Mons. D’Ercole: The Italian Government needs to recognize the right of Catholics to worship!

Here is a transcription in Italian of the Mons. D’Ercole’s demand, and below that, an English translation. The good Bishop is the Ordinary of Ascoli Piceno, a Diocese on the back side of the leg of Italy.

È stata una doccia fredda dopo tante promesse sembrava che si fosse arrivato a un accordo ma le parole di Giuseppe Conte sono state veramente dei macini che hanno bloccato veramente un dialogo che era sincero. Ma poi alla fine non si può essere fregati nella vita e quindi anche se poi c’è stato la ripresa il presidente penserà credo che dobbiamo guardare la cosa con oggettività.

La Chiesa non è il luogo dei contagi non bisogna far passare quest’idea comitato scientifico ma chi ve l’ha detto che la Chiesa è il luogo dei contagi. L’esperienza nostra ci dice che la Chiesa non è il luogo dei vantaggi almeno la mia esperienza di vescovo mi dice questo e poi noi siamo persone serie. Ci teniamo alla salute della gente è un diritto per la gente andare in chiesa per cui è un arbitrio è una dittatura questa quella di impedire il culto perché è uno dei diritti fondamentali. Su questo non si possono fare sconti io fin dall’inizio ho detto e ho sostenuto che la Chiesa non è il luogo dei contagi.

Funerali, ce l’avete fatti fare come de cani.

Detta così la gente ha sofferto 15 persone per un funerale ma lasciateci ma noi sappiamo come gestire noi abbiamo a cuore l’amore per la gente.

Non vi preoccupate non siamo dei superficiali e i nostri preti vi hanno dimostrato di essere seri. Ve lo ricordate quel prete che aveva 6 persone, carabinieri, che voi avete visto con quanta serietà lavorano.

Noi siamo persone serie per cui o non c’è un altro.

Bisogna che il diritto al culto ce lo diamo noi ce la prendiamo e se ce lo prendiamo è solo un nostro diritto e se io riesco a tenere calma la gente è solo perché amo questo popolo e questa gente è stanca.

Ricordatevi anche che aiutare le persone con la preghiera significa tenerle più calmi e non sapete quanta gente ci si rivolga a noi per delle turbe psicologiche in questo momento non ce la fa più a vivere in un look down che alla fine non so che cosa porti. Noi abbiamo bisogno di recuperare spazio di libertà e la Chiesa oltre ad essere spazio di libertà e anche spazio di speranza.

È il laboratorio in cui cerchiamo di costruire per tutti anche per chi ci odia anche chi non crede nella Chiesa un futuro migliore. Non abbiamo bisogno di favori noi abbiamo solo un diritto da rivendicare e questo diritto va riconosciuto non perché noi lo stiamo dimenticando ma perché è così che la figuraccia che avete fatto nel mondo intero. Bisogna che sia lavata da un gesto di semplice restituzione di dignità e di diritto.

Here is my English translation, which on account of the terse Italian used by the Bishop, required that I expand certain phrases to make them intelligible in English:

After so many promises, it has been like the shock of a cold shower. It seemed that an agreement might have arrived at but the words of Giuseppe Conte have been like millstones which have truly blocked any sincere dialogue. In fine, however, we cannot let our selves be tricked in life, and hence, even though the Prime Minister has promised a new initiative to dialogue, we have to look at the matter with objectivity.

The Church is not a place of contagions. A scientific committe is not necessary to approve this idea. Rather, who has ever said that the Church is a place of contagion? Our experience tell us that the Church is not a place of contagion — at least my experience as a Bishop tells me this and, moreover, we are professionals. We do care for the health of the people. It is a right of the people to go to Church. On which account, it is an arbitary judgement, a dictatorship this decision to impede worship, because this is one of their fundamental rights. On this, there can be no compromises. From the very beginning, I have said and I sustain that the Church is not a place of contagion.

Funerals? You have made them to be celebrated if for dogs.

Dictated like this, the people had to suffer only 15 persons per funeral. Rather, leave us alone. Rather, we know how to run them. We have at heart a love for the people.

Don’t worry. We are not some superficial people and our priests have shown themselves to be serious persons. Recall that priest who had 6 persons at mass, Caribinieri, that you saw working with greast professionality.

We are professional personas, of the kind which is not found elswhere.

It is necesssary that we defend our right to worship, that we exercise it. It is our sole right and if I am able to keep the people calm, it is only because I love this people and that this people is tired.

Remember, too, that to help persons with prayer means to keep them more calm and you have no idea how many people turn to use for their mental perplexity in the present hour. They cannot support any longer a lock-down which in the final analysis is aimed at who knows what. We need to recover a space for liberty and the Church, beyond being a space for liberty, is also a space for hope.

She is a laboratory in which we seek to construct for all, even for those who hate us, even for those who do not believe in the Church, a better future. We do not have need of favors. We have only to vindicate a right and this right needs to be recognized, not because we have forgotten it, but because of the shameful display that you have made of Italy in all the world. There is need that this be washed away by a gesture of simply restitution of our dignity and our right.

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3 thoughts on “Mons. D’Ercole: The Italian Government needs to recognize the right of Catholics to worship!”

  1. St Louis Marie de Montfort
    St. Paul of the Cross
    28 April MMXX A. D.

    Fra Alexis,

    Your expansion upon Mr. Walker’s points a few weeks ago (March 20) is timely, astute, and crucially important today.

    You united three themes, three apparently (at first glance) unrelated strands of (1) the (illicit) church closure; (2) the equally lawless ouster of the one true Pope, and (3) The flagrantly CRIMINAL clerical Pederasty Crisis, perpetrated by Bergoglio’s Party: the criminal clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.

    Mark well Bergoglio’s goal! Closing all the churches is but a stepping stone on that path. Bergoglio and his Coven get away with that, they’ll see what else they can choke off.

    Already, here in America as in Italy, people are dying “like dogs”!!! Bereft of family; bereft of Sacraments; bereft of Last Rites; Requiem and Christian burial. See, Bishop Giovanni D’Ercole today! (Also see,

    Where is the outrage! Where is the sorrow!

    They must be stopped.

    False pope and antipope Francis must be stopped. Otherwise they will not stop until Holy Mother Church is dead; and all of us are in Hell!

    Life or death. “See, I have set before thee this day a choice between life and death, between good fortune and ill.” Deut. 30:15-19.

    “I think you can see from how they handled the pedophile crisis, namely by ousting the true Pope who got rid of pedophiles and replacing him with a faker who promotes pedophiles and sodomites, that you should have enough evidence already to see that if the mythical plague is ever declared ended, that those who shut their churches will be promoted, not disciplined by these creeps.”

    Promotion or Counterrevolution.

    Our choice.

  2. “She is a laboratory…” sounds like Bergoglio talk, but maybe the Bergoglio talk can be used to persuade Conte, a Bergoglian tyrant.

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