6 thoughts on “A Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI”

  1. Carissimo Padre, perdonami il “tu”: dico “tu” a Dio, e quindi anche a te. Sei sempre nei miei pensieri. Noi preghiamo sempre per te, come tu preghi e soffri per noi. Osservare nei video la tua delicatezza, il tuo amore; ascoltare le tue parole attente, sagge, piene di conoscenza e di vero amore mi fa piangere di riconoscenza e di dolore. Ma il dolore avrà fine. La riconoscenza mai.
    Grazie, Padre!

  2. Lord Jesus, thank Yoou for sending us Pope Benedict in these dark times. All glory be to You Lord. Protect Your church Lord. You promised the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Thy will be done.

  3. What truly divine difference between Our Holy Pope Benedict XVI and the lawless man who now violently occupies the See. God save the Pope!

  4. I took Benedict as my confirmation name, after conversion.

    I did this partly in honor of St. Benedict, who saw the coming collapse of civilization and took steps to preserve his own soul and that of Holy Mother Church.

    I did this in honor also, of Pope Benedict XVI, who was instrumental in my conversion – theologically sound; kind; holy; connective tissue between the living Church and the straight line of our apostolic past; majestic possessor of the Keys and Magisterial authority.

    Thank you for this reminder of who we are.

  5. A beautiful slideshow of the legacy of who he is. Unfortunately the Ave Maria made me imagine it was a funeral hymn and I felt too sad. I wanted to feel more joy as the pictures inspired me to feel. A humble and genuine man who still is truly Christ’s Vicar on earth.

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