Frà Bugnolo intervistato dal Decimo Toro


This is my interview by Decimo Toro, a controversialist here in Italy, on YoutTube. I make a sack of errors in Italian, but Italians say that I am sufficiently understood. I give a brief summary of the things found at An Index to the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI, in English. Since the level of discussion about the Renunciation is much more advanced in many things, in the English speaking world, than in Italy, this video is causing a sensation in Italy, but in truth presents nothing new, that is, nothing which has not been spoken of already at least 10 months ago.

For a complete documentary on the Renunciation in English see my 7 part documentary, which is about 4 hours long:

Screenshot_2020-04-09 Feb 11, 2013

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