Mark Millward: Linkedin Conference on the truth about Covid-19, Day 6.

Are we being gaslighted?

by Mark Millward

Managing Director of Millward Associates Ltd
a UK based retail & consumer research consultancy.


Day 1. Psychopaths, Sociopaths & How to Spot Them

Day 2. TED Talk – how to spot a liar & Duper’s delight: The Philanthropist

Day 3. Reliable expert source of Covid19 facts: Swiss Propaganda Research & Dr Vernon Coleman

Day 4. Spiro Kouras interviews Dr Andrew Kaufman & creepy surveillance: Robot surveillance or Contract Tracing

Day 5. Tattoo you. Alter your DNA: MIT News – Quantum Dot Tattoo & Profusa – Hydrogel Biosensor

Global Gaslighting 6. Cui Bono (who benefits?)

A circular system in which those heading national and international health advisory bodies are also invested in the bigPharma companies that stand to profit from the development of drugs and vaccines. That would be profoundly wrong wouldn’t it? It would involve an intolerable conflict of interest surely? Yes it would, but watch here, its endemic, involves US and UK government advisors and explains why we are where we are. We cannot afford to take this lying down:

Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

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