3 thoughts on “Frank Walker: False Prophet of One World Religion”

  1. Francis, the False Prophet, will introduce the Antichrist to the world stage.

    1. In that case, God must have decided not to give us the 70 or so years of Mary’s Triumph, as this was to come before The Antichrist made his appearance.

      1. I am not sure about any of the various scenarios now, Ana. We didn’t even obey the simple request of a proper Consecration of Russia. My personal opinion is that God the Father is completely fed up with humanity. Abortion alone could be the straw that broke the camel’s back. http://www.numberofabortions.com
        I sometimes fear that He won’t even give us the incredible mercy of having the Warning Experience. Simply put, I think all bets are off. We all better pray like we have never prayed before…

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