Avv. Edoardo Polacco: The Impact of the Illegal Decrees upon Italian Businesses


A summary of his discourse, in English:

  • The auto-certification available from my Legal Studio’s website is perfectly in conformity with the law and contains precise terminology.
  • An Italian doctor, Dott. De Donno, from Mantova, has discovered a new Cure for COVID-19: by taking the plasma from the blood of those who have the antibodies, and injecting it into those who are sick with COVID-19. He claims to have cured 80 patients, without any medicine or vaccine.
  • He asks that Italian citizens send 100 thousand emails to the President of the Republic asking Dr. De Donno to be awarded a national honor for his discovery.
  • The new Decrees require each business owner to sanitize and alter his work place to prevent diffusion of the virus, without being funded by the government for these expenses, even though he has been closed for two months without compensation.
  • Instead of helping business men, the Government has sent millions of euros to the police. Why?
  • Instead of helping business men, the Government is hiring 10,000 inspectors to shut down businesses which do not observe the new controls.
  • To help businesses the Government needs to allow them to display their goods on the public streets and sidewalks where such Coronavirus controls do not apply.
  • On May 25, before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, will seek an injunction against the most recent Decree of April 26. Other lawyers need to do the same in their own Regions. This is the easy legal way to stop the madness which is going to destroy businesses.
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