Don Minutella: The Benedict-bot is a Bergoglian invention!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In this video, from yesterday evening, Don Minutella waxes eloquent in a way I have never heard him. He denounces the manipulation of the reputation of Pope Benedict XVI, whom the Bergoglians seem to trot out to support Bergoglio whenever they have a need. In English, we call this fake-Benedict the Benedict-bot, after the expression coined by Frank Walker of  Benedict-bot is not the human being, but the media personality invented to make Pope Benedict seem an ally of Bergoglio.

He proceeds then to show that in one of the latest reports, it is clear that what is said is not from Pope Benedict XVI. First, he says, that we should step back and consider how it is that Pope Benedict the older he gets, the more he speaks. Old men are not that way. He could not possibly have overseen a 1000 page book.

Don Minutella says then that what is behind this false representation is the Masonic Lodge who sees its project tottering. He then denounces Trad Inc for supporting Bergoglio inasmuch as everything they do is to support Bergoglio’s legitimacy.

The first expression, “All must know …” is totally unlike Pope Benedict XVI. — Because Pope Benedict XVI was never about imposing thought upon others.

Second, that he is claimed to say that greatest revelation of God’s Mercy will be at the end of times. Don Minutella says that this is the heresy of the apocastasis, where all will be saved, a theological position which Ratzinger has never sustained, because he has always placed the height of God’s Mercy in the Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ in the Paschal Mystery.

Third, the claims that Benedict would share the error of Bergoglio that John Paul II had the same doctrine as Bergoglio on the question of the Divine Mercy. Don Minutella then refers to the Polish popes Encyclical, Dives in misericordia. Don Minutella said the Encyclical was hard to read, since Italians write and think linearly, but Poles think and write in spirals. Don Minutella then observes that John Paul II ties mercy to the Redemption and to the Divine Justice. But Bergoglio separates mercy and justice.

So Don Minutella asks, is it reasonable to believe that Pope Benedict XVI, a precise theologian when evaluating the writings of others, would ever misrepresent the thought of Pope John Paul II? He says that would be incredible and impossible.

Fourth, Don Minutella shows that the affirmation that Benedict would ever say that John Paul II was not a rigorist in morals — an expression which is entirely Bergoglian — and impossible. Then in a mocking tone, Don Minutella says expect next that they claim that Benedict will say that Jesus Himself was not a rigorist and in truth a Freemason! This is the level of absurdity to which they resort to use Benedict’s reputation for their ends.

Fifth, Don Minutella is of the opinion that Bergoglio has asked Trad Inc. to attack him in recent weeks, as a sign of loyalty to himself and as a desperate plan to prevent Don Minutella from having more followers in social media.

Sixth, Don Minutella says a sign of Bergoglio’s lack of faith is shown in his decision to hide the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenas Aires where the Host visibly was revealed as a piece of the flesh of the Heart of Jesus Christ, a thing demonstrated by science.

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5 thoughts on “Don Minutella: The Benedict-bot is a Bergoglian invention!”

  1. Brother, thank you for this article! Could you say more about the hiding of the Eucharistic miracle by Bergoglio? Has he done this simply by ignoring it – or did he try to downplay it? Thank you!

    Dr. Maria Desjardins

  2. There is another one at the end of the letter to tze Polish bishops, where the Benedict-bot confirms John Paul’s sainthood, thereby ratifying Bergoglio’s authority to canonize.

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