Maybe it is time we all change our Social Media Network?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As Saint Augustine of Hippo remarked in his epic essay, On the City of God, there is a battle in this word, between 2 cities: The city which is founded upon the love of God unto the contempt of self; and the city which is founded upon the love of self, unto the contempt of God.

This battle has a demarcation line too. But not as the Gnostics would have, between spirit and matter. Rather, its demarcation line is between the right use and the misuse of all things.  And thus this battle line is drawn through the affairs of daily life and even in our culture or way of living.

But we can describe these two warring camps by the things which characterize their lives.

In the one camp, there is the Divine Network of prayer and grace. You can log on to this network at any time or day, but not in every activity.  The login requires faith and attention, and the mortification to remain connected and interactive.

In the other camp, there is the Network of the Antichrist, which is called Social Media. To log on, you need a computer or cellphone or tablet, an internet connection, a password, and a stable decision TO SEPARATE YOURSELF from all those around you physically and even from the Divine Network.

Those addicted to the Divine Newtork become saints, great saints.

Those addicted to the Network of the Antichrist become mediocre at best, and vain gasbags more often than not.  Vanity and sloth being capital sins, you can imagine where its users are being led.

God gives us a free login (faith), password (charity) and network access (prayer), eternal benefits (salvation) and temporal gains (virtue, counsel, peace, discernment, gifts, repentance etc..). In addition, we can find the most famous interesting group of celebrities and divas, such as Our Lady, Saint Joseph, and all the Angels and Saints, all wiling to hear our comments, interact with us, and even send us free promotional graces or grant us tremendous intercessions to our legal and non legal petitions!

That is a great package. Who can beat it?

Maybe it is about time we change social media network?

NWO’s next stage of Lockdown is coming to you!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Great Reset moves ahead without opposition. The unprecedented election fraud, perpetrated by the Deep State in collusion with China — Both controlled by the Masonic Banks of New York City, has led in the USA to the most brilliantly evil op by decapitating the leadership of the United States of America.

As you already know, the vote tallies in the US 2020 election were fraudulent in more than 20 states, where the ballots were counted on Dominion Voting Machines. These machines were not supposed to be equipped with with WIFI capabilities.  But they are made in China, and the Chinese had them so equipped so as to hack the election.

Mike Pence, the Vice President, plotted with Hilary Clinton and Obama to bring down President Trump, from as far back as 2017. Trump clearly won the presidency on Nov. 3, since the US Constitution requires that the victor be chosen on that day. But they kept counting votes in enough states so as to give time for the tallies to be hacked from the US Embassy in Rome, using CIA and MI5 personnel and transferring the data on an Italian Military Contractor.

The Secretaries of State whose duty it was to not certify dubious tallies were bribed by the Chinese  or were democrats, so they certified false results and the governors of the same states who should have convened their legislatures to investigate were also bought to prevent such action.

Mike Pence in the Joint Session of January 6, 2021 should have followed either the law of 1887 or the 12th amendmen, each of which gave him a way to prevent the counting of irregular or invalid ballots. But he chose not to.

Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of Washington, D. C., colluded with Antifa to create enough disturbance at the Capitol, as the Joint Session met so as to create a pretext to label the supporters of Trump as terrorists. The Main Stream Media, like always, supporting the false narrative from Nov. 3 til today.

Most surprising to many was Trump’s concession speech the next day. He now recognizes that Biden will be inaugurated and has stated that he will not use his presidential powers to stop it. Though he seems to be taking action to preserve his popularity so that Turmp Inc., his real estate empire and hotel chain, will maintain its value, as a commercial enterprise.

Now Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and many other companies, even Firefox, are calling for the purge of their political opponents. Millions have already had their social media accounts erased from Twitter and Facebook. Even email services are blocking and dumping Trump and many others. I expect the next blow to be Gmail, which will start erasing gmail accounts, to massively disrupt personal communications. Then USA Banks will start seizing the assets of American citizens.

The sense of betrayal by more than 150 million Americans right now is unspeakable. They have been the victims of one of the most brilliantly evil plots to decapitate leadership and isolate individuals.

But this is just part of the Great Reset. What has happened in the USA, will now spread world wide after Biden is inaugurated, as he will use the full power of the US Intelligence Agencies and the agents thereof, in every national government, including Russia and China and the EU, to do the same to us all.

All of this proves that there is now no hope for salvation in our time, but from the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Russia must be consecrated, so that she be converted and become the Christian power against the Masonic Lodges and world Communism.

Pray the Rosary, and take ALL YOUR MONEY out of the bank!

CREDITS: L’imagine in evidence si trova al dove si trova un articolo in Italiano che spiega cosa è il Great Reset. Niente nel articolo qui sopra è stato preso da Ma FromRome.Info raccomanda quel articolo per la sua informazione, e offre questa pubblicità non solecitata e gratuita per

FBI Files on Nancy Pelosi’s Father: Thomas D’Alesandro Jr.

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is reported that these files contain shocking information about the criminality of Italian-American family members of the present Speaker of the U. S. House, Nancy Pelosi such as a Mafia connection and rape. As public documents, however, the revelation of their contents pertains to the public domain. In U.S. law it would not be illegal to publish their contents.  Nancy Pelosi is one of the principle American allies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis.

Click on image to access the files on the official FBI server:

UPDATE: January 13, 2021, 11:30 PM Rock Mountain Time — This article was accessed 7 times from the servers of the FBI, by agents who were probably wondering why nearly 9000 of our readers are taking interest in these files. So many, that they probably thought it was a DOS attack! — FromRome.Info thanks and its readers for sharing this article!

CREDITS: The Image above is a screen shot of the FBI files, first page. The Featured Image is used in accord with a CCSA 3.0 License described here

We endorse the Catholic libertarian Party:

Busting an Internet Myth: He is a shaman, not Antifa


Click the image above to listen to his interview on Rumble. This guy is a pro Trump patriot. A native american shaman. The symbol is not a pedo symbol, it is a Valknut.

Further reports say, that he dresses like a shaman, and is known as a QAnon followers. One media social profile shows that he seeks work as a professional actor.

Gateway Pundit reported on January 9th,

The bare-chested man wearing horns who took over the Vice President’s chair in the US Senate was arrested on federal charges.

Jacob Anthony Chansley, AKA Jake Angeli of Arizona was charged with knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

There are many voices which are saying he is Antifa. One news reporter in Arizona says that he is pro Trump. Another pro Trump activist in Utah say he comes to events to disrupt them. He may just be an exhibitionist. There are no reports he was violent on January 6th.

Trump loses his mind, blames peasants, absolves Elites

Trump has formally conceded to Biden to seize the Presidency after succeeding in gathering all the evidence that he and not Biden won. He has cowtowed to the Political Corrupt Elite and faulted American Patriots for their just anger yesterday.

This man is the epitome of Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot. He has stabbed 100 Million supporters in the back who would have gone to war for him. He has chosen to embrace those who hate him, who are even now preparing his impeachment and removal of office, so he can never run for office again.

Trump will go down in history as the biggest Beta Male failure in the world. To be hated by those who hated him, and who loved him.

He is acting entirely irrationally.

Thus ends the story of Donald J. Trump. Requiescat in infamia.

YouTube becomes a Gulag Archipelago

This is from the YouTube Official Public relations account on Twitter:


For an Immediate and Orderly defense of the Constitutional Order



Dear Governors of the Several States,

What America witnessed yesterday in Washington, D. C., was not a disgraceful tragedy of unruly protestors, but the disgraceful and shameful behavior of the Vice President, Mike Pence, in proceeding to regard the Electoral Ballots of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as REGULARLY CAST in violation of the 1887 Electoral Count Act.

This act of fraud disenfranchises all American Voters, who vote legally and cast legitimate votes.  The due process clause of the Fifth Amendment guarantees that every U. S. Citizens shall not “be  deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Now since the election of the U. S. President by the people is the highest guarantee of liberty, such a fraud by the Vice President is a INTOLERABLE ACT of knavery against which our forefathers risked the lose of life, liberty and property in the First American Revolution.

This INTOLERABLE ACT also participates after the fact in the violation of the Fourteenth Amendment due process rights of those several states where the Secretaries of State with the connivance of State Governors fraudulently certified knowingly doubtful and dubious vote tallies, in defiance of the complaints and petitions of numerous parties, legislators and citizens of those several states. For as the Fourteenth Amendment declares in Section 1:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Since the Tenth Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

And since it belongs to every party of a contract to voice their dissent when there is a unilateral violation of the rights of the same by the other part, and since the State which you govern is a Sovereign Entity among the nations of the world, free and independent with inalienable rights: it behooves you and your State Legislatures to convene in emergency Session to declare your dissent to this INTOLERABLE ACT and by a decree of nullification withdraw the consent of your Sovereign State from such an imposture.

Moreover, since the Constitution as a contract among the several states requires the President of the United States be chosen in a constitutional manner according to due process, there is no violation of right if there be granted in accord with the principles of equity an unusual prolongation of the Counting of Electoral Votes so that the legislatures of the Several States, in which there is currently a lively dispute in extraordinary circumstances of a nationally organized fraud, determine for themselves to which candidates to apportion their Electoral Votes.

Therefore, with the Vice President having violated this principle of equity and common sense and the above constitutional and civil rights of all the citizens of your State and the due process rights of all American citizens, by such a grievous INTOLERABLE ACT, we hereby beg you to convene your State Legislatures for said purpose and take all immediate and orderly steps which are appropriate to a Sovereign State to preserve the Constitutional Order.
