More Proof that Benedict was imprisoned by Masonic Alliance

Now they publish the names of the conspirators behind it all along.


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2 thoughts on “More Proof that Benedict was imprisoned by Masonic Alliance”

  1. How come there is nothing about this new Alliance with the Vatican reported on the Vatican News website?! Re: Council for Inclusive Capitalism – this is the only mention of it on the Vatican News website as of 10/12/20 (11th November 2019) Vatican forms alliance with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism Published on Dec 8, 2020 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism announced Tuesday morning a new partnership between the Vatican and business leaders across the globe. This alliance followed a meeting just over a year ago when Pope Francis called for the urgent need for “an economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity.” Lynn Forester De Rothschild, founder of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, joined “Squawk Box” on Tuesday to discuss.


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