PayPal blocks fundraising by Dr. Montanari for medical research on COVID-19

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you want to know to what depths of depravity PayPal is willing to go to push the Corona Hype, here you go:

The famous Italian doctor, Dr. Montanari has publicly commented on the reality of Coronavirus, expressing that it originated in the laboratory, that it is not very lethal but is very contagious, that the response to this virus was exaggerated for political reasons, and that simple things such as Vitamin D can help to strengthen you immune system.

The World Boxing Federation was so impressed by his public advocacy that they awarded him a prize for his work.

In response the Vaccine Lobby filed a criminal charge against the Doctor (story here), based totally upon claims that things which he has sustained with medical and scientific sources are false.

Then, PayPal blocked his PayPal account, which he was using to raise funds to purchase an electron microscope to investigate the causes of Covid-19 and promote the research. The block by PayPal occurred after raising sufficient funds for the microscope, but not for research.

He was given no reason for the blocking. And he is laughing it off. But it reveals how sick PayPal is.

Now his website has been spoofed by anonymous persons to raise funds, and PayPal is allowing it.


FaceBook censors Italian Lawyer’s lecture on how to defend oneself against illegal fines during Corona Shutdown

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is the video Attorney Edoardo Polacco attempted to publish on Facebook.

Facebook’s motive for action against the Attorney is not clear, but it appears to have been done at the request of the Government of Giuseppe Conte who is attempting to shut down all political opposition.

The other day in Parliament, when Sarah Cunial bitterly reproached Conte to his face for his lies, injustices, frauds and deceit, his eyes were filled with such a profound and vivid hatred, that I personally fear for the personal safety of the Parliamentarian.

From sight of that, I saw that this man, Conte, has, if not the talent, the will to become a dictator and suppress all liberty in the country. This blocking of Attorney Polacco’s simply explanatory discourse to his legal clients on how to file a legal complaint against the fines they received, is a gross violation of the principles of democracy and legal ethics, which Giuseppe Conte as an attorney is sworn in Italian Law to uphold, when he was admitted to the bar.

For that reason, I believe that Conte may very well be planning to establish a dictatorship, if he can just find enough support inside or outside of Italy to support him.

Alas, I suspect that China and the USA will support them: because they are both homelands of powerful men who want a complete tyranny.

In an related development, The Post & Email, an independent electronic journal published out of Connecticut, USA, was dumped from PayPal without notice after 10 years as a customer. They have exposed for more than 10 years the ineligibility of Barack Obama for office, but the recent move by PayPal might have to do with their recent report on the Deep State in the USA, which is pushing the police to issue illegal fines against citizens, the same topic upon which Attorney Polacco was censored on Facebook.

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Italy: Why June 2? to protest against Conte…

FromRome.Info has published numerous reports about the protests scheduled this year of our Lord, 2020 for the second of June. But why on June 2?

On June 2, 1946, a year after the end of World War II in Europe, the Italian people voted for the members of a constitutive assembly and to decide whether Italy would be a monarchy or republic. They chose a republic? Not quite Though the country was clearly divided, with the South voting for a Monarchy and the North for a republic.

The nation had been ruled by the House of Savoy since the time of the Risorgimento, when the Kingdom of Piedmont with the financing of France and the intrigues and bribes of the United Kingdom subverted and conquered, without any just cause for war, the other states of Italy along with the Papal States.

The Supreme Justice of the Court of Cassazione declared false numbers of 12 million for the Republic and 10 million for the Monarchy, adding that he would not certify the vote until all complaints were received, a cryptic phrase. Then in the following days the government leaders discussed among themselves, admitting that the numbers were faked and that they had chosen to not announce the Monarchist victory on June 3 to prevent an outbreak of violence. After some days, the Government received the counts of the votes from the North and decided that those voting for a Republic were more numerous, but did not announce it, lest they reveal they had lied on June 2.

The rules of the election required 50% plus 1 of all votes cast for a side to win. But the votes reported were only those considered valid. Votes which are discounted or blank were not reported, which prevented a true determination of victory.

By June 11, there were demands for a recount. But many of the votes had already been destroyed. On June 13, the King wrote to the people accusing the High Court of falsifying the vote. He appealed to the U.S.A., which was, as a masonic nation, firmly opposed to a Christian Monarchy. On June 17, he went into exilte, to Portugal. On June 18, the Court declared the victory for the Republicans, basing its decision on the fact that a true deteremination of the vote was by then impossible. That decision has never been put to review. And in 1948 the New Constitution declared that from henceforth, decisions of the High Court would not be subject to any review. A new monarchy.

Ever since, June 2 has been celebrated as the National Holiday, akin to Independence Day in the United States, but with somewhat less fervor, since Italians now know the history of what really happened.

In this second video, this history is explained in detail.


L’Italia per gli Italiani — Un nuovo movimento politico italiano cattolico

di Frà Alexis Bugnolo

Ormai è necessario che noi cattolici italiani facciamo il nostro dovere politico e non ignorare più la donna ferita: quella donna che ogni giorno passiamo sul marciapiede, implorando il nostro aiuto. Una donna che è stata violentata, derubata, defraudata, picchiata, schiavizzata, venduta come una schiava, privata dei suoi figli, costretta a vivere come una pagana, messa sul mercato per essere venduta al miglior offerente. Parlo della Signora Italia.

Non possiamo più ignorarla, se vogliamo presentarci a Dio come suoi amici. Lui ce l’ha data come madre, e noi l’abbiamo trascurata sotto il consiglio di tanti falsi pastori. Pastori che erano codardi e alleati del mondo, non eroi e amici di Gesù.

Per questo motivo, alcuni cattolici di Roma e io stesso stiamo formando un partito politico autenticamente cattolico per venire in suo aiuto e per unire tutte le cause diverse e buone della politica italiana all’insegna della fede, della storia e della cultura del popolo italiano, affinché l’Italia sia per la prima volta nella sua storia, non una serva di stranieri, ma per il bene dei suoi stessi figli.

Questo partito si chiama L’Italia per gli Italiani.

Condividiamo in generale la visione della necessità di un cambio poliltico come spiegato dal Generale Pappalardo, anche se la nostra visione integrale è più ampia. Leggi il nostro sito per maggiori informazioni.

Appena possibile, chi vorrà fondare capitoli in ogni regione, provincia e città d’Italia potrà chiedere alla delegazione di farlo dalla sede del Partito a Roma. Vogliamo far crescere rapidamente questo partito e, come si può vedere dal nostro sito, la nostra visione politica è molto ampia e coraggiosa, fondata sui desideri più profondi del popolo italiano. Quindi diffondere il partito sarà facile.

La bandiera ufficiale del Partito è quella della Marina Mercantile Italiana, perché l’obiettivo del partito è quello di ripristinare il carattere economico, sociale e religioso della penisola tornando all’esempio delle repubbliche marittime di Venezia, Genova, Amalfi e Pisa, le cui bandiere sono blasonate nello stemma di quel vessillo.

Il Sito è già organnizata per raccogliere iscrizioni da cittadini in tutte le ragioni. Vogliamo che tutti voi prendete l’iniziativa nel proprio paese, nella propria provincia e nella propria regione. Ora è il tempo. Adesso o mai.


Bergoglian Overseer at Palermo forces Devout Pastor out

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Recently FromRome.Info republished a video containing a truly heroic homily by a zealous Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Palermo, Sicily, by the name of Don Leonardo Ricotta (see here), who urged the faithful not to accept the Virus mass.

The Virus Mass is the popular term for the sacrilegious and heretical liturgy created to comply with the Corona Stunt and the Corona Hype, whereby Catholics accept that Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is the occasion of infection and make themselves disposed to committing sacrileges to show servile devotion to their politically correct pastors instead of worshiping Jesus Christ as He desires and taught us, with the simple faith of children.

In response to Don Ricotta’s saintly discourse, the Bergoglian Bishop of Palermo has forced him out of his parish. Here is the Letter of Lorefice, the bishop who rides a bicycle in the cathedral — protege of the Rampolla faction in the Church. Lorefice is also the one who attempted to excommunicate Don Alessandro Minutella, also a pastor from Palermo, for simply stating the truth about Bergoglio, that is he a raving heretic.

The public announcement by the Chancery, as can be seen below, is a specious work of double-speak and shell games. By this it reveals that Don Ricotta is being persecuted by a gang of liars and heretics. Furthermore, one can surmise that the Archdiocese gave Don Ricotta an ultimatum, to be accepted or to resign, and that he chose to resign under duress.

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As of May 21, 2020 the Rev. Don Leonardo Ricotta, Presbyter of the Church of Palermo, is no longer the Parish Priest of the Parish S. Agata V.M. in Villabate having himself renounced this office. It is therefore inaccurate or specious the news spread by some social channels that Don Leonardo Ricotta has been removed from the parish priest’s office by the Archbishop of Palermo.

Pending the appointment of the new parish priest, the Archdiocese of Palermo will identify a parish administrator in the coming days. In view of the controversy aroused by the socialites themselves, the opportunity is taken to clarify the following. The practice of distributing communion in the hands is in conformity with the norms issued by the Magisterium of the Church, to which every Catholic Christian must religiously pay heed to the will and intellect. The Congregation for Divine Worship, in the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum of 2004, no. 92, states that “If a communicant, in the regions where the conference of bishops, with the confirmation of the Apostolic See, has permitted it, wishes to receive the sacrament on his hand, the sacred host should be distributed to him”.

The Italian Episcopal Conference in the Instruction on Eucharistic Communion. Do this in memory of me, n. 1415, already since 1989 admits communion in the hands. Moreover, to celebrate the Eucharist exclusively with the Roman Rite according to John XXIII’s Missale Romanum of 1962, as an extraordinary form introduced by the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, issued by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007, would exclude from participation in Mass the portion of the People of God who wish to take an active part in it according to the ordinary form of Paul VI’s Missal, currently in use. The right and freedom of a good part of the faithful would thus be seriously compromised. Personal convictions, therefore, presented by individuals as authentic doctrine, cannot be imposed on the faithful. It is up to the bishop in the diocese “to give norms in liturgical matters, to which all are bound”, “to defend the unity of the universal Church” and “to promote the discipline common to the whole Church” (Congregation for Divine Worship, Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, nn.176-177).

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For more on this controversy, see Attorney Roberto De Petro’s Open Letter to Lorefice, which FromRome.Info published in the original Italian and an English translation, yesterday.

Se qualcuno ha maggiori notizie su Don Ricotta, per favore lascia un commento.

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