Bishop, who banned Lenga, is himself an ex-Commie Agent

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Bishop Wieslaw Mering of Wloclawek is the bishop who recently imposed a ban on Archbishop Lenga, ordering him not to make public appearances in his diocese of Wlockaweck.

The action has all the appearances of a Soviet style isolation operation. And it is clearly coming from the Vatican.

But it may be more Soviet than just appearances, according to many Poles who are knowledgeable about the collaboration of high members of the Catholic Clergy with the State Intelligence apparatus of the former Polish Communist State.

According to the publicly revealed and studied archives of the former Marxist government, the name of Bishop Wieslaw Mering of Wloclawek figures prominently.

According to

# ordynariusz włocławski bp Wiesław Mering – zdemaskowany przez ks. prałata Henryka Jankowskiego (ps. Libella, a później Delegat) jako jeden z osaczających go niegdyś agentów SB, a według akt IPN współpracujący też z wywiadem podczas pobytu we Francji;

Which in Deepl translate reads:

# Bishop Wieslaw Mering, Bishop of Wloclawek, bishop of Wloclawek – unmasked by Father prelate Henryk Jankowski (a.k.a. Libella, and later the Delegate) as one of the agents of the Security Service who once imprisoned him, and according to the files of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) who also cooperated with intelligence during his stay in France;

Mons. Mering was named a Bishop in 2003, by Pope John Paul II. Archbishop Lenga served heroically in the USSR as a clandestine priest, opposing the Communist repression of the Catholic Church.

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10 thoughts on “Bishop, who banned Lenga, is himself an ex-Commie Agent”

  1. Well! Well! Well! Why am I NOT surprised? What does raise my eyebrows is that he was elevated by PJPII who is remembered for his efforts to do away with Communism. This will now open the way for new investigations into PJPII’s role in appointing Cardinals & Bishops who have since proven to be men of the worst calibre & fitness for the positions they were called to serve in. Up until now his advisers were charged with having manipulated him in his reclining years but now one could very well reason that he knew very well what he was doing.

  2. What I would like to know is why Archbishop Lenga submitted his resignation aged only 60.

    1. He claims he never submitted his resignation. From what I hear, the government in Kazakhstan did not want him in the country any longer, seeing that he was a foreigner.

  3. Amazing what has come to fruition ever since Benedict stepped down and held onto the Munus. All of this would never have surfaced if His Holiness would not have let it come forth, and allowed the false pope to form his false church, that it may be crushed and defeated.

    The flock shall decide who their Shepherds are, and the shepherds shall decide who their flocks are.

    For the false shepherds, enemies of Christ, their false pope is Bergoglio, and their flock are the unrepentant muslims, pagans, transgenders, sodomites, heretics, communists and the irreverent infidels of the Church.

    For the true Shepherds, their true pope is Benedict, and their flock are the faithful catholic souls and all repentant sinners. Herein lies the True Church. Praise the Lord!!

  4. And the Priest who exposed this bishop as a spy was also a spy, it was weird doing the research. I think it is like every where, the shepherds needs to be separated from the wolves, and the wolves in Poland are ex-spies from the Communist days.

  5. The end result of Catholicism, is, hopefully, Communion With God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, whereas the end goal of atheistic materialism is the objectification of the human person through the denial that from the moment of conception, every son or daughter of a human person is beloved by God, and thus, being sacred, must be treated with Dignity and respect from the moment of conception.

  6. Last I heard, Abp. Lenga has said he will not be silenced by this gag order. I am no canon lawyer, so I am only speculating here, but since Lenga and this slimy ex-Soviet spy are both ordained to the Episcopate, is Abp. Lenga even subject to the other’s effective jurisdiction? In other words, while normally I assume one bishop would defer to the Ordinary of any given diocese out of simple respect when he is present there, what juridical power does said Ordinary actually have over one who is his equal in terms of canonical status? This is my long-winded civil lawyer’s way, I suppose, of asking “Why can’t Abp. Lenga just tell this Commie to go pound sand?”

    1. Effectively the Archbishop did that. The only effect that Mering’s order will have will be to deny the Archbishop the ability to celebrate mass outside of the monastery where he resides.

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