The Zenger Dossier

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is the dossier of documentation published by Attorney Sidney Powel, by which she asserts that there was intervention of foreign powers in the 2020 US Presidential Election to produce falsified vote tallies in favor of Joe Biden.

FromRome.Info has dubbed this dossier the Zenger Dossier, because it was first published by Zenger News. Attorney Powel has released this Dossier to the public domain, so that it can be examined by all. Click the image to open the PDF, which is 75.5 MB in size. This is the version found on the Zenger news site at 8:45 AM, Rome time, Dec. 27, 2020.

If you are an attorney in any jurisdiction, who may have to argue damage from a usurped or illegitimate U.S. Presidency, this is a document to download and archive for future use.

YouTube Strikes From Rome Info after FB transmission of Supplica

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

YouTube striked for a second time the YouTube Channel, “From Rome Info”.  The strike was sent out at 4 AM Rome time, or 7 PM Christmas Eve, San Francisco Time.

This strike was launched at a similar moment as the previous, which was sent out 30 minutes after I used the YouTube App to live stream the Supplica to Our Lady in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

This second strike was launched 4 hours after a friend of mine did a live stream of the same Supplica on his FB page.

Here is the Christmas present from YouTube.

I have not used YouTube in more than a week

But their censorship does not end. As you can see it appears that there is a censor at YouTube who reads FromRome.Info and is triggered by broadcasts of the Supplica.

The Church Fathers talk about how the Beast of the Apocalypse lurks to hunt the Child Jesus and thus inspired Herod to slay the innocent children. Today we are faced with the same followers of the Beast, who promote abortion and cannot stand that Catholics pray before the relics of the Crib of Christ, which are kept at Santa Maria Maggiore.

So far my new channel, From Rome Info, has received 2 strikes in 2 weeks, Another strike and the channel and all its videos will be destroyed by YouTube the Barbarian!  If you like any of them, download them now, for they will be lost forever.

Questa Natale dobbiamo celebrare la nostra liberazione dalla dittatura!

di Frà Alexis Bugnolo

La notizia che il Tribunale di Roma ha bocciato tutti i DPCM del Dittatore Conte è causa di gran gioia in tutta l’Italia!

Ma dobbiamo diffondere questa notizia tramite gioire questa Notte.

Io vado fuori alle 23,00 per cantare canti di Natale nelle strade e per pregare come solito davanti Santa Maria Maggiore, dove, a cagione delle reliquie del presepe originale fatto da San Giuseppe, la causa di gioia sarà anche più grande!

Siamo arrivati all’onore di avere l’occasione di dare testimonianza al nostro Dio nella Festa della Sua Incarnazione.

Questo è un grandissimo onore che non abbiamo di nuovo in tutta la nostra vita, forse.  Quindi, dobbiamo celebrare! in pubblico e ovunque!



The Catholic Church rises! on Christmas Day

On channel 68, on Christmas Day, at 4 P. M., here in Italy, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in communion with Pope Benedict XVI will return to the airwaves.

The Mass celebrated according to the Missale Romanum of 1962, will be offered by Don Alessandro Minutella, Pastor of Saint Don Bosco Parish, Palemo, Italy.

This is the first time in Italy, since February, 28, 2013, that such a mass has been offered. It is a huge historical moment there the true Catholic Church, in communion with the true Pope, returns to public live on airwaves. Until now it has been confined solely to social media channels.

The Beast in the Church will certainly rage, but the Child of Bethlehem has declared open war with him on His Birthday.

Deo Gratias!