Ordo Militaris Radio TV — Live on Air

Ordo Militaris Radio TV

7:40 AM Central Time, USA (14,40 all’orario di Roma)

Who was Father Malachi Martin? —  With Br. Alexis Bugnolo

8:10 AM

The Assassination of General George Patton:  Nexus of Freemasonry and Communist infiltration

CALL In at  +1 785-672-9560


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5 thoughts on “Ordo Militaris Radio TV — Live on Air”

  1. How do we know which talk is playing live, and is there a way to know when it repeats (assuming the talks repeat)?

    1. It played live during the time indicated above. It will be posted on individual pages of OMC Radio TV so you can play it back when you want. Also check their Youtube and Bitchute channels for the video.

      1. Thanks, but what about when we tune in any time during the day, how do we know which talk is playing? There was a really good one that I was listening to and I would love to know the exact one. I guess it would be nice for something to be visible: “You are listening to…”

  2. The icon for the player with the title of the talk that is playing, is near the bottom left of the page. So it’s been there all along, but easy to miss, at least for my not-so-great eyesight. Ugh.

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