Readership of FromRome.Info increases 265% in April

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

With the month of April about to pass, I write to thank the readers of FromRome.Info for all their support of this apostolate at the service of Jesus Christ, the Truth, and His Holy Catholic Church, the ark of salvation, in communion with His Vicar on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI.

The month of April showed once again, in statistical numbers, the growing interest in the cause of Pope Benedict XVI and in learning more about how to avoid the Big Lies of our age.

Here are some statistics to illustrate that.  In April, there was an increase of 152% in total views of articles at FromRome.Info, 545,000 over February’s 216,000.

In the same period, there was a 265% increase in the total number of readers: 307,000 compared to 81,621 in March.

I want to thank especially the volunteers who make FromRome.Info what it is. First, Mrs. Colgan as graphic designer of the new Blue Cross and the new From Rome header. Second, the writers: Austin Walsh, Frank Magill, Andrew J. Baalman, Don Elia, John Bronston, Dr. Edward Mazza, David Kaftal, Giuseppe Pellegrino and lastly, Marco Tosatti for his permission to publish in English articles from his personal website,

I also owe a big thanks to all my anonymous correspondents who feed me information about what is going on in the Church and world, which is of interest to the readers of FromRome.Into. As you numbers grow, I am able to bring rapidly and instantly the lastest developments which interest the readership.

Be assured of my prayers, to Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Francis. May the Holy Angels of God watch over you and your families in this time of universal madness.

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5 thoughts on “Readership of FromRome.Info increases 265% in April”

  1. This is excellent and gives us more hope that the Holy Spirit is at work to reunite the brethren under Pope Benedict XVI, like a hen gathers its chicks especially in a time of crisis.

  2. Warm Congratulations to you, our dear Bro. Alexis.
    Teniamo sempre la torcia della VERITA ardente fuoco. Milioni di noi in tutto il mondo hanno bisogno di questa.

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