2 thoughts on “A Tour of Castel Gandolfo, Benedict’s new home, in 2013”

  1. Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
    15th September, A. D. MMXX

    Dear Fra Alexis–
    Thank you for a very interesting video. The comments of the lady explain Bergoglio’s undying hatred of the town–which he has shunned from the beginning of his antipapacy, and continues to shun to this day no doubt enjoying the thought that his absence is bringing penury on the town–wherein she says “We will always consider Benedict the Pope, so here, we will call him ‘Holy Father,’ because for us he is the Pope.”

    May God bless and reward that good woman! Whereas Bergoglio hates Benedict and the things of God so much (as we have amply seen elsewhere throughout his entire Anti-Regnum), that he even uprooted a vineyard that Pope Benedict had especially planted–uprooting beautiful vines just coming into their prime–for a parking lot–just so as to spite beauty and Benedict.

    Bergoglio in acting thus shows the soul of an orc. He ought imho to stop that before he’s haled before St Peter for to render an account!

    In Corde Christi,

    C P Benischek

  2. Bergoglio Watch,

    As I suspected, the vineyard that Bergoglio ordered uprooted was itself in Castel Gondolfo.

    Benedict “wanted [the vines] to be planted near the statue of the Good Shepherd, to underline their symbolic significance. Now, the vineyard was destroyed in the shepherd’s face.”

    What will the Lord do when He comes to those faithless men who uprooted His vineyards and killed his messengers and His Son?

    Story & Source: https://gloria.tv/post/RzMNDA3r7Z2q1RoYMcXT7y9B2

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