YouTube Threatens FromRome.Info with Ban, destroys content


I ask everyone to help me remain able to transmit video to YouTube by subscribing to my personal YouTube channel:

Until I get 1000 subscribers I can no longer transmit the Nightly Supplica, because if I do I risk losing the ability to post videos for my students at the Scholasticum, where I teach theology.

This is going to take a big effort on the part of everyone, and until there are 1000 subscribers, I will have to omit the transmission of the nightly prayers.

As for what was in the Nov. 14 broadcast of the Supplica which earned the ban, I do not even remember, nor can I even find out, since by taking down the video, YouTube has destroyed my intellectual property in violation of its user agreement.

I think this attack by Youtube Inc. was in response to my interview on Morris San, where I explained in Italian how to defeat the NWO. I am now clearly on their “To be silenced” list.


Chiedo a tutti di aiutarmi a rimanere in grado di trasmettere video su YouTube abbonandomi al mio canale YouTube personale:

Fino a quando non avrò 1000 iscritti non potrò più trasmettere la Supplica notturna, perché se lo faccio rischio di perdere la possibilità di postare video per i miei studenti allo Scholasticum, dove insegno teologia.

Questo richiederà un grande sforzo da parte di tutti, e fino a quando non ci saranno 1000 iscritti, dovrò omettere la trasmissione delle preghiere notturne.

Per quanto riguarda la trasmissione del 14 novembre della Supplica che si è guadagnata il divieto, non me lo ricordo nemmeno, e non posso nemmeno scoprirlo, perché togliendo il video, YouTube ha distrutto la mia proprietà intellettuale in violazione del suo accordo con l’utente.

Credo che questo attacco da parte di Youtube Inc. sia stato in risposta alla mia intervista su Morris San, dove ho spiegato in italiano come sconfiggere la NWO. Ora sono chiaramente nella loro lista “Da mettere a tacere”.

Tradotto con (versione gratuita)

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7 thoughts on “YouTube Threatens FromRome.Info with Ban, destroys content”

  1. Isn’t it more likely they have banned you for covering anti lockdown protests? Your priority is your prayer mission. There are others who can prioritise the anti lockdown issues. And – you have prayer. Best regards.

    1. The striked my channel for a prayer video. FromRome.Info has reposted Youtube videos about the protests, but You Tube was not banned by Twitter.

      1. Maybe. -maybe indirection. I know there is a lot of anti-Christian activity world wide. If they are attempting to suppress prayer that is sinister. But I would think dissenting from the present political course more likely. But you will have a better idea what is happening.

  2. You have ’em spooked Brother. As you say youtube and its masters like Bergoglio and his master fear the Truth.

  3. Good morning. Am sorry utube is harassing you. Kindly consider other venues that welcome conservatives:, Bitchute, Banned video, Rumble. From your newsletter, ppl will know where to Tune In. God bless.

    P.S. here’s some social sites that welcome conservatives: Gab, Parler,

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