Notable Walker quotes in this video:
Bishop Stika is like an exploding bomb of perversion.
Notable Walker quotes in this video:
Bishop Stika is like an exploding bomb of perversion.
Español – Français — Deutsch — Polski
This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of
August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)
(Prayers will be said in Italian, Black, and English: Blue)
(May 7, 2005)
In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.
All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.
Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo.
Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.
Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli e vincendo i marosi.
Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding reefs and conquering stormy seas.
Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.
Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter nor defense,
and extend Your protection to all.
Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.
With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.
Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.
Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.
Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.
Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.
Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.
Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.
Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.
At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.
77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.
3 in Latin
71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating
3 in Latin
3 Gloria Patri
Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!
San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!
San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!
San Pio V, prega per noi!
Saint Pius V, pray for us!
San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!
Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!
In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.
At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.
With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”
This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.
* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.
Dagmar Belakowitsch is a member of the Austrian Parliament. In this intervention, translated into Italian, she denounces the ideological mania of the government, which has “dragged this country into an abyss”, “we have 600 thousand unemployed” etc.. “The virus is already over”, “the only reason left for the mask is to provide scenery for your politics”, “stop spreading fables and misinformation”, “seeing that you have razed our nation down to the ground, it is time for you to help those harmed by your decisions . . .”.
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Matteo Salivni and Giorgia Meloni have decided to join General Pappalardo in his March on Rome protest, for June 2, 2020, organized by the Gilet Arancioni, the party which the General is now the public leader.
The protest on June 2 is intended to be a sort of Orange Revolution, as it will seek the fall of the entire Government of Giuseppe Conte by bringing to Rome sufficient numbers to intimitate the government into taking flight.
Salvini is the leader of the Lega Party, which has about 60% support in national polls. Melone is the leader of the Fratelli d’Italia party, also among the opposition.
This decision of Salvini and Meloni is a magnitude 7.0 Earthquake in Italian Politics. It means also that Rome will overflow with 100s of thousands of protestors.
This report has been confirmed by the Corriere della Sera. Though at least one commentator has some doubt that Salvini and Meloni will be organizing events together with the General, though their news release also mentions the same Piazza for their protest: the Piazza del Popolo, a rather small piazza on the norther limit of the ancient walls of Rome, not capable of holding more than 5 thousand.
FromRome.Info will attempt to issue timely reports of the protest, as is possible, on June 2, 2020.
Our medieval ancestors believed that Comets foretold the fall of kings and kingdoms. The Comet SWAN, first identified in April, will be visible over Italy from March 25th onwards:
POSTSCRIPT: On May 16, 2020, in the afternoon, General Pappalardo explained that no agreement has been made with Salvini or Meloni to participate in their protest. See more information here.
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by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
One of the YouTube channels for Italian politics, is Italiani Liberi & Pensanti. It featured short disquisitions on politics, liberty, constitutional law, the response of the Government of Giuseppe Conte to COVID-19 and recently appeals to support the initiative of General Pappalardo and the Gilet Arancioni (Orange Vests) Movement.
But today all the videos on that channel were erased.
The final message from the channel owner was: “Basta! Il canale è manipolato. Io non ci sta più!” — Enough! The channel has been manipulated. I am no longer here.
The comment was attached as the title to one of three videos which were erased by YouTube as soon as they were uploaded. Now, all the videos have been erased.
The channel author has another channel at Lo Scudo di Cristo, but all the videos there are gone also.
As readers of FromRome.Info know, many of the videos which have been featured in posts here at FromRome.Info have disappeared from YouTube days, hours and even minutes after publication here on FromRome.Info. The Censorship is no longer hidden, rare or restricted, it has become a instant procedure and police of
The author, man who goes by the nick, Alex Gnosis, speaks in this video, of the banning of his previous channel, back in October 2019:
Where he opines that the banning is done by computers which detect which words are said and filter content on that basis. The motive is to domesticate dissidents to the narrative control of the globalists, by either forcing not to speak, or to take refuge to deserted platforms where no one will hear what they say, except for government agents. His decision back then was to set up another channel.
The apparent reason for this censorship, in addition to narrative control, is to silence the voices of those who do not have 10s of thousands of dollars to spend on renting a private server or retaining the services of a cloud to effectively distribute the videos they produce. It is in a sense both information warfare and class-warfare, combined with the psyop of disruption to harras and intimidate opponents of the Globalist lead world-wide coup d’etat against human rights which has been underway since February of this year.
Events like this simply confirm the wisdom that time spent on the next is wasted. True power for the people lies in local organization and in taking back control of their own towns, one by one.
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May 15, 2020 — Fox News is reporting that Sorrento Theraputics, a California based Bio-pharmeceutical company has discovered that the STI-1499 antibody causes 100% inhibation of infection by COVID-19 in 4 days.
“We want to emphasize there is a cure. There is a solution that works 100 percent,” Dr. Henry Ji, founder and CEO of Sorrento Therapeutics, told Fox News. “If we have the neutralizing antibody in your body, you don’t need the social distancing. You can open up a society without fear.”
Sorrento Theraputics’ own website offers more information:
As recently announced, Sorrento aims to generate an antibody cocktail product that would act as a “protective shield” against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection and remain effective even if virus mutations render a single antibody therapy less effective over time.
Sorrento has been diligently screening billions of antibodies in its proprietary G-MAB™ fully human antibody library and has so far identified hundreds of antibody candidates that bind the S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. Approximately one dozen of these antibodies have demonstrated the ability to block the S1 protein’s interaction with human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the receptor used for viral entrance into human cells. These blocking antibodies were further tested for their ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in an in vitro SARS-CoV-2 virus infection model pursuant to a preclinical testing agreement for COVID-19 therapeutic candidates that was previously announced on March 31, 2020 (Sorrento Therapeutics).
Among the antibodies showing neutralizing activity, one antibody stood out for its ability to completely block SARS-CoV-2 infection of healthy cells in the experiments. STI-1499 completely neutralized the virus infectivity at a very low antibody dose, making it a prime candidate for further testing and development. Initial biochemical and biophysical analyses also indicate STI-1499 is a potentially strong antibody drug candidate.
Sorrento has determined STI-1499 will likely be the first antibody in the antibody cocktail (COVI-SHIELD™) it is developing, as recently announced. STI-1499 is also expected to be developed as a stand-alone therapy, (COVI-GUARD™) because of the high potency it has exhibited in experiments to date. Sorrento plans to request priority evaluation and accelerated review from regulators to determine the best pathway to make any potential treatment available as soon as possible. Sorrento’s existing state-of-the-art cGMP antibody manufacturing facility in San Diego is expected to be able to produce up to two hundred thousand doses per month and the Company intends to produce a million doses at risk while seeking FDA approval for any STI-1499 product candidate. The Company is seeking potential government support and pharmaceutical partners to further scale up STI-1499 manufacturing capacity with a goal of potentially providing tens of millions of doses in a short period of time to meet the vast projected demand.
“Our STI-1499 antibody shows exceptional therapeutic potential and could potentially save lives following receipt of necessary regulatory approvals. We at Sorrento are working day and night to complete the steps necessary to get this product candidate approved and available to the waiting public,” stated Dr. Henry Ji, Chairman and CEO of Sorrento.
CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a screen shot of the page of the original report.
The ability to grab the browser history of anyone in the U.S.A. gives the FBI and CIA the ability to blackmail 10s of millions of citizens, and to use that leverage to control the rest of the nation.
But worse, it gives them ability to know what you have read and which social media platforms you are active on.
It is time to set your browser to erase all history files every time you close it and use a program such as CC Cleaner to erase your useless files before turning your computer off every day.
This documentary explains how the invention of the Internet and its diffusion leads to the diffusion of the personal computer which leads to the cellphone, which is followed by social media and social media addition, which leads to the paperless office, working at home, and now the COVID-19 stunt, to justify contact tracing, Vaccines for genetic modification and microchip implants. All designed to make humanity submit to the end goal, of making the common man accept implants which through 5G will be able to control everyone as robot slaves for the Globalist elite, who alone will remain human.
As a handy too for sharing, FromRome.Info
has embedded into this one post
the entire 7 part Documentary
The click the image above to go to the Playlist, where you can watch in order all 7 of the 20-30 minute episodes.
This documentary demonstrates conclusively and from all the public evidence, that Pope Benedict XVI is still the Pope and that the College of Cardinals is involved in a conspiracy against him.
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by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
An English summary of the points made by Attorney Polacco regarding the new laws of May, 10, 2020, and that published last night, on May 14.
The government has extended the state of emergency until Dec. 31, 2020, with the suspension of all constitutional rights and the capacity of Conte’s government to rule by dictatorial decree.
In this new decree of Conte, in Article 23, more than 50 million euros given to the police to cover their extra work to enforce the dictatorial decrees of the government.
The majority of all of these decrees of Giuseppe Conte are illegitimate and I will seek to have them impugned in tribunal, says the Attorney.
The Government in Article 183, named with the English title, “Tax Credit”, promises 500 euro per family, but in the following section uses devious terminology to prevent anyone from getting the money. In reality, it is not money for families, but rather a discount to the hotel owner (who can only use 80%), who agrees to accept it, to use the value of the service rendered to acquire a tax credit against the taxes due on his income for the 2020 tax year. So in truth no one gets any money.
In the law of May 10, 2020, ISTAT, the Italian Statistical Institute is authorized to collect all the personal information of citizens including, information regarding who has parental care of each citizen, the Social Security Number (Codice Fiscale) their genetic code, while taking a blood test! And authorizes phone companies to surrender information about their clients without consent of the users.
Attorney Polacco says he is trembling with fear about this unlimited authorization for information acquisition since it appears that it is intended to facilitate the snatching of children from families throughout Italy. He says this decree of May 10 is aberrant.
Polacco says everyone needs to wake up and realize that the Government is not joking.
Last night, the Attorney says he did a hour show with Attorney Musso, the brother of the man who was forcible taken to a psychiatric center for the crime of using a megaphone to denounce the falsehoods of the government, at the order of the Mayor his political opponent.
In addition, the Government has decreed that Italians can go to the beach, only to swim, not to stand in the water. But IF THEY SEE SOMEONE DROWNING they are FORBIDDEN to save the one drowning, lest anyone catch the Virus! Everyone at the beach must stay 33 feet (10 meters) from one another!
Finally, he quotes a member of the Italian Parliament who affirmed that in October, 2019, when the infection broke out, 10 thousand 5G towers were erected in the province of Wuhan, China.
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After hearing Attorney Polacco comment on the new Law for Corona Response, it remains clear that the only way back to liberty for Italians is revolution.
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In 1909, during his audience with the Franciscans, Pope St. Pius X fell into an ecstasy.
When he came out of it, he was asked, “What I have seen is terrible! Is it I or one of my successors. I do not know. I saw a pope flee from the Vatican, walking upon the cadavers of his priests.”
Of a second vision, sometime before his death on August 20, 1914, the Saintly Pope said again, now with more precision: “I saw one of my successors, with my same name, who fled, walking upon the cadavers of his brothers. He will take refuge in a hidden place. But after a short rest, he will die a cruel death.”
The source of this testimony is repeated by several Italian authors, such as Antonio Socci, as something which was considered credible by even those who work in the Vatican, but I can find no certain person or source for it.
As for what these words of the Saintly pope mean. First, let me explain that the term, “brothers” in the mouth of the Pope in those times refers to his brother Cardinals. Second, the Italian, which I have translated as “with my same name”, means one who has the same name. This could be Pius or his baptismal name, Joseph.
Well since Pope Pius X there have been 2 popes named Pius: Pius XI and Pius XII, but neither of them had to flee the Vatican, nor did either die a cruel death — a phrase which I translated literally from the Italian, and which means a death in which there is a shedding of blood.
But Pope Benedict XVI’s baptismal name is Joseph.
So if this vision pertains to him, then it not only foretells a horrible end for him, but signifies that in the mystical visions of Pope Saint Pius X, God had revealed that Pope Benedict XVI will be the true successor of Saint Peter unto the very day of his death. And that means Bergoglio was never the pope.
Español – Français — Deutsch — Polski
This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of
August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)
(Prayers will be said in Italian, Black, and English: Blue)
(May 7, 2005)
In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.
All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.
Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo.
Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.
Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli e vincendo i marosi.
Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding reefs and conquering stormy seas.
Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.
Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter nor defense,
and extend Your protection to all.
Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.
With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.
Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.
Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.
Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.
Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.
Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.
Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.
Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.
At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.
77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.
3 in Latin
71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating
3 in Latin
3 Gloria Patri
Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!
San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!
San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!
San Pio V, prega per noi!
Saint Pius V, pray for us!
San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!
Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!
In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.
At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.
With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”
This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.
* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.
Needless to say, the natural law gives every human being the right of self defense, and in particular to use lethal force to prevent himself from being injected with a dangerous material of any kind. It certainly looks like, that if Trump forces the vaccine, American Citizens will have to start a Second Revolution.