Dean of College of Cardinals attacks Cardinal Zen in public letter

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I had put some hope in Cardinal Re, I see that my hope was greatly misplaced. Here is my English translation of the Letter of the Cardinal Dean, made public today, attacking Cardinal Zen for denouncing the betrayal of Catholics in China. By this Letter Cardinal Re has definitively joined the dark side. First the Italian original, then my own English translation.  Prot. N. 1/2020 means that this is the very first letter Cardinal Re has written in his capacity as Dean of the College.

Vaticano, 26 febbraio 2020
Prot. N. 1/2020

Signor Cardinale,

Con riferimento ai vari interventi pubblici del Card. Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, S.D.B., e in particolare alla lettera del 27 settembre 2019, che il Vescovo emerito di Hong Kong ha inviato a noi membri del Collegio cardinalizio, sento il dovere di condividere alcune considerazioni e di offrire elementi che favoriscano una serena valutazione di questioni complesse riguardanti la Chiesa in Cina.

Desidero anzitutto far risaltare che, nell’approccio alla situazione della Chiesa cattolica in Cina, c’è una profonda sintonia di pensiero e di azione degli ultimi tre Pontefici, i quali – nel rispetto della verità – hanno favorito il dialogo tra le due Parti e non la contrapposizione. In particolare essi avevano in mente la delicata e importante questione della nomina dei Vescovi.

Cosi San Giovanni Paolo II, se da una parte favorì il ritorno alla piena comunione dei Vescovi consacrati illecitamente nel corso degli anni a partire dal 1958, e nel contempo fu suo desiderio sostenere la vita delle comunità “clandestine” che erano guidate da Vescovi e sacerdoti “non ufficiali”, dall’altra promosse l’idea di pervenire a un Accordo formale con le Autorità governative sulla nomina dei Vescovi. Tale Accordo, la cui stesura ha preso molto tempo, più di un ventennio, è stato poi firmato a Pechino il 22 settembre 2018.

Il Card. Zen varie volte ha affermato che sarebbe stato meglio nessun Accordo piuttosto che un “brutto Accordo”. I tre ultimi Pontefici non hanno condiviso tale posizione e hanno sostenuto e accompagnato la stesura dell’Accordo che, al momento attuale, è parso l’unico possibile.

In particolare, sorprende l’affermazione del Porporato che «l’accordo firmato è lo stesso che Papa Benedetto aveva, a suo tempo, rifiutato di firmare». Tale asserzione non corrisponde a verità. Dopo aver preso conoscenza di persona dei documenti esistenti presso l’Archivio Corrente della Segreteria di Stato, sono in grado di assicurare a Vostra Eminenza che Papa Benedetto XVI aveva approvato il progetto di Accordo sulla nomina dei Vescovi in Cina, che soltanto nel 2018 è stato possibile firmare.

L’Accordo prevede l’intervento dell’autorità del Papa nel processo di nomina dei Vescovi in Cina. Anche a partire da questo dato certo, l’espressione “Chiesa indipendente” non può più essere interpretata in maniera assoluta, come “separazione” dal Papa, così come avveniva in passato.

Purtroppo, c’è lentezza nel trarre in loco tutte le conseguenze che discendono da tale cambiamento epocale sia sul piano dottrinale che su quello pratico e permangono tensioni e situazioni dolorose. È impensabile, d’altra parte, che un Accordo parziale – l’Accordo tocca, infatti, solo il tema della nomina dei Vescovi – cambi le cose quasi in maniera automatica e immediata anche negli altri aspetti della vita della Chiesa.

Il Card. Zen, valutando gli “Orientamenti Pastorali della Santa Sede circa la registrazione civile del Clero in Cina”, del 28 giugno 2019, scrive: «Si firma un testo contro la fede e si dichiara che l’intenzione è di favorire il bene della comunità, un \evangelizzazione più adeguata, la gestione responsabile dei beni della Chiesa. Questa norma generale è ovviamente contro ogni principio di moralità. Se accettata, giustificherebbe l’apostasia» (vedi “Dubia”). Gli “Orientamenti Pastorale”, al contrario, sono stati pensati proprio per salvaguardare la fede in situazioni talmente complicate e difficili da porre in crisi la coscienza personale.

Il Porporato, poi, nella sua lettera parla anche dell’ «uccisione della Chiesa in Cina da parte di chi dovrebbe proteggerla e difenderla dai nemici» e, in particolare, in un’intervista, si rivolge ai cattolici con queste parole: «attendete tempi migliori, tornate alle catacombe, il comunismo non è eterno» (“New York Times”, 24 ottobre 2018). Si tratta, purtroppo, di affermazioni molto pesanti che contestano la stessa guida pastorale del Santo Padre anche nei confronti dei cattolici “clandestini”, nonostante che il Papa non abbia mancato di ascoltare ripetute volte l’ Cardinale e di leggere le sue numerose missive.

Caro confratello, questo sofferto intervento del Card. Zen ci aiuta a comprendere quanto sia ancora difficile il cammino della Chiesa in Cina e quanto complessa la missione dei Pastori e del Santo Padre! Siamo, pertanto, tutti chiamati a unirci strettamente a Lui e a pregare intensamente affinché lo Spirito Santo lo sostenga e sostenga le comunità della Chiesa cattolica in Cina, che pur nella sofferenza da lungo tempo mostrano la loro fedeltà al Signore, nel cammino della riconciliazione, dell’unità e della missione a servizio del Vangelo.

Augurando ogni bene, cordialmente saluto

Card Re

English translation:

Lord Cardinal,

With reference to diverse public statements by Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, S. D. B., in particular to his letter of September 17, 2019, which he send as Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong to us members of the College of Cardinals, I feel the duty to share some considerations and to offer my own contributions which fvor a serene evaluation of these complex questions in regard to the Church in China.

I desire, first of all, to point out, that in the approach to the situation of the Catholic Church in China, there is a pround agreement of thought and of action among the last three Pontiffs, which — in respect of the truth — has favored dialogue between the two Parties and not their opposition. In particular, they had in mind the delicate and important question of the nomination of Bishops.

Thus, Saint John Paul II, if he favored in part the return to full communion of the Bishops illicitly consecrated in the course of the years beginning in 1958, and at the same time had the desire to support the life of the “underground” community which was led by “un-official” Bishops and priests, on the other hand he promoted the idea of arriving at a formal Accord with the governing Authorities on the nomination of Bishops. Such an Accord, the composition of which took much time, more than 20 years, was signed at Peking on Sept. 22, 2018.

Cardinal Zen has affirmed several times that no Accord would have been better than a  “brutal Accord”.  The last three Pontiffs did not share such a position and have supported and accompanied the crafting of the Accord which, at the present, appeared to be the only one possible.

In particular, the affirmation of the Cardinal that “the signed accord is the same which Pope Benedict had, in his own time, refused to sign” is a surprising one. Such an assertion does not correspond to the truth. After having taken cognizance of the documents existing in the Current Archive of the Secretary of State, I am able to assure Your Eminence that Pope Benedict XVI approved the project of the Accord on the nomination of Bishops in China, which was only able to be singed in 2018.

The Accord foresees the intervention of the authority of the Pope in the process of nominations of Bishops in China. Even from this certain fact, the expression, “independent Church” cannot be interpreted in an absolute manner, as “separation” from the Pope, as it has been in the past.

Unfortunately, there is a delay in seeing all the consequences in practice which derive from such an epochal change both on the doctrinal plane and on the practical one and there remain tensions and sorrowful situations.  It is unthinkable, on the other hand, that a partial Accord — the Accord touches upon, in fact, only the theme of the nomination of Bishops — changes the things as if in an automatic and immediate manner even in the other aspects of the life of the Church.

Cardinal Zen, in evaluating the “Pastoral Orientations of the Holy See on civil registration of the Clergy in China”, of June 28, 2019, writes: “A test contrary to the Faith is signed and it declares that the intention is to favor the good of the community, a more adequate evangelization, a responsible care of the goods of the Church.  This general norm is obviously against every principle of morality. If accepted, it would justify apostasy” (see “Dubia”) The “Pastoral Orientations”, on the contrary, have been thought out precisely to safeguard the Faith in such complicated and difficult situations which would put personal conscience in a crisis.

The Cardinal, then, in his letter speaks also of the “slaughter of the Church in China by the party which should protect Her and defend Her from Her enemies” and, in particular, in an interview, addresses Catholics with these words: “wait for better times, return to the Catacombs, communism is not eternal” (New York Times, Oct. 24, 2018). This deals, unfortunately, with very heavy affirmations which contest the very pastoral guide of the Holy Father even in his relations with “underground” Catholics, not withstanding that the Pope has not omitted to listen repeatedly to the Eminent Cardinal and to read his numerous missives.

Dear confrere, this anguished intervention of Cardinal Zen helps us to understand how much the path of the Church in China is still difficult and how complex is the mission of Shepherds and of the Holy Father!  Consequently, we are all of us called to be closely united with Him and to pray intensely so that the Holy spirit support HIm and support the communities of the Catholic Church in China, which although suffering for a long time, shows their fidelity to the Lord, in the path of reconciliation, of unity and of mission in the service of the Gospel.

Wishing you all good, I cordially salute you,

Cardinal Re 

This letter is an outrage. It claims that the heretical and schismatic church is part of the Catholic Church, that the disagreement it has with the underground Church is a mutual fault which needs to be reconciled, and that the betrayal of 30 million Catholics to the wolves who wish to devour them is a work of the Holy Spirit and was approved by Pope Benedict!

Notice, he says he makes this statement on the basis of documents in the Secretary of State, while omitting whether he spoke with Pope Benedict XVI. If what he says is true, why not have Benedict XVI verbally confirm it?

It further attempts to exploit the pleas of Cardinal Zen to support the disastrous accord. Finally, it is the epitome of presumption to lecture a Chinese Cardinal about affairs in China and pretend that the Accord is something good for the Church.

I think it is very clear from this letter, which is the side chosen by Cardinal Re, and I fully believe that if there are any sane men left in the College of Cardinals that this letter will cause an uproar in the next consistory.

If the Cardinal truly means what he says, I dare him to propose the same kind of agreement for the nomination of Bishops with president Trump of the USA. The implication of this letter is that Marxism is good for the Church and that force to make Catholcis comply with Marxism is good for the faithful. Get ready for world wide persecution initiated by the Vatican! This letter is therefore most ominous.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is copyright by, and is taken from here. It shows what happens to anyone who is caught practicing an un approved religion or religioius discipline in China. It shows to undercover policement forcible siezing a praticioner of Falun Gong in Tianamen Square, Peking.

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11 thoughts on “Dean of College of Cardinals attacks Cardinal Zen in public letter”

  1. Dear Brother Bugnolo – what were you doing at Opus Dei’s Pontifical University of the Holy Cross [without the corpus]? Randy Engel

    1. I studied at Holy Cross for one semester, at which time I was told that I could never use the word heretic again if I continued with them. So I left, realizing that they were all modernists.

  2. More gaslighting from the Vatican. The letter is a typical example of how this regime lives on verbosity and ambiguity. Notice also the refusal to address the facts on the ground in the Chinese situation; another aspect of the gaslighting.
    Pray for the oppressed faithful in China and for the repentance and conversion of heart of these apostate prelates.

  3. As a retiree, we don’t have much but here’s $50! We need to begin giving until it hurts to this urgently needed voice! Will also be moving support from Church Militant to FromRome. I have more than once expressed to Michael Voris the need to declare Francis an apostate Anti-pope and to proclaim Benedict as the true pope and that to continue to call Francis “the pope” means he is supporting the most diabolical and dangerous schism ever to have plagued the Church and that he himself is in schism. The fact of the matter is that “Catholics” who claim that the head of the Church can be an a heretic and an apostate are anti-Catholic having denied the ROCK of Peter as Christ promised the Church and so have become Protestants belonging no longer to the true Church that Benedict more than once predicted would be a “remnant.” But I guess if true popes can be heretics they can also be false prophets!

  4. Cardinal Zen needs to realize that his fight is not against flesh and blood, but a regime of an anti pope which has been well schemed by Satan for centuries and operated by the useful idiots of his modern day synagogue on earth.

  5. If Pope Benedict XVI approved the project of the Accord on the nomination of Bishops in China as ascribed to him by Cardinal Re, then it behoves Cardinal Re to produce the evidence for scrutiny. If he won’t then we will just have to judge his claim as Fake News.

  6. Of Cardinals Re and Zen

    As Lord Chris Patten–in solidarity with His Eminence Cardinal Zen–said yesterday, the Vatican has “got it badly wrong about China.” Lord Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong.

    Bergoglio, Parolin and Re have gotten it wrong.

    What if that is intentional?

    What if Bergoglio’s intent is to destroy the Church in China? Well then his policy is tailor-made for that purpose.

    I believe that is indeed Bergoglio’s purpose. And what he is doing to the Church in China, is exactly what he would do to you or I, in other words, to the Church in the West.

    Destroy it.

    Consider. Ask yourself: What is Bergoglio’s aim? His endgame? His ultimate goal?

    Let us look at this question against the backdrop of his actions, very consistent for all of the past seven years.

    What has he ceaselessly tried to do since he usurped–or occupied in a less polemical phrase–the See of St Peter?

    Is it not obvious? His goal is and has always been twofold, and the two aims are quite closely related—

    First, to destroy Holy Mother Church. This he has attempted from within by his relentless attacks on the sacraments and particularly the priesthood. He and his master know full well that the priests are the gates of Heaven for men.

    Second, ‘pope’ Bergoglio devoutly wishes to lead as many souls as possible to Hell–which of course as he took pains to say last Holy Thursday (2018), coyly to his fellow sly fox Scalfari, “Hell doesn’t exist!”

    To the practicing homosexual: “God made you gay,” for example. “And loves you that way!” –Quoth Bergoglio.

    To unsuspecting Catholics and a dumbed-down world: false pope Bergoglio offers idol and demon worship by pachamama worship in the Vatican, in St. Peter’s itself; a Stang-wielding false pope at Mass; a mother earth cult; don’t proselytize; no need for Sanctifying Grace; all religions are equal; and, “Christ became a devil for us!” That’s the short list.

    This false pope has tried to lead souls to Hell through innumerable false, ambiguous and heterodox teaching.

    For ‘pope’ Bergoglio, it’s the heresy du jours!

    As Ann Barnhardt has quipped, “This dude utters more heresy before 9 a. m. on most days–at his Casa Santa Marta homily for example–than most heresiarchs say in a lifetime!”

    As they say: A heresy a day, keeps the Holy Spirit away!

    While Bergoglio is a buffoonish caricature of a Catholic prelate, this must not distract our eye from the ball. It’s a deadly serious game he plays.

    I suggest we all try to view Bergoglio against the context of what he is trying to accomplish, which we can determine by what he has actually done. Then, many things become clear.  This I believe is the key to perceiving who Bergoglio is, and how to counter him.

    These may well be end times, as spoken of by Sr. Lucia of Fatima in 1957. There’s no question that the Third Secret of Fatima–the one page, 23 line, unreleased letter from January 1944–contains the very words of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, which include a chilling description of “the Apostasy in the Church,” at the highest levels. This is a matter of historical fact. It is attested to by clerics who were present when John XXIII opened that letter and had it read to him, and to them. These include Cardinal Ciappi and Loris Cardinal Capovilla. See Socci’s “Fourth Secret of Fatima” for details.

    This prophesy is unfolding before our eyes now.

    If so the remedy is the Rosary; devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; prayer and fasting; and the help and eventual triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

    The chaos in China, and the Church at large, is an opportunity for Our Lady to expose the callous disregard and murderous intent of false pope Bergoglio and his minions Parolin, and now, Re as well.

    It is an opportunity for valiant men like Cardinal Zen, and Archbishop Viganò, and Archbishop Lenga, and Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, and now Miss Barnhardt, and Doc Docherty, Mahound’s Paradise, the cantankerous Frank Walker, and all the gutsy commentators here, and even dumb sheep or burros more like it in the case of the undersigned, to call them out on it.

    “It” being the betrayal by Bergoglio and his sodomitical coven of the One True Faith.

    Immaculate Heart, pray for us and all our Catholic brethren especially the persecuted of China. Save our Church!

    Viva Cristo Rey!

    P. S. Poor Bishop Schneider. I’ve met him. I believe he’s a man of good will, and further have reason to believe he wants to stand with Viganò, but it’s hard to believe he accepts the lying nonquotation of Pope Benedict–¡Viva Il Papa! Viva Benedetto!–and that Lifesite published his attack on his superior, knowing the quotation was a fabrication, as they broke that story!

  7. Cardinal Zen is a courageous prelate, and that is quite rare these days. I read his letter to his fellow bishops recently about the subversion of the Church in China and his request of Pope Francis.

    The Church must not bow to the brutal communist regime in Beijing. (Pity the poor Tibetans suffering for 70 years now under the Chinese occupation.)

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