetrator”.

It is surprising that Sandmann a Catholic reacted this way by dumping his best lawyer. Wood in a public statement said that Sandmann was working to get Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate Minority leader, elected.

Sandmann in my opinion was poorly counseled. I would not be surprised he loses the rest of his cases or comes out with a lot less.

As he is already personally worth more than Mitch, why he would be taking counsel with him is inexplicable. And why he would make a move which appears to be calculated to gloss over the high crime of Mike Pence makes no sense.

As a Catholic I had a lot of hope in this young man. I have lost it reading this news.

The New Government in Italy will be pro Vaxx

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The news out of Italy is horrific. All the options on the table for the formation of a new government coalition are pro-Vaxx.  Renzi, who broke with the government last week, because, he said, the response to the Pandemic was unconstitutional and threatening Democracy, has just stated that the goal of any new government should be mass vaccination!

These monsters are plotting the death of a nation.

The possible plans which present viable majorities in both the Senate and Camera all include the current ruling parties, M5S (5 Star Movement) and the PD (Democrat Party). All are agreed that they are working for the salvation of the nation — By this they mean their own careers and pensions — And all are agreed not to call snap elections, because they would all be wiped out politically forever.

It is literally a government from Hell, where like demons they fight over the thrones of oppression of the people.

Finally, since M5S insists that Giuseppe Conte, the Dictator, return as Prime Minister (in Italy the official title is President of the Council of Ministers), it appears that Conte will return to destroy Italy for a third time.

All of the parties mentioned above also agree on another thing: Matteo Salvini will never get back in government. Salvini is also provaxx, but he is publicly and universally hated by the Left, like Trump is by the Left in the USA, as part of the theatre to make the people believe they are living in a democracy rather than a demon-arcracy.

Click the graphic above to read the original report, in Italian, from Ansa.

Deep State begins to arrest Social Media opponents

Spreading false information is immoral. But it is clear that this is just the opening case in a strategy to demonize and criminalize all who support political Candidates who are not Deep State approved.

This news, however, is laughable.  The FBI just witnessed millions of fake ballots inserted into the 2020 election and did NOTHING. Not 1 arrest.  But instead they arrest a Trump supporter from 2016!

What hypocrites.

Click the image to read the article.