Our Lady’s Picture-book for Her children in the present crisis

The Basilica whose Facade is a Prophecy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Blessed Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is the perfect model for mothers and contemplative nuns. She has a heart like no other mother ever had, and She has the reticence beyond every nun who has ever entered the cloister.

So when She teaches us, She uses very few words — this is the infallible sign that it was truly She who spoke — and She prefers to use picture books for Her children, knowing that as they imitate Her, they know to pray and medicate on the meaning of things and not deny that which they see right in front of their faces.

I believe it is  precisely because Our Lady is the perfect Mother and Nun, that She indicated to Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich that She wanted the Faithful to gather at midnight infront of Her Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore every night. Because She wants to grant the grace of victory for the true Church in the time of two popes, in response to our prayers.

And so She calls us to stand before Her Basilica. And this is what we see every night. I can share this photo with you, because of the generous support of a reader of FromRome.Info with which I used to buy a cellphone which has an excellent night camera (the phone remains the property of Ordo Militaris Inc.).

But I am able to take a photo which can be understood because Our Lady inspired the City Council of Rome to put dozens of lights on surrounding buildings of the PIazza, all pointed to Her Basilica, so that it might be illuminated during the night and be clearly visible. This work was finished during the 40 day Novena.

She also inspired the Popes who rebuilt the facade of Her Basilica to put the right images in stone to each us in the present crisis.  So here is the photo I was able by all these graces to take last night:


Mary’s Picture Book explained

At the top, there is a Statue of Our Lady as Mother of God. This is Her title which, according to the Fathers of the Church, crushes every heresy. In the present crisis in the Church, which began on March 13, 2013, when the Cardinals illegally elected Bergoglio as another pope, Our Lady’s title as Mother of the Word Incarnate reminds us that we should all take words seriously. I explained this here.

Next, She is flanked by two statues of popes. I do not know which popes they are, and who they are is undoubtedly significant. But for the present, that they are there shows that Our Lady is served by true Popes, not insulted. A man who insults Our Lady is not the Vicar of Her Son. But you have to have a child like faith to see that.

Next, at Her feet there is a cloud out of which the Holy Spirit is descending from Heaven. This shows us that the present crisis is being solved by Our Lady already, through Her intercession.  She is the mystical spouse of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the Lord of Truth, who inspires the faithful to all truth, just as Pope Benedict XVI reminded the faithful before March of 2013.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit at the feet of Our Lady means that this is the great effect of Her prayers for the Church now, and that we SHOULD BE PRAYING with Her to ask the Holy Spirit to descend and reveal the TRUTH to men.

Next, is the ancient Icon in mosaic tiles of Christ the Master of All: that is, the King and Teacher.  This image teaches us that Christ is ruling and He has not lost control of His Kingdom. He is appearing out of the gold colored Heaven, which according to the Fathers, symbolizes the Eternal Father, who is full of all goodness and nobility.

Christ as King reminds us that His words to Saint Peter are unbreakable and unevadable: Whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven.

These words of Jesus are said in reference to the obligation of Canon 332 §2, which is the only papal law in operation in regard to how one discerns whether a pope has validly resigned or not.

This canon, therefore, is written in Heaven. That means it cannot be changed by mortal men.

Next, you have the Loggia of the Basilica. The Loggia is the balcony porch on the front of the Basilica. Its purpose was to provide a place from which the Pope or the Cardinal patron of the Basilica could address the Faithful gathered below in the Piazza and given them his blessing.  What most do not know is that several popes were elected at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore or made it their headquarters during their pontificates.

But the Loggia has become in history the symbolic place upon which the newly elected pope appears. I speak of the Loggia of Saint Peter’s. He does NOT have to appear there, but wherever he appears it is usually on a Loggia, because it is both practical and fitting that he be high above the faithful so all can see him.

And thus, in the Picture Book of Our Lady, we see an empty loggia. That means, the one elected in the Conclave of 2013 was not the pope. No election took place, in God’s eyes and in Our Lady’s eyes.

Finally, beneath the loggia there is the escutcheon of a Pope. The Pope who completed the facade of the Basilica was too humble to put his coat of arms there, so it was left unfinished, looking more like a piece of cloth was draped over the shield.

In Our Lady’s Picture Book this represents a Pope who is hidden or who does not know he is the pope. And that is Pope Benedict.  And it also represents what the Holy Spirit is descending upon the Church to reveal: namely the coat of arms of the true Pope, whose being pope is hidden from most of the Church, through the substantial error and the lies used to defend it.

I hope this helps everyone to understand why Our Lady asked all of us to come before Her Basilica and pray. And I hope you can use this explanation to explain the current crisis to children so they can understand what it is and how Our Lady IS solving it.

Finally, many have asked me what is the Name of the Pope which is at the right hand of Our Lady and Lord on the facade of the Basilica. I think Our Lady put that there, because as a Good Mother, she wants to give us the answers to all the questions, before we get the final exam by Her Son! — With this new night time special camera lens, you can now see the answer. Remember, the right hand of Our Lady in the picture is on our left.

These things, etched in stone, convince me more and more that the Piazza of Santa Maria Maggiore, from which this photo was take last night, is indeed the Crossroad of Prophecy.

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6 thoughts on “Our Lady’s Picture-book for Her children in the present crisis”

  1. Ember Wednesday
    4 March MMXX A. D.

    “Our Lady is served by true Popes, not insulted. A man who insults Our Lady is not the Vicar of Her Son. But you have to have a child like faith to see that.”

    Beautifully spoken, Brother Bugnolo. Further on the theme in yesterday’s Gospel, from St. Matthew, chapter 21, verses 15 and 16.

    Bro. B.

  2. “The Descent of the Holy Spirit at the feet of Our Lady means that this is the great effect of Her prayers for the Church now, and that we should be praying WITH HER to ask the Holy Spirit to descend and revealed the TRUTH to men.” 🙂

  3. I just read it in Archbishop Lenga’s book “Przerywam zmowę milczenia” (from Polish to English by google translate):

    “In his speeches, Archbishop quotes the encyclical of Pope Benedict XIV “A Quo Primum, On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place, to the Primate, Archbishops and Bishops, of the Kingdom of Poland”. And after quoting it, the Archbishop says: “I would like Polish bishops and archbishops, the primate, to reach for this encyclical and to get acquainted with all the fragments that concern faithfulness to Christ and the Church.” In this encyclical, the pope refers to the council in Piotrków and writes: “At this council, to the great glory of God, the principle of freedom of conscience was condemned and definitely excluded from the rules governing public life in the Kingdom. There is also a considerable number of constitutions adopted at the synods of the Gniezno province. In these constitutions it was ordered to write down all wise and useful decisions and warning orders of Polish bishops, issued to preserve Catholic life and their sheep before poisoning with Jewish perfidy.” What is this?”
    Next arc. Lenga describes what Jewish perfidy is about.

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