In Italy, 9 and 10 year olds hang themselves after watching TikTok challenge

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Summary in English of the article above (click to read in Italian)

The tragedy has shaken parents throughout Italy. A girl of 9 years, at Bari, in Apuglia, Italy, found hung in her own bedroom, with the mother’s cellphone along side.

This follows the similar tragedy of a young girl of 10 years old, at Palermo, in Sicily, under similar circumstances. She seems to have hung herself after watching a TicTok video challenge.

Authorities have taken possession of the cellphones to determine the precise reasons for the apparent suicides.

It should be obvious that children SHOULD NEVER BE GIVEN CELLPHONES. It is not infrequent that here at Rome, I see young boys of 12-14 using them to watch pornography together while they wait for the bus to take them to school or home.

Perhaps these tragedies will move parents to stop the practice.



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