by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The above video was made on Nov. 23. Since then the constitutional crisis has exploded in the USA, with 20 States and President Trump suing 4 States in the Supreme Court of the United States. The Lawsuit begun by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, on behalf of all Texas voters and the State, seeks the nullification of the apportionment of electors in the States where there is disputed election fraud (colored in dark blue in this map, here below): Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvanian and Georgia.
I have colored the States which are controlled by the Marxists (Democrat Party) in light blue and those controlled by Republicans in light red, in the map above, to show possible lines of division of territory, if the U.S.A. should fall into a second civil war.
Note that in the 3 states being sued (WI, MI, PA), the Legislatures are in the hands of the Republicans.
The Supreme Court is expected to hear the case on account of the historical nature of so many States suing other states over the election of federal officers and the U.S. President and Vice President.
I expect that the Supreme Court will hear the case on Friday and rule by Saturday, since Electors need to be apportioned by Dec. 17, when the Electoral College votes for the President and Vice President.
My opinion is that the Supreme Court will rule against the 4 states and decide that no apportionment of Electors for those states can be made on the basis of rules changed by their Governors, Secretary of States or non Legislature actions, and that the Legislatures have the right to intervene an apportion them as they judge best. This will result in a Trump victory.
Bella premunt hostilia,: Domine, da robur, fer auxilium !
Christe Deus noster adiuva nos !
December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – “This evening, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a voter fraud case brought by Texas against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Texas and the states that joined it argued that the above swing states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify unlawfully enacting last-minute changes and ignoring both federal and state election laws, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election.”